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Arby 'n' the Chief

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Arby 'n' the Chief

Created by:

Jon Graham

Directed by:

Jon Graham


  • Microsoft Sam (Master Chief)
  • Microsoft Mike (Arbiter)
  • Microsoft Mary (Cortana)
  • Jon Graham
  • Daniel Lazslo
  • Elizabeth Carr-Ernst
  • Various Machinima employees


June 2, 2007 - August 17, 2013 (Main Series)
November 5, 2015 - November 18, 2022 (Season 8)

Running time:

15 Minutes (Average)

Number of episodes:

107 (Main Episodes)
13 (In L.A.)
2 (Films)
13 (Hypermail)
10 (Shorts)
33 (Bytes)


Arby 'n' the Chief is a Live-Action Machinima Hybrid series created by Jon Graham, credited as Jon CJG, about the lives of figurine versions of the Master Chief and the Arbiter. It is mainly based around the two playing Halo: Reach and Halo 3, and doing things related to Halo, but also will occasionally focus on the duo pulling off various shenanigans. In the first four seasons, episodes usually revolve around the duo . By the fifth season, there is a central plot that develops throughout the season, while episodes that address current events are more rare. By the sixth and seventh seasons, each episode is devoted to detailing the plot.


Arby 'n' the Chief is a live action internet video series created by Jon Graham, also known as Jon CJG (who was in turn known as DigitalPh33r when the series began production), about the lives of figurine versions of Master Chief and the Arbiter. Originally, it was about the two playing video games and encountering common phenomenons such as hackers or DLC releases in the Xbox LIVE community, but by the fifth season, each season has its own plot. The series has eight complete seasons.

Usually, the duo plays Halo 3, or Halo: Reach as of Season 4, on Xbox LIVE although Arbiter also enjoys playing other games such as Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Wii. Chief is typically seen expressing scorn and dissent whenever someone chooses to play any game that is not Halo related, and as such, Chief stays away from such games. However, he does venture out of his normal way to try those games, though his performance is terrible, and what time he does devote to the playing of different games always results in an increase in Chief's hatred for that game. Later on in the series, however, Chief becomes more tolerant of non-Halo games, such as Resident Evil 5, despite later on joining a protest against the game itself because of its alleged racism.


Main Characters

  • Master Chief
  • The Arbiter
  • Cortana
  • Greg

Xbox Live

  • Trent Donnovich
  • Claire Ferguson

Chaos Theosis

  • Clyde (Deceased)
  • Kylie (Deceased)
  • Duncan
  • Adam McIntyre (Deceased)

Season 7 antagonists

  • Eugene Black (Deceased)
  • Tyler King (Deceased)
  • Colin Hunt (Deceased)


  • Scott Loveheart (Deceased)
  • Agent Boris Smirnoff (Deceased)
  • Skyler Loveheart (Deceased)
  • Todd (Deceased)
  • Travis (Deceased)

Master Chief Sucks at Halo

In this prequel to the later series, Jon's Halo 2 Master Chief action figure comes to life, and begins playing the Halo 3 Beta. He plays extremely poorly, partially because of his unfamiliarity with the new features of Halo 3, but mainly because of his total lack of video gaming talent (at one point, he picks up a spike grenade and throws it at a nearby wall, killing himself and blaming Bungie for making a "gay wep0n"; in another scene, he accuses another player of hacking due to the player's use of a bubble shield).

In the second episode, we find him asking the Arbiter (apparently a different Arbiter action figure than the one who would later be featured in Arby 'n' the Chief; like the Chief, this Arbiter is unintelligent and uses Leet Speak) to play Halo 3 Beta with him on MSN. However, the Beta has been concluded, prompting the Chief to try and drown himself in the toilet. When the suicide attempt fails (because he is wearing a helmet), he decides to play Halo 2 on Xbox Live. He quickly gets booted for offensive behavior, which includes betraying teammates for power weapons such as the Energy Sword. Afterward, he decides to check out for updates on Halo 3, and discovers that the game's release date has been announced for Tuesday, September 25th, 2007.

