"It is used for lifting heavy ordinance into the atmosphere of the planet using a pulley system that negates the use of rockets or waste of fuel to generate an escape velocity for materials."

You know, I was always under the impression that the New Mombasa Elevator most likely would have used magnents to propel the the car up. It'd be alot more speedy and effenciant. I can think of two reasons to back up my theory. We already know that humanity knows well and dandy how to properly work a magnet (MAC guns, Gauss Worthog, ect), so that would be the first bit of evidence. The second bit would be the contsruction of the elavator itself. On the the image provided in the article you can see the central shaft surrounded by two smaller pillars connected together to form rings going on up the elevator. Hmm, now what might those be? I'm thinking that those rings are the magnetic accelorators for the elevator. Perhaps the wording on the article needs changing? Any ideas anyone?


Okay, i just realized something. It says that when the prophet jumped, it was destroyed. And yet in Eric Nylund's Ghosts of Onyx, fred,will,and linda (if thats right) destroyed it using FENRIS warheads while destroying two covie ships. So what should it say?

Spartan-118 02:35, 8 September 2007 (UTC)

You seem to be getting things badly mixed up. in GoO they destroyed the Centennial Orbital Elevator in Havana. Ever so slightly distant from one another. --Ajax 013 02:37, 8 September 2007 (UTC)

yes i have recently got the eric nylund buk and they do destroy it wiv warheads so i edited it :) Spartan-1302 11:19, 7 October 2007 (UTC)

"Eventually Regret had to retreat because the UNSC were pushing the Covenant back. He ordered his Assault Carrier to jump through slipspace to a random location."

I don't know if that's exactly accurate. What are the chances that Regret would have randomly ended up at Delta Halo? The Covenant had been looking for a new one. Regret came to Earth for imformation on the other Halos, imo. And whilst there they found the evidence of the Arks existance. So, he went there on purpose, and not just to escape the UNSC. (And even if he was, he did a very bad job of it. :P)

Mombasa elevator NOT destroyed by slipspace blast

I'd like to point that out. While it seems logical, in the new 'Keep It Clean' trailer, the elevator is seen standing after the blast, so it must have been destroyed at a later point, before Master Chief returns to Earth. Heck, no-one reads talk pages anymore, so I dunno why I bother. Diaboy 09:41, 1 October 2008 (UTC)

Indeed, the elevator is not destroyed after Regret jumps into slipspace. I think we will find out how it has been destroyed in the new campaign experience. SQ G T3rr0R 10:01, 1 October 2008 (UTC)

I think the same thing, the elevator not key but part of the structure that supports it. In Halo 3 one sees part of the structure but the rest is not seen anywhere. --H A L O Legend 01:31, 6 June 2009 (UTC)

The Mombasa Space Elevator collapsed when the city was glassed by Truth's forces, it says so on Tsavo Highway, right after you leave the base, head left past the destroyed phantom and there is a cliff, if you listen carefully you can hear a few Marines talking about what happened to it. Field Master Spartansniper450 16:19, 6 June 2009 (UTC)

At 1:19-1:20 look a the elevator when the slipspace expands --Jack Black 21:59, 5 July 2009 (UTC)
And at 3:06 you can see the tower on fire and broken.--Jack Black 22:05, 5 July 2009 (UTC)

HAlo 3 odst

will the rookie visit the space tether in odst?

Too far south

If New Mombasa is near Mombasa, Kenya, it is too far south to build a space elevator. For a space elevator to be remotely practical it needs to be at a near 0 degree inclination with respect to the earth's rotational plane.(ie 0 degrees latitude).

I know this is science fiction, but still. At the latitude of Mombasa, the space elevator wouldn't go straight up, but would instead be noticeably tilted north by centripetal pseudo-force. 00:38, September 28, 2009 (UTC)

It is also built in the future, they're racing to build an elevator within the next ten years. One built in 2130 or whenever it went up would conceivably have some magically plot device that allows it to be built at an odd location. ProphetofTruth 06:29, September 28, 2009 (UTC)