Jovokada Workshop spike grenade

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Template:Weapon The Type-2 Antipersonnel Fragmentation Grenade, more commonly known as the Spike Grenade, is a Jiralhanae (Brute) grenade.


The Type-2 Antipersonnel Fragmentation Grenade is believed to be the Covenant Loyalist analog to the Covenant Seperatist plasma grenade. The Spike Grenade is most notable for its adhesive properties, also similar to the plasma grenade.


The Spike Grenade is similar to the Model 24 Stielhandgranate grenade used by Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany during World War I and World War II, essentially an ovular head with a shaft protruding from its bottom. However, it derives its namesake from the notable spikes present on the grenade - it has four big curved spikes on top of the grenade, and a number of smaller ones around the shaft of the grenade.


Once thrown, the spike grenade will implant itself upon the first object it encounters by goring its spike into the object, whether they be personnel, vehicles, walls, energy shields, or otherwise. After a short delay, it

It is an invention of the Brutes, and is similar in functionality to the Plasma Grenade. When it detonates, it shoots a conical blast of spikes in one direction, like a claymore mine, perpendicular to the surface it sticks to. The spikes will also ricochet off of walls causing more damage. Like the Plasma Grenade, any player stuck by it has a very good chance of dying instantly. However, unlike its luminous counterpart, the Spike Grenade sticks to the surface of any solid surface it lands on, including shields (the plasma grenade can only stick to players, enemies and vehicles). This grenade has proved very useful for laying small traps for pursuing foes. It is better at this than the plasma grenade because of it's Area of Effect radius.

The grenade makes a distinct "Whoop-whoop-whoop" sound when thrown, which may be useful for scaring enemies or, to a more experienced player, could be used to find the thrower's position.

A Spike Grenade detonating on High Ground.[1]

As with the other grenade types, players will only be allowed to carry two grenades of each type. This is to help with balance issues.


  • This grenade shares the "Stuck" medal with the Plasma Grenade.
  • The Spike Grenade is similar in design to the *Its design is also similar to a medieval mace.
  • “The casing is constructed of an unusual porous metallic compound. Shrapnel from the Type-2 reaches a temperature of approximately 270 to 315ºC, around 530ºF,and retains that heat for upwards of seven seconds. By design.”
  • People say “It’s not as heavy as it looks, but it’s still like trying to throw a softball bat.”
  • Quote:“It’s like a shotgun that shoots flaming chainsaws at mike foxtrots – except you throw it.”

It could be referred to as the "sticky frag" as it sticks to things and detonates like a fragmentation grenade.

See Also


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