Operator Requests
Spirit-of-HALO for Op (Successful)
I would like to request Low level Op, I have asked CommanderTony about this matter, and said I would make a "good one". Opinions would be nice. Also, "No ones perfect", so don't try to pull up everything I've done wrong...
Brigadier File:UoH.gif Comm| Mission| Papers| Commendations| H.Q.
- Support - A trustworthy and impartial user who thinks before saying and holds their opinions depending on the conversation. Despite being warned for little smart things, I feel as if he could be a good Operator. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Support - As per CommanderTony. File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Kougermasters (Talk) (Edits) 22:40, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Well said CT. --Andrew-996 "Radio Frequency 9.96" "Confirmed Kills" 01:12, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - One of the few common users I often see and talk to when in the Irk. Responsible and never resolves to cyber-bully (which happens a lot).- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 15:59, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support--2K Dragon 12:58, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
Nicmavr for Op (Successful)
I'm a fairly regular member on #halopedia and have always tried my best to keep it a nice place. Now, I'm going to try and go further by applying for op. I've been on the channel for quite a few months now, and if it helps to say, I've never been banned. I'm also thinking that I could replace any inactive ops, if I'm granted the op powers. Councillor Nicmavr - Ascy 'Vamal Light your way with honour! 19:11, 20 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - A trustworthy and impartial user who thinks before saying. Despite being warned for little smart things, I feel as if he could be a good Operator. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Support As per CT. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 17:00, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - User:Spirit of Fire/Sig 19:15, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support As per CT. -- ɢ ε й ε ʀ ɑ £ 57 00:02, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Well said CT. --Andrew-996 "Radio Frequency 9.96" "Confirmed Kills" 01:12, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - One of the few common users I often see and talk to when in the Irk. Like CT said, he's one of those users who thinks before saying.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 15:59, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support--2K Dragon 12:59, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
ODST Joshie for Op (Successful)
I am an regular member of #halopedia (On at least 6 days a week). I think I am operator material as I am an op on several channels and I am often called "The Fair one". I often try not to draw bad attention to myself. Though is there is the odd occasion I make a joke sound bad or something. But all in all; I think I would be a good IRC Op. And I look forward to seeing what other people think. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 16:18, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - A trustworthy and impartial user who thinks before saying and holds their opinions depending on the conversation. Despite being warned for little smart things, I feel as if he could be a good Operator. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Support As per CT. - NicmavrTalk Work Message Board 16:59, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support As Per CT Again. Love is Noise Love is PainLove is these blues 17:21, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support As per CT...again. Field Master Spartansniper450 17:43, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support Everyone in the channel says smart things, even other ops. JustineI'm too cool to sparkle. That's what my sonic screwdriver's for. 23:47, 25 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Well said CT. --Andrew-996 "Radio Frequency 9.96" "Confirmed Kills" 01:12, 26 May 2009 (UTC)
- Support - One of the few common users I often see and talk to when in the Irk. He respects other users and trustworthy.- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 15:59, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
ZukaZamamee for Op
I ask for Low-Level Op. I feel that I would be a fair Op as I usually look at both sides of an argument. I am usually on #halopedia almost everyday of the week so I would definitely be there. Feedback would be nice. AKA ZukaZamamee
- Support - He'd be an alright op. File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Kougermasters (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 20:46, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral - While I see you as a good Operator, a fair and intelligent one, I have a couple problems. Mainly, you may be active, though it seems as if you join on for a couple of days and then leave for a couple weeks, and so on. Secondly, I haven't seen you on the channel quoting the rules, telling users to calm down, or even showing a bit of authority over newer users who are troubled. User:CommanderTony/Sig
: Neutral - In the short time I've known you, you are a great guy in my opinion and I'm sure you'd be fine as an op in terms of attitude, but I too have some concerns: I haven't seen you on as much as I have other users and, as CT says, you seem to take long absences from the channel every now and then. Plus, I don't know how much experience you have with IRC commands in terms of operator. If you could try and be online a bit more more often and show me some of your moderation skills and authority, I'll reconsider my vote. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 12:12, 15 July 2009 (UTC)
- Oppose After reconsidering, I don't really feel that you're active enough to warrant having ops. Sorry. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 20:58, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
- Oppose I've never seen you on, so I doubt you'd be a good op in that case. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 17:27, 15 July 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral He may make a good operator, as he's like Jub: nonsensical, but he can be serious in timers where he has to. However, this is balanced off by the fact he was K-lined off the network *gasp!*. I'll need a bit more evidence before I change to either Support or Oppose. S-984 21:39, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
- Support - I think he would make for a good op. Captain6 21:11, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
- Oppose - Never seen you on before. General5 7 talk contribs email
- Oppose - Per the others, you arn't on much. General ONI recon 111 - File:General.svg 19:19, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
Kougermasters for Op (Withdrawn)
I've been a regular member of #halopedia since around May 2009, but I first went there around January. I have some experience being an op, having opped my own personal channel when a considerite amount of people were there, and also having opped Ghost sangheili's social channel. As such, I know most of the basic commands, and my IRC client helps me with some of them. Nicmavr, a good friend of mine, has promised his help and support if this request should be successful.
