Halopedia:Community Social Gaming


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This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior regarding the page ATTENTION: RelentlessRecusant has asked Bungie for a Humpday Challenge!! See the text here! Please see RR about joining da Halopedia team. on Halopedia. Please adhere to the rules or you will encounter your account being blocked from editing articles on this site.



Halopedia Warz is a Halopedia-namespace collaboration approved by Dragonclaws and jointly started by Dragonclaws and RelentlessRecusant to host Halopedia intraclan battles on Xbox Live and post the results on the Main Page.


RelentlessRecusant has corresponded with Bungie, and we have sworn to fight them in a Humpday Challenge. See the letter exchange here!

It will take place on Wednesday night, and will consist of three back-to-back 6v6 games.

See below for details on joining Da Halopedia Uber-Pwners.

Confirmed Team

6 slots available


This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior regarding the page ATTENTION: There will be at least two tryouts tommorrow (Feburary 3rd) at some time around 2:00 pm Eastern Time (11:00 am Western Time). All candidates interested are encouraged to read the How To Get In section and sign up for this around 2 'o clock match below at this link. on Halopedia. Please adhere to the rules or you will encounter your account being blocked from editing articles on this site.

3 further slots available

Attention, candidates! Feel free to add yourself to the bottom of the growing list. Then, put a dash next to your name, and add your highest level and in what category.

Also, I want to lay down the ground rules right now. The key to winning this match isn't being good with one weapon or one vehicle... It's being strong on all levels. I don't want to hear "Im good with the warthog, or I can use the sword decently", honestly who isn't? I want you to know, in your heart, that your strong enough to compete on a level thats higher than normal. This is something people work for, and we're getting an oppurtunity. It's once in a lifetime people, treat it like that... CaptainAdamGraves 22:24, 3 February 2007 (UTC)

See below for how to get in. =D

How To Get In


There are six slots, and three openings left. This is how it works to get in.

Tonight, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time (otherwise 1:00 PM Western Time), there will be the first challenge match. Whoever wants may join. The moderator's gamertag is Relentless70. Send him a friend request, and then join the game. NOTE: Relentless70's friend list is full, so instead send a friend request to GPersonyThingy, at least until RR cleans up his friends.

It will be a total FFA game on Lockout, Ivory Tower, or Ascension. However, the moderator, Relentless70, will only be observing. If anyone kills him, he/her will immediately be disqualified. Okay?

The winners will be considered for entrance into the team, but remember, there will be more challenge matches, as probability states that the more samples, the greater chance of an accurate reading. Even the losers of the first match, if they do well in the subsequent and as-of-now unannounced matches, will be considered into entrance into El Team. Actually, there's a 37.5% chance fo making it, so feel warm and fuzzy...there's hope you can play with one of the gods that rule Bungie! =D

Message RR at his talk page for further details! =D ;D Hope to see ya at 4:00, or whatever time it's for you!


RelentlessRecusant 16:53, 2 February 2007 (UTC)

Ideal Candidate
  • Halopedia member
  • Good Halo 2 player
  • Has Xbox Live
  • Can play sometime Wednesday night
Favorable Traits
  • Friendly, good attitude (including NOT killing the moderator during tryouts...ahem...)
  • Proficient sniper
    • Long-range (i.e. across a map)
    • Medium-range (most important: player must be able to provide coordinated tactical support for team mates with sniper at range)
    • Close-range
  • Tactical...TACTICAL...TACTICAL! Communications...COMMUNICATIONS...COMMUNICATIONS!- People that think first before aiming and shooting (not a camera). Extraordinarily important. Example: someone, who, upon a chanced glance, spots a sniper at the Sniper Tower of Lockout, will say, "Team, be advised, sniper at snipe tower. GPersonyThingy engaging.", and afterwards, doesn't goes in guns blazing from the center platform, but will consider crouching up the ramp from the Grenade Room or making the leap from the central platform to the sniper spawn ramp. This heavily includes CROUCHING when applicable and also two other major objectives: recon and stealth. Let's emphasize that.
    • Communications
    • Recon
    • Teamwork
    • Stealth (includes crouching)
  • Leadership - Someone who can lead a small team in taking an objective, like a flag, or conversely, in defending a location. Example: someone who can rally one or two other people to take the sniper balcony on Ivory Tower.
Example of an Exemplary Player

For you dudes that REALLY wanna be on the team, an example of a player that we're looking for. A rather painfully blatant example, but kk. An example game and player follows:

Red Team (Owner [the person in consideration], Pwner, and Crzzy) vs. Blue Team (Dude 1, Dude 2, and Dude 3) @ Ivory Tower, Team Slayer

