Rtas 'Vadum/Quotes

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Scripted Dialog

  • "When we joined the Covenant, we took an oath!"
  • "On the blood of our fathers. On the blood of our sons! We swore to

uphold the Covenant!"

  • "Those who would break this oath are heretics. Worthy of neither

pity nor mercy! Even now, they use our Lords' creation to broadcast their lies."

  • "And continue our march to Glorious Salvation!"
  • "We'll be long gone before it arrives. Warriors, prepare for combat!"
  • "We are the arm of the Prophets, Arbiter And you are the blade. Be silent and

swift, and we shall quell this heresy without incident." - to the troops before attacking the Forerunner Gas Mine.

  • "This armour suits you, but it can not hide that mark."*
  • "You are the Arbiter. The will of the Prophets. But these...are my Elites. Their lives matter to me, yours does not." - to The Arbiter before attacking the Forerunner Gas Mine.
  • "The heretics are mobilizing their airforces, Arbiter. Get after

their Leader, but watch your back! I'm sending one of our Phantoms to support you.

that landing zone and get inside." - to the Arbiter when the Heretic Leader attempts to flee the Forerunner Gas Mine in a Banshee.

  • "That stench...I've smelled it before" - in reference to the Flood
  • "All my Phantoms are in the air Arbiter. Go ahead! Cut the cable!"
  • "That's one. By the Prophets, look at the station list!" - after the Arbiter cuts the first cable of the Forerunner Gas Mine.
  • "One final cable, Arbiter." - after the Arbiter cuts the second cable of the Forerunner Gas Mine.
  • "That did it! The station is in freefall."
  • "The Heretic Leader is on the move. Do not let him escape! We'll

stay with you as long as we can."

  • "Are you still alive Arbiter? We're keeping pace as best we can." - when the Arbiter is running after the Heretic Leader, when the Gas Mine is falling.
  • "What lunacy! He'll never escape this maelstrom in a Banshee. Wait,

the hanger! There was a Seraph fighter inside. Arbiter, you know what to do." - after the Heretic Leader flees to his hanger in a Banshee.

  • "This is unprecedented. Unacceptable."
  • "His murderer was within our grasp! If you had not withdrawn our Phantoms-"
  • "No, Holy One. I only wish to express my concern that the Brutes-"
  • "I shall relay your decision to the Council." - to the Prophet of Truth about the changing of the Honor Guards from Elites to Brutes.
  • "I wonder who the sniper would shoot first... you or me." - to the Arbiter.
  • "No matter Oracle, we've heard enough. Our fight is through the Portal! With the Brutes and the bastard Truth!"
  • "That will not be necessary." - When Lord Hood suggest that a human technician should repair Cortana.
  • "One single Flood spore can destroy a species. Were it not for the Arbiters' counsel, I would have glassed your entire planet!"
  • "Then it is an even fight. All cruisers, fire at will. Burn their mongrel hides!"
  • "Not bad Spartan, I saw that explosion from orbit. Truths fleet lies in ruins. Find where the liar lies, so I may place my boot between his gums."
  • "I will beat the Prophets shield like the drum. By the time the barrier falls, he will beg for mercy."
  • "Now Prophet, your end has come."
    • High Charity? By the gods, brace for impact!"
  • "Things look different. Without the Prophets lies clouding my vision. I would like to see our own world. To know that it is safe."

Gameplay Dialog

"I'm going to assume that was an accident," when shot or hit.

"Careful Arbiter," If shot or hit.

"Fine then! Be that way! I'll show you how it's done," If player is trying to kill Rtas.

"Just give it back when you're done," If you take his sword.

"I'm going to assume that was a mistake" - If you shoot him.

"Speak your mind Arbiter." - If you stare at him.

"Grenade out!" When throwing a grenade.

"How many is that now?" - An elite. "Stop bragging! We have a job to do." - Rtas