In the final episode, we find him under the Halo 3 Legendary Edition Helmet. He comments on how a man on the internet lied to him by telling him that "wearing this helmet does not make you pleh better". He proceeds to play Halo 3, and after a bad display of gameplay, he takes a Sniper Rifle and gets a lucky headshot while jumping. He thinks he has become the best Halo 3 player in the history of the world, and decides to make a Halo 3 montage. After seven weeks, and with assistance from the Arbiter, he finally completes his "masterpiece," which consists of a misspelled title; the film clip was filmed unskillfully, with the shooting technique of merely pointing a digital camera at the TV screen. To top it all off, the film comes with an annoyingly loud soundtrack ("Crawling" by Linkin Park).

Episode Guide

Season 1

# Title Episode Length Summary
1 Pilot 9:56 The episode opens with Master Chief dreaming about Halo 3, where he wins an award by a Bungie representative for being the best gamer in the history of the planet. A parcel delivery reveals "The Arbiter".[1]
2 Recon 9:05 Master Chief comes up with a hilariously complex idea to get the Recon armor piece from Bungie, but resorts to the Arbiter writing a letter for him.[2]
3 Attitude 8:07 After successfully receiving the armor piece, Master Chief proceeds to annoy fellow players by bragging. Taking out his frustration on the Arbiter, he destroys his copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.[3]
4 Melee 8:09 Master Chief yet again gets frustrated after the Arbiter scores a custom match kill that should have been his, after a simultaneous melee gave the Arbiter the score because he had more health.[4]
5 Martyrdom 9:02 Unable to understand how his 714 GB pornography download would cause severe connectivity issues, Master Chief stops playing Halo 3. Accompanying the Arbiter in a game of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, he is explained by his friend about the "Martyrdom" perk.[5]
6 Brawl 8:32 After failing to grenade and rocket-jump over a nearly-impossible gap in the level "Halo", Master Chief and the Arbiter decide to play Super Smash Brothers Brawl.[6]

Season 2

# Title Episode Length Summary
7 Girls 8:28 After noticing the derogatory way Master Chief treats female players, the Arbiter makes it his duty to turn him into a gentleman. Although originally successful, Master Chief reverts to his old ways when a Cortana action figure arrives at Jon's apartment.[7]
8 Legendary 7:17 After discovering the "forge filters" in the newly-downloaded Legendary Map Pack, the Arbiter has Master Chief come up with a good forged-map for it. Master Chief's distorted idea of the perfect forge map is to activate all forge filters; put all starter and respawn spots next to each other, and put spend the entire budget on scenery items and equipment that is irretrievable.[8]
9 Newcomers 9:22 The night after playing Halo 3 with annoyingly serious players, Master Chief and the Arbiter are welcomed by two new guests - Todd and Travis. Master Chief becomes jealous when Cortana and Todd become close friends.[9]
10 Cortana 7:12 After fruitless attempts to brake up Todd and Cortana's relationship with drawn images of an affair and a 9-1-1 call, Master Chief has only one option left: to kill Todd.[10]
11 Conflict - Part 1 9:16 Humiliated by Travis' trick which had him thrown into a mirror after a failed chat-up line with Cortana, Master Chief announces to the Arbiter that he will teach Todd and Travis a lesson. That night, he approaches them with a knife as they sleep.[11]
12 Conflict - Part 2 8:04 Master Chief fights Todd and Travis, quickly defeating Travis with a kick in the gonads. The chief and Todd are evenly-matched until he tricks Todd into turning his back. About to kill him with the knife, the Arbiter and Cortana stop him just in time. The next day, Cortana approaches Master Chief - Todd and Travis have disappeared.[12]