Blue Team holds the Sniper Balcony, to be referred to as El Base. Red Team is scattered. Owner decides that it would be tactically advantageous to take the base, and while skirting around the palm trees at the far end of the map from the base, sees that Dude 1 has a sniper at the snipe spawn at the base. He immediately crouches and moves outta the line of sight of the sniper, and tells Pwner, who's at the air vents, to take the shottie and crouch up the ramp to be in a position for immediate assault. When Pwner says that Dude 1 might turn to the left and snipe him at the ramps, Owner begins indiscrimanately spraying SMG fire from long range to get Dude 1's attention. Meanwhile, Crzzy takes the BR from near the Overshield Spawn, and under the command of Owner, crouches his way to the elevator leading to the rear of the base.

Owner chucks a frag from long range, sparking the shields of Red Team and giving them a smokescreen to advance. Crzzy arms himself also with the PP at the elevator, and when he gets to the 3rd floor, fires it, taking out the shields of the guy perched at the top, waiting for him. Then, Crzzy jumps off, shooting a BR on the way down, scoring a headshot and killing Dude 2.

This distracts both Dude 1 and Dude 3 (armed with a PR/SMG dual combo). Dude 3 jumps down to the bottom floor to flush out the noob comboer, while...ahh...WTH? The point is - be smart, be tactical, DO NOT JUST GO IN SHOOTING WITH AN SMG VS. A POWER WEAPON DUDE! =D

February 2nd Tryout

Sign your name below if you are participating.

  1. RelentlessRecusant 19:40, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
  2. Darth tader,Talk to the Tader,My work 19:45, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
  3. Gzalzi 20:05, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
  4. Rusty Charlie 20:45, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
  5. Fragg3d 21:03, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
Actual Participators & Initial Assessments
The almighty Emperor of Da Halopedia Dudes, asked for players' tactical thoughts during a game, evaluated the playaz
Individually not very powerful, but great when integrated into a team. Helps to contribute to a team's overall tactical strategy a lot.
Very tactical and skilled. Gives some leadership to other team mates to coordinate strategy.
Skilled in team matches, excellent in FFA, although doesn't coordinate strategy in team games. Very innovative, however, in personal strategy, utilizing turret to provide suppressive fire, and using a variety of novel weapons techniques.
Sword, Battle Rifle
Good with the sniper, although hesitant to engage in rough-'n-tumble fighting.
Skilled in both FFA and team matches, although doesn't coordinate strategy, like Gzalzi.
Battle Rifle, Grenades
Good in fire support in team games, has a grip on tactics

February 3rd Tryout

This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior regarding the page ATTENTION: This tryout is planned to take place around 2:00 pm Eastern Time (11:00 am Western Team), but please keep watching this page and be informed about any time changes. on Halopedia. Please adhere to the rules or you will encounter your account being blocked from editing articles on this site.

This is a warning to stop your inappropriate behavior regarding the page ATTENTION: RelentlessRecusant apologizes that this tryout did not work because of Internet problems. There will be a tryout on Sunday the 4th sometime around 6:00 pm Eastern Time. on Halopedia. Please adhere to the rules or you will encounter your account being blocked from editing articles on this site.

Sign below if you can participate

  1. RelentlessRecusant 23:22, 2 February 2007 (UTC) (tentative)
  2. Gzalzi 00:00, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  3. Fragg3d 00:55, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  4. Dragonclaws(talk) 01:59, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  5. --Caboose File:Caboose.jpg Orange Juice and Cookies 02:53, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  6. porkbutt 08:00,3 February 2007 (UTC)
  7. --ryanngreenday 03:21, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  8. guesty-persony-thingyI too am an AI... my owner's name is Supreme Honcho. (tentative) Yeah, I can't make it; I'm going out to eat, but I'll be back later.
  9. Darth tader,Talk to the Tader,My work 03:59, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  10. Shch 'Nodotee File:Donut 7.JPG 18:05, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  11. --Dojorkan 18:31, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  12. SPARTAN-387 Comm 18:40, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  13. --Mouse among men 17:28, 4 February 2007 (UTC) 3:00 Central, right?

