Military Calendar

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The Military Calendar is the standard timekeeping calendar used by the UNSC and virtually all of the human military. Based off of the Gredorian Calendar of the 16th century, the Military Calendar records the same twelve months and keeps the Anno Domini system of counting years going.


The Gregorian Calendar is based soley off of the time it takes Earth to orbit Sol one time. This became a major problem once humans left Earth; every planet makes one full orbit at different speeds. Since a Year is defined as the time it takes the planet to orbit its star, timekeeping became nonuniform.

For example, it takes Earth approximately 365.25 days to orbit the sun, while it takes Mars 686.96 days to make the same orbit. the Military Standard Calendar is intended to standardise the definition of a year and a month throughout the UNSC controlled space.


The Military calendar answered the problem of a year, but the definition of a day faced the same problems; each planet revolves at different speeds, and at some planets, a day is longer than a year.

The Military Calendar uses two timekeeping systems to standardizr the definition of a day, they are Military Standard Time and an annonymous "month-percentage" time system.