M4 field disk

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File:Helmet Chip.jpg
The M4 Field Disk.

M4 Field Disks (also known as Recorder Chips or Helmet Chips) are used in Helmet Recorders to store visual and audio files created by the recorder's video and audio sensors. They can be plugged into nearly any information terminal or display unit that can play optical and audio data. It displays the information about the user and his current state.

During the Battle of Sigma Octanus IV, the Spartan-IIs employed these, and John-117's Recorder chip contained the record of his mission to Côte d'Azur, as well as intelligence on Covenant Huragok and Mgalekgolo. This was much appreciated by HIGHCOM.

Private Jenkins' helmet was equipped with one, and SPARTAN-117 used a playback system in his helmet to view the squad's progress as he tried to find Captain Keyes. It was using this chip's recording that he first saw the Flood. The recording was later saved in Spartan-117's suit.[1]


  • The chips have the words "DO NOT EAT" printed on them. This is most likely a reference to them sharing the same name as potato chips.
  • These chips seem to fit inside the Spartan helmet, similar to how an AI's chip would fit inside.
  • The Covenant used similar technology in some missions, such as the boarding of the Pillar of Autumn.
  • It is unknown if every Marine uses one, or if they are only used by specific people on special missions. Marines wearing light combat fatigues without helmets would obviously not be able to use them.
  • Using advanced combat optics most UNSC forces have a miniature versions of these combat recorders and chips built into their service BR/DMR and Assault RIfle. These miniature versions take a still picture the target every time the trigger is pulled. This is used for evaluations and casualty reports. These are never shown in the halo series, but logically exist based upon current technology.
