Talk:Ogab'd-pattern anti-aircraft Wraith

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Revision as of 13:02, April 12, 2008 by (talk) (Multiplayer Balancing)

Where was this first seen? E93 21:33, 21 September 2007 (UTC) Update: thanks for new pics, but still need sources E93 21:36, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

Over at, two new HD Halo 3 vids, i am currently quiring the linkages. --Ajax 013 21:37, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

Thank you. You should get commended. lol E93 21:58, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

Yeah, i find all the new stuff and my discovories are whored! lol. Seen all those compiled images circulating on the web of the armor perms and descriptions and names on them? That was mostly my work, and i get no thanks for that! --Ajax 013 22:17, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

/me shrugs, Ajax, you seem to specialize in "Unknown" stuff, oh well, on September 25th all shall be revealed, -- The State(Our Decrees and Law)(The State Alchemists we've enlisted)File:ROY!.jpg 22:26, 21 September 2007 (UTC)

Do you guys think that we should merge this article with the other Wraith Article??? ATwig 14:06, 22 September 2007 (UTC)

No, it would be like merging the M12 Wrthog LRV and the M12G1 LAAV together into one article, both are Warthogs but with a turret change, producing two distinctly different vehicles, same with this. --Ajax 013 14:15, 22 September 2007 (UTC)

2 things

Did you notice that this isn't pilotable by player? If you hijack it, your punches will destroy it same time you kill the driver Also, i thought it had triple Fuel Rod Cannons.

Finding out you can not pilot this Wraith really disappointed me, it's like the Wraith in Halo Combat Evolved, but if we're lucky, if they make a 4th Halo this Wraith will be able to be piloted. Until then i still have to get Halo 3!!

Did you guys not read the page? It's possible to pilot it through a glitch. --Ajax 013 11:14, 24 October 2007 (UTC)

The only downside the piloting this Wraith, is it has horrible traction (I guess you could call it that. It slides more thhan the standard Wraith), it seems slower, and everytime you get a chance to grab it, it always seems to be in a place where you can't advance that much. (The Ark Rally Point Alpha being the only exception) I dunno if any of this is in the description, but for piloting it, some specs should be written. (It also has an extreme firing rate if you pulse the trigger) KaDin 02:16, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Should be cleaner now

I thoght it talked a little to much on glitchs so i fixed it and added a new page. WRAITH 21:01, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

The Trivia Section

Anyone else thing the trivia section is both a little big and that some of it is pointless or doesn't make any sense? Just look at it! I think some of it should be removed. User:Imperialscouts

Multiplayer Balancing

As we all know, this vehicle does not appear in multiplayer. However, I have an idea that could make it more suitable for online combat.

First of all, it's called an 'anti-aircraft artillery'. Well, make it so that the AA Wraith can only fire into the air. That will (partially) eliminate how overpowered the vehicle is.

Secondly, the AA Wraith has an absurd rate of fire. Here's my idea, change the way the thing fires. Currently, it fires six fuel rods, reloads, then starts again. That should be changed. Everytime you press the right trigger, two rods are fired at once; one from the left, another from the right. After this, there is a reload of two or three seconds (indicated by the two turrets rotating clockwise to the next available round), then the attack can continue.

I think the pulse cannon (or whatever the anti-infantry cannon is called) should remain, that way the AA Wraith isn't nescessarily over-whelmed quickly.

Any comments or ideas? I'm sure a human equivalant could be made as well (maybe an AA Warthog, or a vehicle from Halo Wars.).-- 17:02, 12 April 2008 (UTC)