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File:Fuel Rod Beam Cannon in Action.jpg
A Hunter (Lekgolo) using his Assault Cannon

The Assault Cannon is a Covenant directed energy weapon weapon which is used by the Lekgolo (or Hunters). It is a variation of the more common fuel rod cannon in the fact that it fires a continuous beam of plasma as opposed to the single shots. Its ammunition comes in the form of incendiary gel tubes called Fuel Rod Cells. This ammunition can be fired as bolts or a continuous beam of plasma.[1]. The weapon is located on the right "arm" of the colony, built into the Lekgolo that make up the limb.


  • In Halo: CE, the cannons fire single explosive plasma shots, whereas in both Halo 2 and 3 it is capable of firing a concentrated beam.


Halo Halo 2 Halo 3