February 4th Tryout

Umm... Is it just me or don't most people watch the superbowl kick off at 6:25 EST Will there still be tryouts or abbreviated tryouts? SPARTAN-387 Comm 18:44, 4 February 2007 (UTC)

Sign below if you can participate

  • 13:05, 4 February 2007 (UTC) (tentative) - RR on another computer that has problems logging in...
  • J!MMY8806  14:09, 4 February 2007 (UTC)
Very proficient with sniper, and very kill/death ratio-wise efficient, with an efficiency normally over 1. However, since he wasn't given command of a team, didn't really show leadership, but that's to be expected, as he wasn't tested in that category. Oh, and used teh word "mate" - bonus points. =D ;D
Very kill/death ratio-wise efficient, overall a good kiddo. Good with sniper, BR, and carbine, and from the looks of it, good with suppressive fire and also, conversely, defensive fire.
Pretty good, especially with weapons like BR and sniper.
  • Shoe shot 16:30, 4 February 2007 (UTC) I'll be there even with the SB on TV
Very kill/death ratio-wise efficient. Old school, too. (i.e.:SMG + frag 'nades FTW!) Furthermore, can be trusted with a team command.
Shows very good potential for someone that's just gotten XBL. =D
  • Gzalzi 18:23, 4 February 2007 (UTC)
THE sniper. THE sniper. When given command of a small team, showed skill in getting the team 'round. Furthermore, good at suppressive fire at medium ranges with sniper, and also with BR.
  • SPARTAN-387 Comm 18:45, 4 February 2007 (UTC) - depending. only until kick off LETS GO COLTS
Pretty good. Often showed intelligence by not charging into the fray, but doing a brief recon, asking for reinforcements or warning away team mates from the fight, and then either jumped in or didn't. Tactical.
Who's this?
Who's this?
Very good, very competent, especially in command. Could be trusted with command of a 6-man team or a 3-man team, compliant in communicating desires of the moderator to team mates, showed charisma in getting them to listen to him.
  • TheWax 21:57 4th February 2007 (UTC) I think I missed it...
Kill ratio is pretty good, proficient with close-range weapons such as shotgun and sword.
  • Fragg3d 22:37, 4 February 2007 (UTC)
Very kill/death ratio-wise efficient. Good with BR and CQB (close quarter combat) weps (i.e. shottie).
A sniper gifted with exceptional talent, and with a very good kill/death ratio.

February 5th Tryout

3:30 pm EST, 12:30 am Western


Sign below if you may attend.

  1. RelentlessRecusant 00:55, 5 February 2007 (UTC) (tentative)
  2. Shoe shot 01:26, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
  3. Shch 'Nodotee File:Donut 7.JPG BattleNet - would be better for me if it was at 4:30pm EST, but if it's at 3:30 i can't be there (i'm Imperator Donut for those who don't know)

Remember these team assignments, please...
Team 1

  • Imperator Donut - Team Leader
    • Fragg3d

Team 2

  • Shoe shot - Team Leader
    • Dojorkan
    • Caboose
    • star wars fan94

Team 3

  • WaxR4ND0MH3R0 - Team Leader
    • Gzali
    • J!MMY886
    • Maverick387

Other people attending this tryout, you'll be assigned to a team on the spot.

Best regards,

RelentlessRecusant 01:38, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

Humpday Challenge Gametypes?

We'll play 3 games versus Bungie. We choose the gametypes of 2, they'll chose the 3rd. The games are 6v6.

Vote below for what do you think about the following gametypes. The only people that may vote are people that have participated in AT LEAST one of the three tryouts conducted so far.

Remember that you must post a comment under the "FOR" or "AGAINST" sections of the gametype in consideration in order for your vote on the poll to count. The poll is just for convenience to tally the votes. The physical comments themselves will be used for the final sum.

Team Slayer @ Lockout

  1. RelentlessRecusant 00:53, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
  2. Shoe shot 01:25, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

<poll> Do you want this gametype? Yes No </poll>

Team Slayer @ Ivory Tower

  1. RelentlessRecusant 00:53, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
  1. Shoe shot 01:27, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

Shoe shot 01:28, 5 February 2007 (UTC) I think we could do a match on I.T. but its just not my favorite level.

What'd ya recommend, then? A 6v6 game @ Ivory Tower would be fast and intense.

<poll> Do you want this gametype? Yes No </poll>

Team SWAT @ Lockout

  1. RelentlessRecusant 00:53, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
  1. Shoe shot 01:29, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

Shoe shot 01:42, 5 February 2007 (UTC) I don't think SWAT is a good thing for Halo

Huh??? It's like team snipes but deadlier. Cheers, RelentlessRecusant 01:46, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

<poll> Do you want this gametype? Yes No </poll>

1 Flag CTF Fast @ Sanctuary

  1. RelentlessRecusant 00:53, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
  2. Shoe shot

I think Sanctuary is a perfect level for 1 Flag ctf

Concur. Cheers, RelentlessRecusant 01:46, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

<poll> Do you want this gametype? Yes No </poll>

1 Flag CTF Fast @ Turf

  1. RelentlessRecusant 00:53, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
  2. Shoe shot 01:43, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

<poll> Do you want this gametype? Yes No </poll>