I'm requesting this mainly because when I'm online at obscue times when no other op or admin is online, sometimes (rarely, but it happens) users talk about inappropriate topics. I'm also requesting this due to the gap made by ODST Joshie's unfortunate loss of op powers. Despite recent misunderstandings, I have been, for the most part, a good user who reports anything suspicious or wrong to the ops and admins on duty.
I know I've been known to fool around a lot, but these past few weeks I've been "sobering up", and usually when I've been given a responsibilty, I continue to do so. Also, no one wants a stiff, strict, killjoy for an op do they? The operator's job is to operate and watch the channel, warning, kicking and banning users who talk about inappropriate things, stopping swearing and flaming, preventing personal attacks, and overall keeping the channel full of light-hearted non-contraversial conversations, which I feel that I could do exceptionally. File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Kougermasters (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 18:23, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
- I will re-apply at a later time, when my temperment has improved.. File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Kougermasters (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 01:48, 1 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support He would make a good operator.Snore 18:40, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral Well I don't really know he could be a good op and a bad op at times, Im gonna have to say neutral. Captain6 18:55, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
Neutral Sure enough, I know that you have IRC experience and op experience from other channels, so I'm sure that you have the knowledge for the job, and like I promised you, I can help you learn anything that you may lack. My main concern on you for now is authority. I just want to see a few more views on you in the channel, and show a bit more responsibility before I support you. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 20:53, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
- Support I've changed my vote due to recent observations of kouger in the channel. He's good in my opinion, worthy of a chance. File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 07:22, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
- Support- He tends to get a bit anal about certain things, but he follows the rules and would be a good opHaloman333-My Head Asploded!-|My Doomsday Theory 20:58, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral - As per Nicmavr. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Support - I have seen he has been very mature lately, and from what I know of him he would not abuse these powers. He also has a fair bit of channel experience. ~Blade bane ~ Anti-Vandal~ 12:10, 27 July 2009 (UTC)Blade bane
- Neutral- I don't know what has happened. But I know it's not true to be gain something and lose someone for power. I'm sorry. Perhaps I'm a bit offended how things can happen when another op isn't around. For example, F-35-984 (a user) created a very big conversation that was very wrong. There won't be any detail but some people shouldn't get too carried away. (Previously shocked) What happened to "excuse me but i think you should shut up....please."? —This unsigned comment was made by VideoGameChick (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
- Neutral
Per Nicmavr.Can't really decide seeing that I've been absent from the IRC for quite some time.And I blame my wireless... oh and Ascension...- 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 08:04, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
* Support I agree that Kouger should have ops, while Ironic, that I'm here, Kouger has shown me that he has the backbone to do things and I believe, Kouger would make a great op. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 13:05, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral As per VGC. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 18:51, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Without a doubt,
Spirit-of-HALOKougermasters is definitely the right choice for anadministrator....I mean "low-level op". Always has something to say, is mature and knows right from wrong.-- Forerunner 00:13, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
- Support - as per everyone else. User:Gunner
- Support - I think Kouger could really help the channel. --T 3 2 8 File:Bouncy Wiki Logo.gif 20:26, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
- Oppose-I have yet to see any change and I do not feel as though Kouger would be a good op Unluckynumber11
Thunderstream328 for Op (Withdrawn)
I think I would be a good candidate for a low-level op. I have good experience with op powers, as I'm an op on another channel, I am very common on the #halopedia and I behave accordingly on the channel. I always go on the channel, ever since I joined 2 and a half years ago. The only time I haven't been on the channel was when I was gone earlier this year. Please consider my request. I believe I would be a good op on the channel.
