Real World

Adjutant Resolution/Quotes

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< Adjutant Resolution
Revision as of 10:17, May 10, 2024 by (talk) (Added some additional quotes from the game.)

Halo Infinite


  • "Welcome, welcome. Oh. Hello. I am Adjutant Resolution, Sub-Monitor of this installation, loyal servant of Despondent Pyre who must be indisposed if I have been activated. Have you seen her?" (introducing himself to John-117 and The Weapon)
  • "Tell me what?"
  • "Gone? Gone? Gone?" (reaction to learning about Despondent Pyre's death)
  • "Are you sure?"
  • "Good. Good. Good. I was worried you were perhaps unfriendly. As you can see, this Spire has been successfully deployed. This way. I presume you wish to see the Observation Platform?"
  • "Did you say something? No? Then come, come. There is much to see."
  • "Oh, I am sorry. The portal should have been activated. One moment. Please... Step into the portal."
  • "Follow me please. There's something missing? Oh, yes. A bridge. One moment. Let us proceed."
  • "It is very exciting. Soon the sequence will be sent and the Reformation can begin."
  • "Here we are. As you can see we are ready to progress as soon as... Please excuse me. I shall return.
  • "What are you doing?! This is not acceptable! You were supposed to be friendly." (turning against the Chief and the Weapon when they try to shut the Spire down)

Boss Fight

  • "A minor inconvenience, I assure you." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "Adjusting energy consolidation... there." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "Adjusting models. Accounting for new variables." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "Adjusting predictive models!" (paralyzed after losing arm)
  • "Ah! I really should reinforce those." (losing an arm)
  • "Cease that, please!" (taking damage)
  • "Cease your interference immediately."
  • "Don't be foolish!"
  • "Explosives? In my Installation? How dare you!" (when the player throws a grenade or uses some other explosive weapon)
  • "Give up!"
  • "Have you no decency!" (losing an arm)
  • "Hey! I was using that!" (losing an arm)
  • "I always carry a spare." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "I can self-repair. Can you?" (recovering from paralysis)
  • "I do wish you'd stop that." (taking damage)
  • "I wasn't designed for this sort of violence!"
  • "I'd very much like to incinerate you."
  • "I'll be with you in just a moment."
  • "I'll reduce you to mere carbon!"
  • "I'll shear the electrons from your atoms!"
  • "I'm exposed!" (paralyzed after losing an arm)
  • "Inelegant, but statistically effective."
  • "Just look at the damage you're causing with those!"
  • "Lay down your weapons!"
  • "Lower the shield, you infuriating machine!" (paralyzed after losing arm)
  • "My shielding! No!" (taking damage)
  • "No! Not again!" (loses an arm)
  • "No more disruptions!"
  • "No more distractions, then. Excellent." (recovering after all arms lost)
  • "None can break this installation!"
  • "Not again!" (loses an arm)
  • "Oh. Oh dear." (taking damage)
  • "Please come out. You're delaying my work."
  • "Please hold still so that I may incinerate you!"
  • "Please shelter in place until you are dead."
  • "Reroute that energy to remaining weapons..." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "Rerouting available power to beam cannon..." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "Show some respect for superior technology!"
  • "Stop doing that!" (losing an arm)
  • "Stop now! That's far enough!"
  • "That's a violation of several protocols!"
  • "The Reformation will not be stopped!"
  • "There we are. Back to it!" (recovering from paralysis)
  • "This installation WILL be secured."
  • "This is both unnecessary and unpleasant."
  • "This is extremely improbable!" (paralyzed after losing arm)
  • "This is simple. This will do." (recovering after all arms lost)
  • "This wretched shell!" (losing an arm)
  • "Troublesome pest!"
  • "What's wrong with this construct?!" (paralyzed after losing an arm)
  • "Why make me chase you? I can detect your every move!"
  • "You are insignificant."
  • "You are resilient, aren't you?"
  • "You must stop. The Reformation is at hand."
  • "You're going to break something!"
  • "You're wasting time! The Reformation is under way!"

