ROGUE-class Mjolnir

Revision as of 19:08, September 20, 2008 by halowikia>SoulRot (→‎Trivia)


File:AP Mark VI(A).jpg
The MJOLNIR Mark VI Rogue Variant.

The Mark VI(A) MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor, otherwise known as the Rogue Helmet, is a United Nations Space Command Armor variant.


The Rogue Helmet is a variant of the standard Mark VI MJOLNIR powered battle armor. It is an armor permutation in Halo 3 multiplayer. This armor permutation, like all others, has no effect on gameplay and is purely aesthetic.

Development and History

The Mark VI(A) armor was the first of the "privatized" variants, manufactured by private industrial firms. With the fall of the Outer Colonies, the UNSC called upon private industry to manufacture classified war material.


Helmet Characteristics

The helmet appears to have two smaller eyepieces, rather than the normal and typical MJOLNIR Mark VI visor. The mouth-guard appears longer and thicker with an added "hole", in the center of the mouth piece, and also appears to be added-on plates rather than an actual mouth-guard. The top of the helmet is much more rounded, as well. The mouth guard rounds, shapes, and cups into a circular black piece, in front of the mouth that forms the aforementioned "hole", and notice the fact that there are no specific shoulders

Shoulder Characteristics

This armor permutation has no shoulder padding.

Chest Characteristics

This armor permutation has no chest plating.


  • Head:Unlock the Spartan Officer achievement, obtainable only through online multiplayer.


  • This helmet is most commonly used when the player is in a sniper match due to its small size and minimal glare
  • Mcfarlane made a Spartan Soldier Rogue with only Olive armor and has interchangeable armor.