--T 3 2 8 File:Bouncy Wiki Logo.gif 20:16, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
- Too many Op requests. We have enough in my opinion. --T 3 2 8 File:Bouncy Wiki Logo.gif 16:20, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support - See him regularly on the channel, behaves extremely accordingly, and since he has op experience somewhere else, I don't see why he shouldn't be granted this. - JEA13 [iTalk] 21:49, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
- Support - He seems like op material...that's all i have to say Haloman333-My Head Asploded!-|My Doomsday Theory 20:56, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
Neutral - I'm not too sure since I barely ever see him there, but if I start seeing him more often I will most likely support. For now, Neutral shifted to Support. File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Kougermasters (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 01:22, 30 July 2009 (UTC)- Support - He would be a great operator. File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Kougermasters (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 01:48, 1 August 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral As per Kouger. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 17:02, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral Just this last 2 weeks, you started coming on. As for the 2 1/2 years deal, well, that doesn't really matter to me, I just need to see your authority more. User:SoH/Sig
- Support Not only are you a friendly user and have experience somewhere else , there shouldn't be a problem. HOWEVER, this is the newest I've seen you too. Just like Killjax I suppose. If you come on regularly like you've been for the past weeks, there shouldn't be an issue. I'm confident that you can be a friendly and effective operator.
- Oppose - Just became active a week or so again on the channel. Maybe in a couple months. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Oppose - As per CT. Captain6 21:13, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral per others Template:ONI recon 111
- Support This user is very mature, and ready to become an op. General5 7 talk contribs email
Jaws Redfield for Op (Successful)
I'm applying for Low Level op. I've been on #Halopedia for nearly a Year now, and I feel I follow the rules well enough, and I have some experience as Op in other channels. I also have a sense of humour and know where a Joke stops being a Joke. These are the reasons why I feel I am qualified to be an Op. Also, so people know who I am, I am Syd_Barrett, TheVerve, Beth_Auron and Beth_Wesker. Love is Noise Love is PainLove is these blues 19:40, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral - Darnit, JEA, you beat me again! XD But anyways, I am the same as JEA. I'll wait and see what others have to say before changing. General5 7 talk contribs email
- Support - You're always on, very mature, and if you have had Op experience before, that seals the deal. I support you Beth. --T 3 2 8 File:Bouncy Wiki Logo.gif 20:09, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Per T328. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 20:20, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Template:Delta Sig
- Support I think she'd be a good op, she's a little rough round the edge's, but all in all, she'd be a good op. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 15:32, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support We need more ops without y chromosomes =D Ajax 013 16:07, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support - As per Ajax, she'd make a great op! User:CommanderTony/Sig
Kougermasters for Op (2)
This is my second operator application, as you can see from above. I've been on the channel longer, I have more experience, and due to recent events, my temperament has improved, and I'm a lot less unpredictable and insane. I know when fun ceases to be fun, and when things must end. I've matured up a fair bit too, and I follow the rules. (Most of the time.)
File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Kougermasters (Talk) (Contribs) (Edits) 04:50, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support - A funny op would make the whole channel funnier. =P - JEA13 [iTalk] 07:40, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Seems to have a fair understanding of the channel rules, and he has matured since last time. Might want to see him show a tiny bit more responsibility, but overall, he's fairly good. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 20:03, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support - As per JEA. General5 7 talk contribs email
- Support - As per Nicmavr. Captain6 01:22, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
Support - Go for it. --T 3 2 8 File:Bouncy Wiki Logo.gif 16:53, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
- Changed vote.
