Kevin Morales

Revision as of 02:21, December 17, 2006 by (talk)

Kevin Morales is a Spartan 1.1 who's dad, known only as Morales, was in the Spartan 1.0 program with James James, Jan's father.

Kevin met Jan at James James' funeral. Once he found out about Durga and that Jan was a Spartan 1.1 too, he offered Jan a space on his volunteer group of 1.1s who wanted to take the fight to the Covenant. Jan was still considering the option when the Covenant attacked.

Kevin's Proposition

In the Melissa (A.I.)'s Axon Clips we learn that Kevin tries get Jan to join his group of Spartan 1.1s:

Paritial Transcipt

Jan: --You were at the funeral, you were the Morales kid--
Jan: You have a ship...
Morales: Enough to buy a 100 meter yacht. And trick it 
out with everything an ONI spyship has. 
Morales: There are 16 of us, walkaway girl. Sixteen 1.1's... 
Morales: Three aren't must use. Darin got into substances, 
Guy's in jail, and Frannie just doesn't give a damn. That leaves thirteen. 
Jan: So, how many have you got signed up for this ship of fools? 
Morales: 12... 
Morales: You have certain assets I can't afford to ignore. 
Jan: Like what? All I know is what my dad taught me. Probably the 
rest of you could wipe the floor with me. 
Morales: As a soldier? Nah... Gladys says you're the best of all 
of us. And I believe her... 
Morales: I want to go deep into Covenant space. I want to do it for
a purpose, and I want to do it without being under Section III's thumb.
