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Note: This article is about the folder called S-III. Click here if you are looking for the Spartan-III program or here if you were looking for ONI's Section-III

When Dr. Halsey discovered and hacked Colonel James Ackerson's computer at CASTLE Base,[1] she found a folder called S-III.[2] Contained in the S-III folder was the following:


The CPOMZ file contained star charts. Halsey used the CPOMZ starchart to locate the Spartan-IIIs on Onyx.[3] The letters CPOMZ are also an acronym for: Chief Petty Officer Mendez (CPOMZ) the man who trained the Spartans at a young age. This lead Halsey to believe that Chief Petty Officer Mendez was somehow mixed up with Ackerson.




In the folder she found extensive records of the Spartan II program and its members. This indicated that Ackerson had knowledge of and an interest in the supposed top secret Spartan II program.[4]


  1. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 128: "Kalmiya, please retrieve the data file and show me the contents of Colonel Ackerson's directory."
  2. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 129: The folders and files winked away, and only two folders remained floating over Dr. Halsey's desk: S-III and KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN.
  3. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 130: There was one last file in the S-III folder. As Dr. Halsey tapped it open, Kalmiya said, "That is only a fragment. It had been erased, but I managed to reconstruct it from trace ionization in the memory crystal." Dr. Halsey examined its contents. There was only CPOMZ followed by a 512-character alphanumeric string. "This longer portion is a star chart reference," she whispered.
  4. ^ Halo: First Strike, page 129: She tapped on the first one and it opened, revealing hundreds of separate files. Dr. Halsey examined them--there were medical files on each of her Spartans: complete records from their preindoctrinated origins; their childhood vaccinations; their parents; their extensive injuries and treatments during their training; even the experimental procedures used to enhance their strength, agility, and mental resiliency.