- Support - Kouger is win. :D Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 19:42, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
- Support I hate him so much, the thought of him being an op is repulsive. UPDATE: just kidding kouger. you'd make a good op Haloman333-My Head Asploded!-|My Doomsday Theory 19:03, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
- Support--Odysseas-Spartan53 19:08, September 2, 2009 (UTC)
- Support He could use some training on IRC commands, but there's nothing wrong with him that experience won't fix. I think he would make a good, fair op and not let it go to his head. - Glaug-Eldare
- Oppose - No offense Kouger, but I haven't really seen you a lot, and to me, you haven't really matured up much. It'll take more than your word to turn my vote. When I first voted, I didn't think it through. I have now, and I honestly think you don't really deserve this. --T 3 2 8 File:Bouncy Wiki Logo.gif 17:40, September 10, 2009 (UTC)
- Support - I think you have matured a lot since your last request, and my vote stays the same. I think you deserve this. ~Blade bane ~ Anti-Vandal~ 07:20, September 12, 2009 (UTC)Blade bane
- Support - Has come to be known as one of the most upstanding people on the channel. I've given him a trial until further notice. User:CommanderTony/Sig
Skwisgaar for Op
Out of all the current users on the channel, i have been on the longest. Although i can be quite silly at times (and just downright annoying at others), I am improving. I do not let my emotions get in the way of important decisions and have an encyclopedic knowledge of the chan rules. I am not asking for anything high, just low-level op. I would never abuse this position or use it for my own gain.Haloman333-My Head Asploded!-|My Doomsday Theory 19:35, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
Neutral - Although you say you won't abuse the power, here's what will happen: Someone joins, you say the usual "get the fuck off", he says "WTH did I do to you?" and that ends up in a huge argument which you are then going to terminate the bad -for him- way. You are not ready to do this in my opinion. - JEA13 [iTalk] 19:46, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Strong Support. --Jack Phoenix (Contact) 19:51, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Strong Oppose - While he's been a good member the past few days, his entire activity on the IRC over the past couple of years has seemed to be filled with multiple accounts of trolling, smartass remarks, disregarding the rules, and disrespecting numerous Operators. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Strong Oppose Then I should oppose. I hate those kinds of people(trolls)--Shade Link Shadow 19:56, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- I don't think I've ever seen you in #halopedia before. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 20:15, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Come on the IRC first, then vote. -JEA13 [iTalk] 20:06, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- This is a page for IRC matters. Please don't vote if you have never been on irc before Haloman333-My Head Asploded!-|My Doomsday Theory 20:31, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Don't worry Haloman, I have been on the HP IRC, if that comment was meant for me--Shade Link Shadow 20:43, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Really? I haven't really seen you on as far as my logs are concerned. If you have been on as you claim, exactly how many times and how often? - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 21:02, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Not sure how much, but I have been on it before.--Shade Link Shadow 21:09, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Not on it that much either, but I am on it sometimes.--Shade Link Shadow 21:09, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Well, I've rarely seen you on. I would suggest that you should preferrably come on more often before you vote for IRC matters. No offense. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 12:08, September 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Don't worry Haloman, I have been on the HP IRC, if that comment was meant for me--Shade Link Shadow 20:43, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Oppose - As per CT, I've had some issues with you over the past weeks, having kicked you a few times from the channel, plus your disregarding of warnings and your attitude has also been an issue within the channel. I know you're doing your best to improve, but I don't feel you're ready for this role just yet. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 20:15, September 18, 2009 (UTC)
- Oppose Made some horribly sexist/Misogyanist remarks toword VGC once. Which, I found rather disgusting. Joshua (Talk) (Contribs) 18:51, September 24, 2009 (UTC)
Blade-_-bane for Op (Withdrawn)
