Fail-safe detonation system

Revision as of 19:47, May 8, 2008 by Killjax (talk | contribs)

Template:Ratings Fail-Safe Detonation is a term that is used to explain the Self Destruct system of a WIA or KIA Spartan-II's MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor. Once a Spartan-II is killed or wounded fatally, the protocol will have to be enacted by either themselves or a nearby Spartan. This is done to avoid capture of the suite and/or the wearer for identification or technological study. It is unknown if the Mk. VI has this capability, since the Mk. V is said to have one.[1]


The tiny access panel at the back of the suite is opened to activate the protocol, it is activated by typing several digits only the wearer knows. Once activated, a fifteen-second countdown timer starts. Once it hits zero, the the suit's fusion reactor overloads and burns everything in its path in a ten-meter radius with a follow-up explosion to finish anything alive.[2]

