Halopedia talk:Halopedian of the Month/07 2010

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Revision as of 20:19, May 22, 2007 by Stryker (talk | contribs) (→‎Votes)
To discuss the voting rules go to the Talk Page


Before You Vote

  • Only votes from users who have accounts on Halopedia and whose vote are cast while being logged in will count. The account must have been created at least one month before the vote and have at least 50 article edits.
  • For example if one is voting for HOTM for the month of October then the user must have created thier account in July or before July.
  • Votes will be counted for next month. Please vote on the section for next month, because only the votes in that section will be counted.
  • You can vote one time only. If you wish to change your vote, cross out (but do not remove) any previous votes you have made.
  • Please bold your nomination so it is easier to see.
  • In the event of a tie the results from the edit count page will be used as a tie breaker.
  • You must put your vote with your signature in the voting area. In the end votes with signatures are the only ones that will be counted.

June 2007




July-- Next Month

Is it too early to nominate for next month, because I know this month Caboose will probably win, since a lot of users don't know about HOTM. If so, I want to nominate Blemo, my friend. -Gree100

Yes it's too early. We won't start voting on July until June 1st. There's nothing to stop you voting for Blemo this month. Also, HOTM is on the main page, so users probably know about it, just don't get around to voting. -- Manticore   Talk | CSV 06:00, 13 May 2007 (UTC)
You can vote on Blemo but there is no chance of winning, save it to next month, give a little patient, ΜΆŜΤΈŖČΗέÏΣΡΈΤΤΥОΓΓïČëŗ 11:15, 14 May 2007 (UTC)
It's not over till it's over. And I think you mean 'be' a little patient. -- Manticore   Talk | CSV 14:14, 16 May 2007 (UTC)

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