Season 3

# Title Episode Length Summary
13 Cold 7:25 Master Chief tries to raise money to purchase "Cold Storage", unaware that it is free.[13]
14 Wedding 8:07 Master Chief and the Arbiter are invited to a wedding on Halo 3. While the Arbiter tries to go on with the idea; which he feels is taking the game too far, Master Chief plans to crash the party.[14]
15 Professional (Part 1 of 3) 7:25 Master Chief introduces to the Arbiter his new friend Craig, who claims to be an MLG player. Knowing of MLG ("Major-league gaming"), the Arbiter sees through Craig's lies clearly. Chief on the other hand, believes him to be real.[15]
16 Face Off (Part 2 of 3) 6:41 After making Chief cry, the Arbiter approaches Craig and his friends. They agree to have Master Chief fight Craig.[16]
17 Showdown (Part 3 of 3) 10:02 Master Chief begins his match with Craig, drunk. Unbeknownst to him, the Arbiter has "Player 1" controller, and is pretending to be Chief to win the bet. Beating the Arbiter with camping and power-weapon tactics, it is up to Master Chief to take down Craig when he suddenly leaves his console.[17]
18 Glitch 8:58 After downloading the "New Xbox Experience", the Arbiter is shocked by Master Chief's desire to kill himself. After stopping him, he is told that Chief lost his Katana piece. Not believing it to be of anything serious, the Arbiter is taken to a game of Snowbound, where all players have ceased their desire to kill each other after noticing that they too have lost their armor pieces.[18]
19 Panic 8:43 On Snowbound, the glitch-affected players begin killing non-affected gamers in a frenzy of anger at the loss of their armor pieces. Before the surviving non-affected players (with the addition of Master Chief) kill each other, a Title Upgrade is announced by Bungie that will fix the glitch.[19]
20 Cheater 10:11 Master Chief begins using cheats to excel at Halo, after finally giving up with trying to get better with experience. A Bungie employee with a gravity hammer (the "Banhammer"), not prepared to ban the Arbiter as well (the two are using the same game account), has Chief's Recon armor removed as punishment, instead.[20]
21 Company, Part 1 7:18 After watching a horrible amateur machinima, the Arbiter and Master Chief agree to found their own machinima company. After seven weeks of work, the Master Chief comes up with "The Shawshank Redemption 2: Taking Back Manhattan". Writing in over five-thousand characters, he is only able to hire three child gamers.[21]
22 Party 5:17 The Arbiter wakes up after a night of drinking and finds Jon's apartment wrecked and Master Chief asleep in the toilet. Looking through the damaged items (such as an Xbox console with its lead cut and reattached at a smaller length), the Arbiter begins to remember the events of the previous night.[22]
23 Company, Part 2 6:15 After forcing the Arbiter with legal action for not signing a non-disclosure agreement (Which he opposes due to it not being a real company), Chief returns to his machinima without him. He is unaware that the Arbiter has now sabotaged his production to make him come to his senses.[23]
24 Evil 10:18 After playing Resident Evil 5, Master Chief returns to Halo 3 and joins a protest against the game - the protesters believe that Africans being featured in gaming is somehow racist. After seeing their point with the current events happening in the continent, the Arbiter leaves to think about it. Returning the next day, he has the group disband, citing that Capcom's want for the game to take place in Africa was not racist or insensitive, but because it was important to the story. Back in the apartment, Chief begins to annoy the Arbiter with his constant Wesker quotes.[24]
25 King 18:09 Stranded in a glitched game of King of the Hill, the players begin arguing over which of their favourite machinima series are the best. The Arbiter finally ends it, by making them agree that all of the mentioned series are popular and liked by many people. The game finally returns to normal and Chief wins the game. Elsewhere, what happened to Todd; Travis and Cortana is revealed to the viewer.[25]


Endgame is the originally intended finale for Arby 'n' the Chief before the debut of the sequel series Arby 'n' the Chief: In LA. It is split into six parts.[26]

Title Episode Length Summary
Part One 6:07 An international drug smuggler and extreme cocaine addict on the run from the Russian government responds to Jon's need of a roommate to pay his bills.
Part Two 5:24 The Arbiter befriends a girl in a Slayer match called "Claire". He and Master Chief are also introduced to their roommate; Scott, who believes that their unexplainable existence is caused by eating his 'Coke sandwiches'.
Part Three 7:29 An entire game of Halo players are lagged-out by a hacker, while the Arbiter begins talking to Claire on MSN.
Part 4 7:36 Master Chief cuts off his foot to impress Bungie into giving him back his Recon armor. Meanwhile, they discover that Scott is stealing from Jon, and Claire breaks up with the Arbiter for lying to her about his identity.
Part 5 9:34 Scott begins stalking Claire in a Sandbox maze, eventually killing her with a SPARTAN laser while continuing his "lagging out" tactic. Master Chief and the Arbiter find the Russian agent who was chasing Scott in episode one, and bring him back to deal with him.
Part Six 11:19 With Scott's cocaine-covered corpse and blood covering Jon's apartment and the remainder of his money taken by Scott, the figures consider the possibility of them being sold to pay for Jon's living. Luckily, Claire; who had overheard the events of the previous episode on her headset, learns the truth about the two titular characters. To make it up for saving Xbox live, she offers Jon to share her apartment in California so that he doesn't end up homeless.

