User:Lord Susto

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Lord Susto
4,462 article edits

"Because of the community nature of the storytelling, right? They find the pieces and tell it to each other. And so they're the story tellers rather than just consuming a story."
— Jordan Weisman, O Brave New World

Sangheili dialogue from Season 1

AS featured in the show itself
Episode 101
Elite Ghashank'o! Demon!
Mercy Hirajo. Blessed One.
Makee Q'iitu. Mercy.
Makee Jan gaikhoji diibe ni Maduriga ni kheluuga ts'ukhijahe? The relic on Madrigal was not where I predicted?
Mercy Gaikhoji diibe ni juuts'uji. It was precisely where you predicted.
Makee Tkha jayetanjahe? It did not make its way back to us? (It did not make its way back?)
Mercy Chinji, k'aidon k'uucho ga. Taken, from a kaidon warrior.
Makee Jan mosik'weya. I don’t understand.
Mercy Ch'intan ch'adomo o -Ghashank'o zhi tkhaacho- tkha t'iyaq'ujen. K'e me mos ba. He claims that the Spartan who took it, one known to our warriors as Demon, was able to bring it to life. As you can.
Makee Ne et’ojo oni t’ikhawa ba jan ngani. Ikhi ga. I need to speak with this warrior. Right away.
Mercy Uzo mots'aha, jan o t'ipaachaga. Might I suggest you leave that behind?
Makee Qkhe, jan-- Oh, I...
Mercy Domo p'uko moq'asqas ii k'e ni tkhet'a ba muuri o, q'a qkhan ba mos ch'aamosik'ojaga. You study the book of human stories not because they are your people, but so that you might better know the mind of our enemies.
Makee Kkhagadza. That's right.
Mercy Jaja k'e o jan oni tkhaari ch'anaachaga. Nizhi jan o qkhan ch'aamosik'ojaga. Perhaps at some point you will read them to me. So that I may also know the enemy.
Makee Jan o k'e ba mosone juuch'inji, Q'iitu. I appreciate your counsel, Mercy.
Episode 102
Makee Ne k'uucho, jan o tskha'ala gha mu o tskhaji? Kheluuga ni? This warrior, he did what I can do? With the relic?
Thel Ts'uuchaga, Hirajo. Yes, Blessed One.
Makee Ghaazhi Ghashank'o o tkha q'ahiji, gha k'e o p'ayut'u ba ch'anik'otanjahe? When the demon touched it, what exactly did you see?
Thel Ch'anggagomo. The sacred ring.
Makee K'e satkhijahe? You're sure?
Mercy Oq'ogakha ba ts'uutsukho. Tkhahant'u ni. It is one of the keystones. Finally.
Truth Bit'a ba riin ngani pkha. We must have it.
Makee Chkhan ba jan o oq'ogakha khech'imijaga. I will retrieve the keystone myself.
Regret Niri ni k'e niinekhe, Hirajo. Your place is here, Blessed One.
Makee Jan ni diibe jan o iikuji. Jan o tkha q'unqijaga, k'e daaghajahe? I know where I belong. Are you worried I'll forget?
Mercy Ngajo o k'e p'uucho. Ch'adzumat'u zi khaayajo tkhunga p'uucho. No one questions your loyalty. We question sending someone of your importance on such a hazardous mission.
Makee K'iri o domo ba riikhe zi k'aachot’u ba aaleya q'a jan o aa'ala. I can move among the humans in a way the rest of you cannot.
Mercy Dzuutu nasa-- It is too dangerous--
Makee Q'iitu, k'e o jan juuch'iiji. K'e o jan ch'anggonji, Oq'o Ch'awaruut'u oni jan q'onji. Ghaazhi k'e o jan oni ne tskha'iji, jan o riin oni ne waaka waqkhijaga. Jan o oq'ogakha maaroji. Tkha o qkhado ch'anggagomo oni riin gwijaga. Mercy, you took me in. You tutored me, and taught me of the Great Journey. For what you have done for me, allow me to deliver this gift to us all. I will find the keystone. And it will lead us to the sacred ring.