Talk:Heads-up display

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Revision as of 03:07, August 23, 2010 by (talk)

Under Summary, there's a little quip that says ODSTs have HUDs integrated into their helmets. That seems a little off, considering the closest any book has ever been to describing one outside of the Chief's was to say that crosshairs appear for Marines too.

Main Image

Shouldn't the main image be of Halo: Reach instead of Halo 3? As this is the newest Halo game? Helljumper U T C M6G Cropped.png

Yes, it should.Thank you taking time to listen to my post! 19:14, July 15, 2010 (UTC)!!

/* SPI Shields */

When describing the elements of the HUD (ok, HMD), it says
"(2) A gauge displaying Shield integrity status. (absent from SPI armor, as they have no shields)"
But in Reach you DO have shields. Maybe who wrote this meant it's absent from the ODST Ballistic Armor?