The Command Spire

Boss Fight

  • "[gasp] You barbarian!" (taking damage)
  • "Ah! I really should reinforce those." (losing an arm)
  • "Aren't you clever?"
  • "Be warned. This configuration is superior to my last." (starting the fight)
  • "Blast this wretched frame!" (losing an arm)
  • "Burn!" (firing weapons)
  • "Cease your interference immediately."
  • "Chassis temperature exceeding specified limits!" (charging main weapon)
  • "Combat configuration adjustments rated sufficient."
  • "Dispose of them immediately." (summoning Sentinels)
  • "Eliminate the intruder! Preserve the Reformation!" (summoning Sentinels)
  • "Fortunately there is so much more where they came from." (when a Sentinel is destroyed)
  • "Have you no decency!" (losing an arm)
  • "Hello, friends! I require your able assistance!" (summoning Sentinels)
  • "Hey! I was using that!" (losing an arm)
  • "I am disappointed, frustrated, and oh so upset."
  • "I control this whole facility. You cannot hide."
  • "I did not foresee this." (paralyzed after losing an arm)
  • "I do wish you'd stop that." (taking damage)
  • "I had corrected for that error! How is this possible?!" (paralyzed after losing an arm)
  • "I regret to inform you that this will be our last encounter." (starting the fight)
  • "I was going to use that to kill you!" (losing an arm)
  • "I will no longer tolerate your interference!" (starting the fight)
  • "I will not stop. My programming forbids it."
  • "I will see you reduced to a smoking pile of ash."
  • "I'm getting quite good at this!"
  • "I'm putting an end to your meddling."
  • "I've no choice but to end you! Here and now!"
  • "Insignificant! Anomalous variable! Irrelevant!"
  • "Must be an error in my predictive models..." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "No need to do this myself. Silly me." (summoning Sentinels)
  • "Note for future encounters: reduce cover options for interlopers." (when the player takes cover)
  • "Our resources are vast. And what do you have? Nothing."
  • "Please allow these Sentinels to incinerate you."
  • "Please begin burning to death!" (firing weapons)
  • "Please do not move until I am finished killing you."
  • "Please shelter in place until you are dead."
  • "Recalibrated beam weapon is performant!"
  • "Remain calm. This will be over shortly."
  • "Rgh! Improvising a repair." (losing an arm)
  • "See reason. I only wish to kill you."
  • "Sentinels, please assist!" (summoning Sentinels)
  • "Show some respect for superior technology!"
  • "Slow down and allow me to exterminate you!"
  • "Stop doing that!" (losing an arm)
  • "Stop that, immediately." (taking damage)
  • "That's enough! It's time to stop this!"
  • "That's the last time, I promise you!" (recovering from paralysis)
  • "The installation has no shortage of replacements." (when a Sentinel is destroyed)
  • "The Reformation is of utmost priority!"
  • "The Reformation will not be stopped!"
  • "The task is done. Now: Clean-up." (if he kills the player)
  • "These vibrations are invigorating!"
  • "This configuration is... less than ideal." (paralyzed after losing an arm)
  • "This installation will be purged and repaired!"
  • "This is for your own good." (charging main weapon)
  • "This is it! THIS time I've accounted for EVERY variable!" (recovering from paralysis)
  • "This pleasant conversation will be our last."
  • "This wretched shell!" (losing an arm)
  • "Very well. I will reveal you." (when player takes cover)
  • "Well, now I'm very angry." (paralyzed after losing arm)
  • "What will it take to stop you?!" (recovering from paralysis)
  • "Where have you gone?" (when player takes cover)
  • "Why make me chase you? I can detect your every move!" (when player takes cover)
  • "You are making me angry."
  • "You are stubborn! Needlessly so!"
  • "You can't stop this entire installation alone! Can't you see?"
  • "You defy all predictions! This is literally impossible!"
  • "You haven't won. Not yet!" (recovering from paralysis)
  • "You should be cinders by now!"
  • "You will not compromise this installation further!"
  • "You'll do no more damage. Stop."
  • "You'll regret this! I'll see to it personally!" (recovering from paralysis)
  • "You're very persistent, aren't you?"
  • "You've barely disrupted the Reformation, you'll do no more!"
  • "You've merely delayed your eradication." (recovering from paralysis)
  • "You've stopped nothing. One Spire is nothing."
  • "Your pathetic efforts cannot stop the Reformation!"

Silent Auditorium

  • "Accept my apology! Immediately. My earlier efforts to delete you were misguided. I thought she wanted to rebuild this installation. To restore it. But I was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Please hurry."
  • "The seal is almost broken. But they must not be released. You must stop her. Stop them. Close the seal."
  • "I was worried that you were perhaps unfriendly. Forgive me. I was wrong. There is so much to learn about this installation. So much kept even from me. But first... stop her. Please."
  • "I have failed you, Despondent Pyre. My friend. My maker. If this installation survives, we... I must learn its secrets. Uncover its history. Uncover its mysteries. Yes. Find them all. And maybe more?"