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So, where do these yellow armored Rangers appear? And is it difficulty specific? Matt 2108 23:15, September 17, 2010 (UTC)
Hold on, how do you know that the Yellow Rangers are actually BOBs? Does it say at any point in the game that they are?
- Killing a BOB will allow you to earn a 'Ranger' medal which can only be viewed on There is a small heading on it that says 'BOB'. That is where its name comes from. --
Mmm... Jackal Stew 07:06, October 9, 2010 (UTC)
Only Ranger Armor?
I've noticed that not all of the Seek and Destroy medals I've been getting on are for the gold-armored Rangers. In fact, the only gold-armored Rangers I've seen were on the Corvette's bridge. One I thing I have noticed though are special silver armored Elites with random armor permutations. The most obvious ones are on Sword Base: the first is to the left of the garage where you fight Hunters (Heroic and Legendary); the second is inside, on the floor below where the General spawns (Easy and Normal). I've seen these Elites have Ultra, Field Marshall, Zealot, and Ranger armor, but they've all had pure silver armor and dual Plasma Rifles. More importantly, they have all counted as BOB kills. Has anyone else noticed this? Captain Baird Comm-LinkService Record 03:01, September 21, 2010 (UTC)
- I have also encountered a BOB that was not a Ranger. Rather it was a Minor, inside Sword Base when you are heading to Emile. It was just a white armored Minor. Spartan 112 16:19, September 21, 2010 (UTC)
- Yes. On ONI Sword Base, some BOBs show up as white elites dual wielding plasma rifle's with varying rank armour. so If you see a page making a comment about a super rare white zealot or something simaler, please change it Jabberwock xeno 22:04, September 30, 2010 (UTC)
- On ONI Sword Base (Normal) I have run into BOB Minors, Officers, and Zealots (Not Marshall). All of them have pure white armor and duel wield Plasma Rifles, and are always located underneath the platform the General with the Concussion Rifle/Fuel Rod Gun (just before you help out Emile with the Banshees). I've also encountered at least one Gold Ranger on every level, including Lone Wolf. I've never noted Ranger BOBs disappearing, but I've seen it happen many times with the white ones. My question is, are white BOBs on any level besides Sword Base? Also, do white Ranger BOBs and/or BOB Ultras exist? I've played through campaign on Heroic and haven't seen any whatsoever besides the ones mentioned above. If they do exist, do they only appear on Legendary?One who survived 00:50, October 10, 2010 (UTC)
- They do exist in Field Marshall form. I've ran into a white one at the beginning of Sword Base when you fight through the courtyard area. I got it on, you guessed it, Legendary, and with the Thunderstorm skull on. Now, that's the only time I've seen one in Marshall form, but a friend of mine swears he saw the same one once on Normal. File:If they came to hear me beg.png Lt. AgreonTalk 10:40, 2 November 2010 (EDT)
Escuse me, but what makes these elites "BOBs" in the first place? They are just a special variety of elite, there's not reason to call them BOBs like in Marathon.Nazzer 16:08, October 2, 2010 (UTC)
Perhaps bungie put up a post or something about these BOBs
If you know you've killed a BOB, on, if you look your kills by enemy, you'll see they're listed as "Elite Rangers" with their classification underneath saying "BOB". KRZYBCH 15:39, October 3, 2010 (UTC)
Legendary Ending Correlation?
I've found theories elsewhere online that killing all of the BOBs in a single playthrough would unlock the Legendary Ending.... Has anyone else heard/seen/agree with this? KRZYBCH 17:14, October 5, 2010 (UTC)
Well now, it's called the Legendary Ending for a reason, don't ya think? I mean, otherwise they would call it the BOB Ending. Echo-77 00:57, October 10, 2010 (UTC)
Well if you did try this it would take atleast a week because of the theory that each BOB only appears on one day of the week so it is unlikelyJamesgg521 22:06, 19 November 2010 (EST)
Is that Elite on the top a BOB?
That one shouldn't be, because it doesn't have a duel-wield. Someone should delete that... File:If they came to hear me beg.png Lt. AgreonTalk 20:30, October 17, 2010 (UTC)
- The duel-wielding, white-armored BOBs only appear on ONI: Sword Base. In all other levels the BOBs are gold-armored Rangers. Reading is fundamental. Matt 2108 20:41, October 17, 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry that I got that confused. I've found some white ones with ultra armor that duel-wield (I checked, got the medal) on Night of Long Solstice, so that doesn't seem to be entirely correct. Correct me if I am wrong File:If they came to hear me beg.png Lt. AgreonTalk 10:33, 2 November 2010 (EDT)
Long night of solace BOB?
Is the yellow ranger sangheili on the bridge of the corvette, in the 'Long night of solace' mission, counted as a BOB? because I have never got a medal for killing it, but I've never actually looked!
Thanks, Tentacletornado 16:56, October 19, 2010 (UTC)
- The boss-type-ish one? That runs around pulverizing innocent SPARTAN faces with a concussion rifle using a strafe-like style? If that's the one, no. File:If they came to hear me beg.png Lt. AgreonTalk 10:35, 2 November 2010 (EDT)
- No, it didn't wield a concussion rifle, I think you might be talking about the general. And I was talking about the yellow ranger.-- Tentacletornado 15:33, 2 November 2010 (EDT)
You usually have to move fast and try to either use a rocket launcher or assassinate him. Second idea bad though.--Blahmarrow 18:23, 3 November 2010 (EDT)
21 BOBs?
I believe that there are 21 BOBs, just a theory as many others. I think this becasue i have seen 18 already:
Winter contingency: 3
ONI: Sword Base: 2
Nightfall: 3
Tip of the Spear: 2 (i believe there is one more)
Long Night of Solace: 3
Exodus: No elites
New Alexandría: 0
The Package: 2 (i believe there is one more)
The Pillar of Autunm: 2 (i believe there is one more)
Lone Wolfe: 1
So, the reason i believe there are at least 21 is Bungie, they love 7: 21/3=7
I would like to know what you guys think, remember this is just a theory. Siul S-249 14:29, 18 December 2010 (EST)
So far, your numbers seem to be correct. -- CoD addict // talk // 17:44, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
You know you might be right but I think that you may be mistakened. Once at the beginning of the level nightfall I killed a golden armored ranger but I didn't get that medal so there is a chance that there are normal golden rangers so if you do do this wild BOB hunt, be sure to make sure you get that seek and destroy medalfor each one.Jamesgg521 22:03, 19 November 2010 (EST)
The problem is that i do not have Xbox Live yet, so i cannot check the medal, and now, i have a new list since now i have 27 different spawn locations:
Winter Contingency: 7 (Interesting number, eh?) (3 on the first settlement, 2 on the other settlemets each)
ONI: Sword Base: 2 (Why havent anybody added images of these BOBs with Ranger armor?)
Nightfall: 3 (Possibly 4) (I played and didnt spawned any, confirmed by Theater mode)
Tip of the Spear: 4 (Possibly 5)(I played and didnt spawned any, confirmed by Theater mode)
Long Night of Solace: 5 (3 drop pods, 2 on the corvette)
The Package: 3
The Pillar of Autunm: 2
Lone Wolf: 1
I have killed all of them on legendary, the one on lone wolf was hard, but i found i was, just hide on the boxes for more than 1 hour, the kill a grunt, 4 generals will spawn, if you play with Tilt it is easier, kill the 4 generals and the BOB will come to you before other enemies. Siul S-249 14:29, 18 December 2010 (EST)