Halopedia:Requests for adminship/Ryanngreenday
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Halopedia > Requests for Administratorship > Requests for adminship/Ryanngreenday
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I nominate Ryanngreenday for adminship. Nominee, please accept or defer the above nomination below this line.
How could i refuse?--UNSCoH Colonel "Running Riot" Ryan BAM 01:39, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
Support (14/0 sysop)
- Strong Support as nominator-- Phil.e. [Talk to me] 01:27, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Support Ryan has done great work as a user on Halopedia and I think he could do even more as an admin.--Master Sergeant-G023 Comm Channel Mission HistoryFile:Master sergeant.jpgB Company 01:46, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Strong Support Will be a outstanding admin if accepted. File:UNSCoH Dingo without letters.PNGColonel TonyTalk 8/12/2007
- Strong Support Ryan would make a great admin.-Thegoodone
"Messages go here" What I've Done 02:19, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
Support - Can do a good job =] What did HaloDude Do!?! 11:04, 13 August 2007 (UTC)- Support:Ryan FTW!! He's shown to be an experienced user--Spartan-781 File:Invincible.JPG CommCSV 13:00, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Support - Ryan has my backing, as an admin he could provide a breath of fresh air to halopedia :] --Ajax 013 13:03, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Overstrong Support Ryan FTW! ΜΆŜΤΈŖČΗέÏΣΡΈΤΤΥОΓΓïČëŗ 13:13, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Support - for the same reasons as everyone else. Good Luck Ryan! File:Marine Corp SSGT.JPGSSgt. simon rjhFile:Rjh.jpg 13:23, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Strong Support Ryan is a major contributor to Halopedia already, just think of how he will contribute once administratoredized (yes i know that is not a word). File:1 I am saving up for this -1.jpg Guitarplayer001Contact MeSee where I have rocked out! 18:54, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Support Great with the community and knows his way around. Overall a great user.--H*bad (talk) 19:12, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Support He will help here and he is a good person. --Clavix2
TALK TO ME Things I done 01:08, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Weak Support- He's a good guy, can support Halopedia nicely, and he is qualified for the job. The ony reason this isn't a strong support is Halopedia has enough admins so far and if Manticore makes it then Ryan won't be needed as admin.--File:GRAW.pngMCPO Spartan 1138 05:05, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Support: HE's a great guy, a good leader, and gets along with most of the people here. Ryan FTW!--Caboose File:Caboose.jpg Orange Juice and Cookies 16:55, 16 August 2007 (UTC)
Neutral (1/0 sysop)
I'm not really sure if Ryan has what it takes. REVENGE Grr!!! My Victims File:Disembodied soul modern.jpg
Against (5/2 sysop)
- Against I don't feel that Ryanngreenday could really do much as an administrator. He has never shown that he could really improve Halopedia with access to the "delete" or "block" buttons, he has never even suggested any improvements to the interface, let alone contributed possible ways of implementing them, and he doesn't come across as the kind of friendly, amiable person who could make someone feel good, having been welcomed to Halopedia by an administrator. I realize that I am not always friendly or amiable, but I have at least contributed to deletions and improving the interface. If Ryan is able to be more open to welcoming newbies, perhaps contribute to the new skin that is being made for Halopedia or something, and, and this is a must, improve his grammar and spelling, my vote my change. --NOTASTAFF GPT(talk)(eating) 02:23, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
- Against - To be honest, I too don't think there's much Ryan could do as an admin. Manticore is more suited for the position. I could actually see Manticore doing stuff around Halopedia. Plus, Manticore probably has more experiance than ryan. I'm also not a big fan of campaigning. What did HaloDude Do!?! 01:15, 15 August 2007 (UTC)
- Against - He appears to think that making around 60 userboxes is a great technical contribution. Also, he has slightly more edits on user talk pages than mainspace. He argued against RelentlessRecusant's RfA that they've been around roughly the same time, but RR is nearing 16,000 edits while Ryan is nearing only 5,000. Ryan, don't take this personally. Until next time, respect them Grunts. This is Mouse, squeaking out! 20:06, 17 August 2007 (UTC)
- Against - Honestly, Ryan does not have what it takes to be an admin. He does not have the experience or the personality required for such a big job. There is very little he could help out with, as Relentless and GPT have the "active" part covered, and he doesn't know enough about wiki coding (from what I have seen). Both GPT and Relentless made significant contributions to Halopedia before being appointed admins. This is not a popularity contest. It is an appointment to the biggest responsibility on any wiki, and votes should be made seriously. SPARTAN-091 File:Master sergeant.jpg HelmetComm||Juliet 03:16, 18 August 2007 (UTC)
- Against - This was a difficult decision for me. Ryan is definately very present: he can oftentimes be seen on the IRC, which is a big plus towards administratorship. However, one of the weighing problems is the lack of technical expertise: GPT has shown remarkable prowess with Javascript, CSS, HTML, and Python languages, and I myself keep some stuff handy. I'd appreciate it if Ryan could perhaps begin to work more with the HTML/Wiki syntax templates besides userboxes, and eventually graduate from there to more of the difficult languages, which I personally garnered from variegated experiences over various Wikias. Furthermore, I believe with some other users that administratorship isn't just knowing how to delete/block/protect, or even technical responsibilities to try to enhance the MediaWiki interface, but also community moderation: in Halopedia, administratorship is just more than delete/block/protect, it requires community work. I'd personally like to see Ryan in the role of a major community participant and be able to evaluate him - he's always been a great part of the community, but more Halopedia-related community work would be appreciated, not just Halopedian-related community work. I'm very sorry, Ryan...it's rather paining for me to write this, as I perfectly understand your position, as I was there two months ago, and it was ED, Dragonclaws, and Esemono delivering the lecture and myself abjectly scrolling over the words and making hard introspections. However, I'd be glad to speak to you regarding however I can help you in the future. =] Cheers, RelentlessRecusant 'o the Halopedia Team
TALK • MESSAGE 05:40, 18 August 2007 (UTC)
Nominee, if you accept the nomination, please answer the following questions. It is advised that voters check the nominee's responses before voting.
- When did you join Halopedia? August last year.
- What do you believe are your most valued contributions to Halopedia? the near 60 userboxes i've made and the first rank articals.
- What do you believe are your most valued technical contributions to Halopedia? I've edited and made a few templates, along with the near 60 userboxes.
- What do you believe are your most valued contributions to the community? Pretty much restarting the UoH.
- What is your expertise with programming languages, if any? None.
- Do you administrate any other Wikias? If so, which? Yes, radiatapedia. I basicly keep it going.
- If you are administrated, what changes do you propose? I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
- To the best of your understanding, what does administratorship entail? Keeping the peice
- To the best of your understanding, when will you be able to check Halopedia after you are administrated, in the event that you are? Well, im pretty much always watching halopedia so anytime i guess.
- What communities are you associated with online, Halo and otherwise? Haloepdia, radiatapedia, gunpedia
- What is your familiarity with the Halo universe? Guns, Ranks, General alittle bit of everythinge else.
- What is your familiarity with Wikia and Halopedia policies? I know what todo and what not to do, mostly.
- What is your relationship with the Halopedia community and current administration? Pretty good i think.
- How may users contact you? Well i have over 37 halopedians on msn and i talk to many on the IRC.
--UNSCoH Colonel "Running Riot" Ryan BAM 01:39, 13 August 2007 (UTC)