TR/9 trip mine

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Revision as of 21:45, February 13, 2008 by Delta-269 (talk | contribs) (→‎Overview)


The TR/9 Antipersonnel Mine, otherwise known as the Trip Mine, is a UNSC equipment item in Halo 3.


The trip mine is activated by proximity or touch. Once deployed, it can be identified by a high pitched beeping noise and a distinctive flashing orange light on its top. Its blast radius is considerably larger than a grenade explosion or rocket explosion allowing vehicles to be thrown into the air. The trip mine can not be deactivated once deployed. It will explode after about ninety seconds if nothing triggers it. However, it can be remotely activated by projectile weapons or grenade explosions.

The Trip Mine, while having a larger blast radius than a Frag Grenade, will only lower a Spartan's or Elite's Energy Shields.

The Trip Mine only spawns by default on Sandtrap and Rat's Nest.


A Trip Mine undeployed on the floor
  • When running away from a moving vehicle, a mine can be deployed in front of a moving enemy vehicle. Be careful though, it may kill not only the driver and passengers but you as well.
  • If you deploy a trip mine on top of a Man Cannon, the mine will go flying out into the battle field. Though on the Beta, the trip mine would sometimes disappear entirely when thrown into the Man Cannon. It would still explode if someone or something were to go within the activation radius.
  • One of the most evil tricks, as Bungie mentioned, is to deploy a mine in the exact position where is spawns. Some players will notice that the mine is armed (by listening to it's distinct audio and visual cues), but most players will attempt to collect it, resulting a kill which would certainly not have happened if the player is attentive.
  • A Trip Mine will not explode if you crouch-walk over it.
  • Trip Mines are the only equipment currently in multiplayer that directly kill enemies. Auto-Turrets will do this as well, but do not currently feature on any multiplayer maps.

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