Season 4

Jon revealed via his blog that he will be producing a fourth season of Arby 'n' the Chief. This is not a continuation of Arby ‘n’ the Chief in LA, but of the original series, taking place after the events of “King” but before those of Endgame; unlike Arby 'n' the Chief in LA, Jon is creating these episodes entirely on his own, with no outside involvement from Jon has described the new season as having, “No melodrama, no crazy plots, no new characters, just classic Arby 'n' the Chief, back-and-forth banter and wacky around-the-house antics.” The first two episodes, which were premiered at CanWest 2010, center around the Halo: Reach Beta, while the rest of the episodes will be based around other popular Xbox 360 games or other plots that do not relate to video games. A trailer is available on YouTube, and the first episode is scheduled to be released on Saturday, June 26, 2010.[27]

Title Episode Length Summary
Episode 26: Out of Reach 5:18 In an effort to play the Halo: Reach beta before its intended opening time, Master Chief takes the concept of disk-burning to far and mutilates the disk with a knife.[28]
Episode 27: It's A Beta! 4:05 Master Chief and the Arbiter take turns in playing the Reach beta. Left with nothing else to do, Chief uses Arbiter's account to forum post his thoughts on the game.[29]
Episode 28: Pirates 4:51 Master Chief uses Arbiter's Bus pass and university assignment for a pirate role-playing game, unaware that Arbiter will require them.[30]
Episode 29: Aces and Spaces 5:37 After offending Arbiter's drawing-abilities, Master Chief challenges him to an aptly-named "dick-drawing contest".[31]
Episode 30: Giveth and Taketh 5:34 Master Chief grows bored of Halo 3 and plans to play the Halo Reach beta to kill time until Reach comes out in September, but is choked when the Arbiter tells him that the beta is no longer unavailable. Then Chief tries to play Halo 2 multiplayer to relieve "the good ol' days." Arbiter tries to explain that Halo 2 online multiplayer has been cancelled, but the episode ends before he can tell Chief.[32]
Episode 31: God's Work 6:15 When the Arbiter attempts to play "Demons and Souls" on PS3 without Chief realizing and freaking out. Eventually Chief finds out and throws Jon's PS3 controller in the toilet and the episode ends.[33]
Episode 32: B&(1/2) 6:19 Halo: Reach has finally hit store shelves, but Jon's copy has been lost during his move to a new apartment. While the Arbiter searches for it, Master Chief plays Modern Warfare 2 and encounters a JTAG-ging hacker.[34]
Episode 33: B&(2/2) 6:55 Stopped by a console ban from Xbox Live, the aftermath of Master Chief's brief JTAG-ing romp on Modern Warfare 2 ensues as the Arbiter returns having finally found Halo: Reach.[35]
Episode 34: Digital Fruitcakes 9:18 Master Chief challenges the Arbiter to a competitive match in Halo: Reach, Chief teamed up alongside his team of "noobs", who all exploit anything they can to win.[36]
Episode 35: Night of the Evading Dead 13:31 It's Halloween, and after a late night of playing the Living Dead playlist, Arbiter tries to get some shuteye. However, Master Chief insists he get up early to play Infection custom games with him to celebrate the holiday.[37]
Episode 36 : The Mail Room 5:18 Master Chief and the Arbiter answer a handful of e-mails from fans.[38]
Episode 37: The Mail Room II 8:14 The Arbiter and Master Chief answer another batch of fan-mail.[39]
Episode 38: The Spider 11:35 A typical uneventful day for Master Chief and the Arbiter, a chronic arachnophobe, is turned upside down when a large tarantula finds its way into Jon's apartment.[40]
Episode 39: Christmas 2010 Special 4:22 The Arbiter and Greg, the mute tarantula newcomer, compete in a game of Scrabble on Christmas Eve, and Master Chief wants to join in.

