Im the owner of the site, im sorry if this has coused a problem. There is a communty of about 60 member(a group) responsible for the updating/promotion of the site. I will make sure the culprite dosent bother you again - hp name: Darc3st1

Is a site that displays Easter Eggs for the Halo 2 game. According to the history the link has been deleted and readded 7 times (Hmmm 7):

Irony hey.

The person/people who keep adding the link never sign in but by using the Apnic Who is this IP search we can determine that:

20% of members are Australian but yea, its not going to happen again.


There were only two thing in halo 2 that i foun dissapointing.

1. They took out the assult rifle. WHY?

2. They ended the game as the arbiter. I thought that was dissapointing. I thought that they should have ended it with Spartan-117 (MASTER CHIEF).

The assault rifle is replaced by some other upgraded weapons, it doesn't matters, if only it returns in Halo 3. The arbiter is suppose to kill Tartarus, and Master Chief is somehow getting back to Earth, it makes sense, Master Chief hasn't got any more battles until Halo 3!--Master Chief Petty Officer 12:30, 17 January 2007 (UTC)--Master Chief Petty Officer 12:30, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

I agree, had they done the levels like this:

It would have been much better. But since they didn't, Halo 2 didn't have as a climatic ending as Halo 1 did. It was still good though. AlphaPrime 16:40, 3 April 2007 (UTC)


Wats 'Tesco Finest*' doing on halo2 multiplayer game types?


Somebody vandilized the whole page.

Yes, I agree. --John010117 00:21, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

okay this vandal dosent have a life he vandalized the page twice today

Yes, I found the vandal, he only uses an IP-address, no account. The vandal is User:

See ya,

Terror File:Halo2emblem.ashx.jpg (Talkie Talkie)(Workie Workie)

Heres the last good edit

Revision as of 11:37, 26 February 2007 (edit)

Well I fixed the vandelism



Since Halo 2 had a lot of great stuff deleted, what do you think the game you be like if all the deleted stuff was kept? --UNSC AI 01:19, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

Sweet man if I could go Mono a Mono with a Juggernat and that Mural Scene would have been nice .


Those new maps Tombstone and Desolation look damn nice


Is there any way to have the split-screen horizontal, instead of vertical? I remember reading somewhere it was possible, but I don't know how. -- AlphaPrime 16:44, 3 April 2007 (UTC)