This is one of my favourite levels thanks to having my own Hunters.--prophit of war 14:52, 22 November 2006 (UTC)

I love this level too but I find it dissapointing that we end the game playing as an alien. --Ferball 01:31, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

new walktrough

i posted a new walkthrough for the legendary diffciulty, the "alternate walkthroughs" tell me what you guys think

Side Entrance to control room

Can anybody direct me to the side entrance to the control room, I have been looking for what seems like hours, and I cannot find it. --Dockman 17:39, 5 January 2007 (UTC)

The side enterence is on the right side of the control room, there is a large rectangle that curves to the dome its the hallway that you take after you beat the brutes in the lobby, if you fly the Banshee along the hallway till you reach the 3 slash marks(\\\) in the uper middle, it should trigger the pre-fight Cinematic -- MCDBBlits 23:42, 29 May 2007 (UTC)

WTF BBQed tartarus

I dunno if its just my game or me, but those elite that spawn arent really that useless, i just jumped on teh control panel and then let johnson take his shields down while the elites fillet the over grown ape. i swear, i dunno wtf is goin on, but im playing on normal, and all walkthrus say i gotta hit em in 'rounds' of battle, when in truth i just made a bee line for them and turned em into diced and canned meat, in maters of seconds.....I killed heretic leader just by slashing his clones then jump lunging the sorry split lip to death, prophet of regret, board his throne punched him 5 times dead..... can nyone tell me wtf is goin on?

I killed the heretic leader the same way, but as for Tartarsauce, needlers and sniper rifles are super effective at killing him (beacuse they go through his shields). For me, the other elites are kind of helpful as distractions, but mostly end up getting in my way or dying, even on normal. Also if Tartarus falls over the edge, he can somehow come back alive... but you (and I think Tartarus) can randomly die if you get yourself stuck under one of those slanted walls around the side, and jump/run into them. And you die. Randomly. Also there is some sort of superjump in the level. I remember jumping through a hole in th middle level, and then bouncing back up...

Did you know.....

that if you don't immediately attack the Brute whose back is turned to you before Johnson gets into the Scarab, the line from the deleted cinematic with the same concept (from the Halo 2 Collector's Edition Disk). It goes:

Brute 1: "A day's rations says I do this in one cut."
Brute 2: "Two cuts, at least."
Brute 1: "You're on."
Brute 2: "Wait. I here movement!"

you're welcome! Kap2310 03:14, 26 July 2007 (UTC)