Season 5

Title Episode Length Summary
Episode 40: House of Cards 15:00 Master Chief and the Arbiter awaken on Christmas morning, joined by Greg the tarantula, and exchange gifts, following a jarring glimpse of events to come.[41]
Episode 41: Duck Love 9:01 The Arbiter wastes no time going forward with his idea: developing his own gaming news show; though he struggles to come up with material, a task made no easier being badgered by Master Chief.[42]
Episode 42: Low on Hearts 11:32 Arbiter catches up with Claire during a match on Halo: Reach, whom he hasn't seen in a long time. He also works hard at developing his show... as does Master Chief.[43]
Episode 43: Rock Bottom 12:16 Master Chief has another online encounter with Cody, elite Reach player and future wedding security team member, and Chief challenges he and any teammates of his to a private match. The Arbiter tries to swallow the news that Claire is the bride of the upcoming wedding, as well as plenty of booze.[44]
Episode 44: Hypernews I 11:23 Master Chief, the Arbiter, and Greg tape their first episode of their time travelling gaming news show, Hypernews, in which Master Chief reviews The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.[45]
Episode 45: Drunken Halo 9:31 Their self-confidence rocked by the abysmal online performance of their Hypernews pilot episode, Master Chief and the Arbiter decide to celebrate their hard work regardless and dedicate the day to playing Drunken Halo.[46]
Episode 46: Time Wasters 11:08 A previously encountered matchmaking player calls out Master Chief on his complete lack of skill, and Chief goes to Arbiter for some training. Arbiter apologizes to Claire for his drunken remarks from before.[47]
Episode 47: Da Bomb 12:55 As Arbiter continues to train Master Chief to be a better Halo player (or at least tries), he receives an invite from Trent to tour his in-game church.[48]
Episode 48: Double Trouble 15:20 Master Chief continues his Halo training with the Arbiter. When Arbiter tells him (to be nice) that he's making progress, Chief decides to take action and show Trent's security duo Cameron and Cody what he's made of.[49]
Episode 49: Hypernews II 13:57 With the help of cameraman Greg the spider, Master Chief and the Arbiter tape and air their second episode of their time-travelling gaming news show, Hypernews.[50]
Episode 50: Stag Night 18:28 Arbiter bonds with Claire in some Double Team Matchmaking games before attending Trent's online stag party the night before the wedding -- but Master Chief refuses to let him go alone.[51]
Episode 51: Cheaters 26:21 After discovering Trent Donnovich is being unfaithful to Claire (who is to be his bride in less than 24 hours), Arbiter and Master Chief are banned from the ceremony's server and blocked from communicating with Claire in any fashion. The toys must find a way to re-enter the server and stop the wedding before it's too late...[52]
Episode 52: Collapse 31:49 With a list of 'leet hacks' at the ready, Arbiter and Master Chief prepare to take down the Donnovich wedding and stop Claire from making the biggest mistake of her life.[53]

Season 6

Title Episode Length Summary
E3 2011 Skit 5:35 Arbiter and Master Chief argue about everything going on at E3 2011
Episode 53: Genesis 19:43 Four months have passed since the wedding crash punctuating season five. The toys are still banned from playing Halo online. Master Chief resorts to drawing on the walls and burning holes in the carpet to fill his days. The Arbiter, having not spoken to Claire in some time, has become a full-blown alcoholic and has convinced himself he has absolutely no control over his life. Greg has been nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, on the online battleground, to combat a rise in in-game cheating and hacking, the OMN (Online Multiplayer Network) establishes an organization named the TOSERS (Terms of Service Enforcement/Response Squad), consisting of moderators of varying ranks and within different divisions who are deployed to police online matches. In response, a ruthless clan of hackers known as Chaos Theosis rises and threatens to wreak havoc online with an illegal software patch commonly referred to by underground hacking communities as FragBan, which allows patched players to place an irreversible console ban on any player he or she frags in the game as well as steal that player's personal account information, unless TOSERS is immediately dismantled and its moderators are removed from gameplay...[54]
Episode 54: Hard End 14:55 Master Chief follows through with his decision to apply to the TOSERS in-game police organization to have his online multiplayer access reinstated. Arbiter refuses to join him, unable to shake himself out of his depressive funk.[55]
Episode 55: TOSERS 17:28 Master Chief and the Arbiter form an uneasy alliance with Cody and Cameron, fellow TOSERS applicants and once bodyguards of Trent Donnovich at his wedding, to fight off the hacker clan Chaos Theosis.[56]
Episode 56: Dough Eyes 16:36 After Arbiter catches Master Chief making a mysterious phone call, the two set out to moderate Halo: Reach online play as newly recruited TOSERS.[57]
Episode 57: Chaos Theosis 16:18 The Arbiter and Master Chief begin their duty as level negative one TOSERS in-game moderators. Meanwhile, the Chaos Theosis clan continues its merciless rampage throughout online matchmaking.[58]
Episode 58: Fired Up 20:56 Master Chief collapses from exhaustion after a full day of moderating duty. The Arbiter can't sleep and decides to resume play through the night -- and a newly promoted Claire is assigned as his supervisor.[59]
Episode 59: The Storm 21:46 Arbiter makes a last-ditch effort to retain the toys' positions on the TOSERS moderation force.[60]
Episode 60: Blackout 19:19 Master Chief and the Arbiter are in the belly of a private hacking server at severe risk of having their console irreversibly banned and must find a way out, but not without the hack files they came for.[61]
Episode 61: Remission 22:42 Chaos Theosis attacks the TOSERS main operations server, killing every moderator in sight. Meanwhile, the toys are still stuck in a power outage.[62]
Episode 62: Cradle to Grave 23:00 Master Chief and the Arbiter, having pinned up mugshots of each member of the Chaos Theosis clan on the apartment's front door (their "hit list"), label each with their gamertags and settle on tracking and taking out the youngest member of the clan first, Claire's killer -- Adam. [63]
Episode 63: Femme Fatale 20:19 Kylie confronts Duncan regarding his avoidance of the tasks assigned to him by Clyde, and the toys bicker over who to make their next target. [64]
Episode 64: Severance 23:06 Master Chief and the Arbiter target the remaining Chaos Theosis members on their hit list. [65]
Episode 65: The Reunion 33:08 Master Chief and the Arbiter face off with Trent Donnovich, who has been revealed to be behind Chaos Theosis and their attack on the network.[66]

