The Heretic (Level)

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"For failure such as this, no punishment is too great."


The Heretic is the first level of Halo 2, consisting entirely of cinematics.


Broken Ring.jpg

{Fade in on the broken pieces of Installation 04, still burning. Groups of Covenant battle cruisers prowl among them.}

{An Assault Carrier flies by. The camera pans with it to a giant Covenant structure.}

Covenant Holy City, High Charity. Ninth Age of Reclamation

{Close up of High Charity. Hundreds of Covenant ships swarm around it.}

{Fade to a ledge across from tiers of stadium-like seats; several Banshees fly around. The camera slowly zooms toward a door on the back of the ledge.}

Elite Commander (voice over): "There was only one ship."

{Fade in to the Council Chamber. Rows of Honor Guard Elites stand at attention. A Zealot stands at the end, facing two High Prophets.}

Prophet of Regret (voice over): "One? Are you sure?"

Elite Commander (voice over): "Yes. They called it... Pillar of Autumn."

(We see stadium seats filled with Elite and Prophet Councillors. They mutter amongst themselves.}

Prophet of Mercy: "Why was it not destroyed, with the rest of their fleet?!"

Elite Commander: "They fled, as we set fire to their planet."


{Flashback: the Pillar of Autumn flees Reach as Covenant ships glass the planet}

Elite Commander (voice over): "But I followed with all the ships in my command."

{Flashback: a Covenant Battle Cruiser approaches Halo, several dozen smaller ships are already in orbit of it.}

Prophet of Regret (voice over): "When you first saw Halo, were you blinded by its majesty?"

Elite Commander (voice over): "Blinded?"

Prophet of Regret (voice over): "Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?"

Elite Commander (voice over): "No."

{End flashback. We see Regret is not actually here, but rather transmiting his image into a hologram. Next to it is the Prophet of Mercy.}

Prophet of Regret: "Yet the humans were able to evade your ships, land on the Sacred Ring! (angrily) And desecrate it with their filthy footsteps!"

Elite Commander: "Noble Hierarchs, surely you understand that once the parasite attacked-"

{The Council members mutter angrily. The Commander looks around at them.}

Prophet of Mercy: "There will be order in this Council!"

Enter Truth.jpg
Prophet Councillors.jpg
Elite Councillors.jpg

(The Prophet of Truth raises his hands and comes forward. The room falls into complete silence.}

Prophet of Truth: "You were right to focus your attention on the Flood. But this demon, this "Master Chief"...

{Flashback: the destruction of Halo}

Elite Commander (voice over): "By the time I learned the demon's intent, there was nothing I could do."

{End flashback. The Prophet Councillors stand up and yell angrily. Elite Councillors mutter to each other. Tartarus, standing nearby, chuckles to himself.}

Prophet of Regret: " {whispers to Truth} Noble Prophet of Truth, this has gone on long enough. Make an example of this bungler, the Council demands it."

{Truth holds up a hand, silencing Regret.}

Prophet of Truth: "You are one of our most treasured instruments. Long have you lead your fleet with honor and distinction. But your inability to safeguard Halo was a colossal failure!"

Prophet Councillor: " {Stands up and shakes fist} Nay, it was heresy!"

{The Councillors yell. The Elite Commander looks back and forth between them.}

Elite Commander: "I will continue my campaign against the humans!"

Prophet of Truth: "No! You will not."

{Truth looks at Tartarus, and the Brute barks a command. Two Brutes approach the Commander and try to grab him, but he shakes them off. They escort the Elite out.}

Prophet of Truth (voice over): "Soon the Great Journey shall begin. (pause) But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet," {close up of Truth} "And you shall be left behind."

{Fade in, Truth's crown's holographic Halo fades into Earth's moon.}

{Pan down to three MAC stations in Earth's orbit. A few UNSC ships fly around.}

Earth Defense Platform, Cairo. 10.20.2552 (Military Calender)

{Cut to a close-up of the nearest platform.}

Master Sergeant Gunns (voice over): "Your plating was about to fail, there's viscosity throughout the gel layer.

(Cut to the armory of Cairo Station. The officer handles equipment on a table.}

Sgt. Gunns: "Optics, totally fried. And lets not even talk about the power supply." {we see the Chief's helmet on the table} "You know how expensive this gear is, son?"

Master Chief: {puts on the helmet} "Tell that to the Covenant."

{fade to white}