I have had a fairly large amount of experience on the IRC, and I have recently received tutoring in the commands by both Nicmavr and ODST Joshie. I have passed tests provided by both, and as such I know have an understanding of the commands. In the channel itself, I know when a conversation is going too far and I know when something has degraded past a joke into a flame war. I have no problems with stepping down when I am asked, and I know when I am stepping out of line. I hope to be a mature op, and I hope that the community gives me a shot to be one. Sincerely, ~Blade bane ~ Anti-Vandal~ 09:46, October 24, 2009 (UTC)Blade bane
- As per all opinions, (except for Joshie) I am lacking in experience. Not really sure how I can work on this, but I guess I can practice on my op commands for a considerable time. Until I reach the point where I can prove that I have enough experience in the IRC, I will withdraw my request. Until that time, I withdraw my request. ~Now You Know, ~ That Flattery Will Get You Nowhere.~ 05:21, October 28, 2009 (UTC)Blade bane
Support Best candidate for a while, he is mature, with a childish side, which is the best side of Ethan. He is an aussie me, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing tough. MidnightRambler Talk to the Rambler! Ramble on! 09:49, October 24, 2009 (UTC)
Neutral - I'm not really sure... he's kind of insane, a bit inappropriate at times, but he knows when to draw the line. He could handle being an op, but for how long, I don't know. File:Pumpkin2.png Kougermasters (Door) (Candy) (Kills) 06:42, October 25, 2009 (UTC)
Ghost sangheili for Op (Successful)
Well in times past this entire concept was a laughable idea, I'm not exactly known for being that guy who always follows the rules. But I feel I have moved on from my more troll like stage, and I think that a large majority of those who frequent the channel would agree that my intentions are not to hurt or disrupt, and that when the time comes to stop/be serious, I am able to do so. On the flip side, I actually have quite a bit of experience as an operator on various private channels of friends. I'm sure there are a few ops out there who can attest to my willingness to help with setting proper bans. And having been a user for such a long time, I am well aware of the channel policies that are actually enforced. Template:Signature/Ghost sangheili
- As a side about the "three second ban," it's an inside joke between Smoke.. It's completely harmless and just for laughs. Template:Signature/Ghost sangheili
- Lul fail. I was there with you when it happened, remember? You claimed that you forgot to sign it. How else would I have known that you were the IP user? ~Now You Know, ~ That Flattery Will Get You Nowhere.~ 05:02, October 31, 2009 (UTC)Blade bane
- Support Competent as an operator - we need someone who's actually around. SmokeSound off! 01:05, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Recently he has seemed more mature, strong support. - ShadowBroker44 (TALK) (CONTRIBS) 01:06, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Support - User:SoH/Sig I voted, because I can.
- Support - Let's increase the phailures!--Lol@Phailure 01:09, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Support -He could be a really good operator. Cheifschick 01:13, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Support - A really nice guy who helped me a lot on the IRC. --File:Bat2.gif General5 7 B OO! 01:39, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Neutral - No... just no. Maybe. I don't know. File:Pumpkin2.png Kougermasters (Door) (Candy) (Kills) 23:32, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Support - I have watched you grow out of your troll stage, and I think you are mature enough now. Apart from the random 3 second ban yesterday, I see no reason why you would not make a good op. ~Now You Know, ~ That Flattery Will Get You Nowhere.~ 01:33, October 31, 2009 (UTC)Blade bane
- Support - Has some of the best IRC knowledge I've seen across Freenode. Full support. - File:Commander Silver Leaf.PNG Nìcmávr (Tálk) 14:26, October 31, 2009 (UTC)
- Support--Odysseas-Spartan53 09:56, November 1, 2009 (UTC)
- Support- He's the huggable troll, what's not to love? :) File:KirbyLink.pngMidnightRambler Talk to the Rambler! Ramble on! 10:07, November 1, 2009 (UTC)
- Support - While he's a great friend and a mature user, and i'm giving him my support, I still give him this vote with a short leash. User:CommanderTony/Sig
- Support - - 5əb'7aŋk(7alk) 12:39, November 22, 2009 (UTC)
Glaug-Eldare for op
I challenged Smoke, and he challenged me. If you're in the chan, you already know me, you know what I'm about. I wanna help straighten this chan out and get rid of the rabble. I am running on a platform of getting Skwis akicked and keeping #halopedia a reasonably civil and fun place to be by actually addressing problem users. Oh, just one thing. I'm gonna be gone pretty much all the time for a few months so don't rush. Glaug-Eldare 01:42, December 3, 2009 (UTC)
- Support - Nice guy. Kinda. Not really. Oh well :P --File:Colonel Grade One.png General5 7 talk contribs email 01:46, December 3, 2009 (UTC)