Season 7

The seventh season of Arby 'n' the Chief premiered on April 7, 2012. The episodes were originally scheduled to be released every three weeks, although this goal was often left unmet. The average run time for each episode is intended to be ten to fifteen minutes, but some episodes have had a run time of around twenty-thirty minutes.

This season is much darker in tone than the previous ones; death and despair are prominent themes, and relationships between the main characters are more strained than ever before. The soundtrack is minimal, incorporating elements of noise, ambient music and dubstep; scenes with little dialogue are frequent. Title cards are discreet, and credits usually roll silently.

In late 2012, the season was put on a hiatus, as Jon stated to be overwhelmed from both school work and work on the show. The season has been suggested several times to be the last one of the series, for example in the director's commentary for "Terminal", Jon pondered the idea of ending the show on its seventh season as a nod to Bungie's favorite number, which is also seven. On March 2, 2013, a new trailer detailing season seven's second half was released, with the announcement confirming that it will be indeed be the last one in the main continuity of the series. Episodes resumed on March 30, 2013 and have since been uploaded weekly until the series finale.

Title Episode Length Summary
Episode 66: Reapers 14:35 The episode opens with a glimpse of the future two months from the present, following a clan of trolls who infiltrate an online in-game memorial service for a deceased teenage Halo addict armed to the teeth with heavy weaponry with the intention of decimating it. The clan is also revealed to have a couple of unexpected members. In the present, tension between Cortana and Chief is sky high, and Arbiter undergoes a traumatic event. [67]
Episode 67: Barbie 'n' the Chief 12:58 Master Chief secretly orders and collects a mysterious package. Meanwhile, the personalities of the trio of trolls depicted in the glimpse of the future in the premiere episode slowly begin to unravel. [68]
Episode 68: Massive Damage 15:27 Arbiter further searches for ways of coping with his deterioration. Meanwhile, Master Chief pursues the woman of his dreams, Emma -- who merely spoke to him for thirty seconds and sent him a clan invite -- and Eugene punishes a player unfamiliar to him who has been trolling matches and forums poorly, falsely claiming to be a member of Eugene's clan in the process. [69]
Episode 69: Terminal 22:27 Following his first taste of rejection by a girl he fell in love with online, Master Chief falls further into a downward spiral. Meanwhile, Cortana and Greg confront Arbiter about his excessive drinking. [70]
Episode 70: Heat 17:03 Master Chief wakes himself up early in the morning while the other toys are still asleep in order to go through with his mysterious plan previously interrupted by the Arbiter. [71]
Episode 71: Ashes 20:47 Master Chief struggles to place his accidental incineration of Cortana out of his mind. Arbiter, under the impression that Cortana had asked Greg's assistance in having her mailed to a children's charity, attempts to come to terms with the fact that she's gone. Greg, aware of the truth, is torn between confessing to Arbiter to clear his conscience and concealing the truth to keep the peace in the apartment. [72]
Eisode 72: Two Point Zero 30:49 Master Chief is forced to take action when Greg's guilt over concealing Arbiter from the truth regarding Cortana's disappearance becomes too much for him to handle. Arbiter is beckoned unexpectedly by an acquaintance for help. [73]
Episode 73: Blast Radius 9:27 The Arbiter, upset with Greg -- believing him to have helped Cortana mail herself away to a children's charity -- turns down his company in favor of playing online with the Chief and the duo's new friend, Eugene. The Chief struggles with nicotine withdrawl. Eugene and his trolling clan's co-moderators Tyler and Colin, now in possession of a new iteration of the Fragban software patch -- with the capability of issuing a console-level ban upon a fragged player -- begin wreaking havoc throughout the gaming network. [74]
