Halo 3 Title Updates

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Revision as of 08:42, November 17, 2008 by halowikia>The abbo (→‎Title Update 1: Just some hyperlinks)

This page lists all Xbox Live Title Updates for the Xbox 360 version of Halo 3.

Title Update 1

Released on February 20, 2008.

  • Unlocked Elite Commando Shoulders for everyone. This fixes a glitch that permanently locked it, even after getting the Steppin Razor[1] Achievement.
  • Improved any playlists that contain maps that were remade in the Forge.
  • Improved the "Prefer Good Connection" Matchmaking filter.
  • Changes to the Melee system. Unless one player has a sizable health advantage over the enemy, both players die in a simultaneous melee.
  • Dying while performing a melee no longer accelerates a player's dead body over impossible distances.
  • Fixed the bug that allowed a BXB combo.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.
  • Added version "1.1" to the main menu.

Title Update 2 ('Main Article' Auto Update 2)

Released on September 23, 2008[2].

  • Fixed issues under Halo 3's hood.
  • Halo 3 feeds more info to Bungie.
  • New ranking system added to all Matchmaking playlists. After the update, the game tracks experience gained in a playlist and uses it to give a playlist-specific Rank to the player. This rank is affected by experience only. Players will keep their old rank which can be viewed in their Service Record. The system used to calculate this rank is not altered. Ranked playlists will still use Trueskill to match players.[3]
