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Palamok is the Drone homeworld. Its atmospheric composition is similar to that of Earth and it has average surface temperatures of 29°C to 42°C (84.2°F to 107.6°F). Its gravity is two times that of Earth, so that would present a challenge on the evolution of the wings of the Yanme'e, but, it gives them excellent flight skills in the gravity of Earth. It has an inhospitable atmosphere to humans. The multiplayer map Guardian is possibly set on Palamok.

It seems illogical for an airborne insectoid race to have evolved on a high gravity planet, because the greater gravity would have caused the exoskeleton of insect of that size to collapse upon itself, thus restricting the size of insects in the same manner as it is here on Earth.


  • Guardian may be set on Palamok because Drone screeches are heard if the player listens carefully.
  • It is likely the Forerunners found Palamok before the Drones evolved.
  • Drones main hive is obisly on Palamok.