Episode 74: Broken 14:02 Eugene decides to confide in The Arbiter and Master Chief and reveal to them a secret, after which tension rises greatly between the toys. Greg, clueless what do with his knowledge regarding the truth of Cortana's demise, makes a radical decision. After throwing himself a party, the Chief experiences a traumatizing sight. [75]
Episode 75: Burned 15:47 Emma, the leader of a purist trash talk-free gaming clan (who shot down Chief, who believed the two of them were in a relationship), attempts to inflate the faith of her members despite the clan's modest interest to the public and recruitment figures. Tyler, at last in the possession of the perma-banning Fragban software patch, wreaks havoc online. Tensions rise between he, Eugene and Colin after Colin makes a controversial announcement. Eugene enters a heated exchange with his father. The toys are at odds over the participation in the banning of players with Eugene. [76]
Episode 76: Black 10:20 Brody, the bullied online role-player who attends the same high school as Eugene and Tyler, approaches his friend Kyle in the pair's frequented server and offers a concerning proposition. Eugene and Arbiter chat privately; Eugene apologizes for he and Arbiter's earlier conflict over the use of the Fragban software patch, and an in-depth discussion follows revealing of the two's troubled lives and personal beliefs.
Episode 77: Wake 10:56 Chief continues to be haunted by visions of Cortana. Following his in-depth discussion with Eugene, Arbiter makes a rash decision.
Episode 78: Dead Weight 8:14 The toys accept the gift of the Fragban 2.0 software patch (with the capability of banning players upon fragging them) from Eugene, and wreak havoc throughout online matchmaking with it after Colin gives the clan the green light to proceed with its usage.
Episode 79: Spiraling 9:31 Six weeks have passed since the toys acquired the Fragban software patch from Eugene. Arbiter continues to deteriorate. The toys are informed by Eugene of an imminent memorial service for a deceased teenage gamer to be hosted online and in-game.
Episode 80: Crush 11:45 After a long absence, Claire returns online, eager to reconnect with the Arbiter. Eugene obtains dirt on Brody via Tyler.
Episode 81: In Memoriam 13:24 Having finally discovered the usage and purpose of the console-bricking software they stole from Tyler, Brody and Kyle find themselves at odds over whether to use the files to ban Eugene or submit them directly to the administration in the hopes that a firmware fix will be developed. Eugene, Tyler, Colin and the toys await the start of the memorial service (seen in the season's premiere episode).
Episode 82: Descent 9:55 A jarring glimpse of two weeks into the future teases a terrible fate for the toys. Following the memorial service crash, the toys find themselves at the peak of their happiness. Eugene and Tyler obsessively await Brody's reappearance. Arbiter has a revealing conversation with Colin.
Episode 83: Take A Seat 9:49 Master Chief's visions of Cortana intensify to the point where the two converse, and uncovers a dark secret of Colin's.
Episode 84: What Lies Beneath 10:35 The toys discuss which course of action to take in response to Colin's inappropriate conduct with a minor online, and are given a jarring glimpse of Eugene's malice.
Episode 85: Greenlit 12:03 The toys struggle with divorcing themselves from the only friends they've ever made online and defecting from the clan.
Episode 86: Flatline 10:39 Eugene receives devastating news. The toys reflect on their defeat by Eugene and his co-moderators and discuss retaliation.
Episode 87: Event Horizon 9:14 Following the banning of the toys and the news of Madeline's abrupt passing, Eugene suggests he, Tyler and Colin get the most out of Fragban while it's functional by initiating a merciless banning rampage. Meanwhile, Master Chief decides to put Colin's private IRC server info received from Peter, the young boy who was under the threat of sexual assault, to worthwhile use.
Episode 88: The Big Bang 9:18 The toys fight against Eugene and his co-moderators until only one side is victorious.
Episode 89: Game Over 9:27 The toys struggle to come to terms with Eugene's suicide and the takedown of his co-moderators.
Episode 90: Ignition 25:09 Arbiter confronts Chief to learn of Cortana's true fate after discovering her base plate buried in the box of junk at the bottom of the hallway closet, where Chief had hidden it after accidentally incinerating her. The apartment receives unexpected visitors.

Season 8

The eighth season of Arby 'n' the Chief premiered on November 5, 2015. This season wasn't premiered on Machinima but Jon's YouTube channel instead and it's an independent job for a story Jon conceived.

Title Episode Length Summary
Episode 91: Fatal Exception 1:17:25 After forfeiting their lives to fiery oblivion, the Arbiter and Master Chief having inexplicably come to life in 2008 find themselves in a parody of Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film "2001: A Space Odyssey" -- a cargo ship traversing deep space, somehow taking place on the multiplayer stages of Bungie and 343 Industries' Halo: Reach for the Xbox 360. Chief, believing himself to be the ship's artificially intelligent robot PAL-9001 in a mission to discover the purpose of life, awakens the Arbiter, who suffers from amnesia and disturbing images of past tragedies.
Episode 92: Nervewreck 36:01 Recently awakened aboard the Cargo Ship Truth and Reconciliation, Arbiter and Cortana look to PAL for answers as to why exactly they're on board.
Episode 93: Party Time 39:53 In spite of PAL's unfounded misogyny, Cortana attempts to befriend the robot for the sake of the success of the crew's mission. With the two often at odds, Arbiter struggles with keeping the peace as well as his paranoia in light of the lethal contents of the ship's cargo bay and hallucinations of a mysterious stalker.
Episode 94: Bad Dream 36:00 PAL reveals the cause of the ship's high alert status to be the imminent failure of a critical component of the ship's communications system.
Episode 95: Reentry 25:07 Cortana makes the executive decision as the mission's Captain to deactivate PAL, believing the assistant artifical intelligence system to be a significant risk to the lives of the crew. Arbiter's torn between his odd-couple friendship with the robot and his respect for Cortana as his friend and superior. Meanwhile, PAL may have other plans.
Episode 96: Lockout 27:19 Arbiter attempts a life-or-death negotation with PAL.
Episode 97: Triple Fault 39:07 After PAL proves itself to be extremely dangerous, Arbiter takes drastic measures to disable the robot.
Episode 98: Warhead 31:04 With the ship hijacked by deadly Space Allen soldiers obsessed with violating the rear ends of all lifeforms throughout the universe to death and led by the terrible alien king Xanthar, Arbiter is forced to fight or die.
Episode 99: No Purpose 16:17 The '2001: A Space Odyssey' arc is over. Having awakened from their dream states, the toys find themselves alive and together once again within the confines of their owner Jon's bedroom. Chief's happy. Arbiter, on the other hand...
Episode 100: Future Shock 33:54 The toys are back inexplicably in Jon's room after being dead for four years. While Chief searches for Jon's copy of Halo: Reach so he can play it and troll people online, Arbiter uses Jon's computer and internet connection to catch up on current world affairs.
Episode 101: Zeroes 46:51 More is revealed from the flashfoward in time seen in the first episode of this season. In the present day, Arbiter continues his search for purpose while Chief seeks means of obtaining the Xbox One X and the Master Chief Collection.
Episode 102: Hello, World! 1:05:04 As the toys continue to seek their purpose, an enemy approaches.
Episode 103: Alt-Right-Delete 1:44:03 Master Chief gets he and Arbiter into big trouble with the Terms of Service Enforcement and Response Squad. A formidable new foe performs a field test of an extremely dangerous malware tool.
Episode 104: Play to Win 1:18:21 Adam and Kylie form an uneasy alliance in leadership of both Kylie and Clyde's hacker armies, the latter leader now having been taken out of play. Feeling that TOSERS has ruined the Halo Reach online experience, Chief decides he's had enough with the confines of Jon's bedroom.
Episode 105: Possession 1:15:07 The Arbiter and Master Chief deal with a disturbing turn of events since Jon's return to the house. Adam moves forward with a secret and terrible plan. Claire recalls her last meeting with the Arbiter.
Episode 106: Zero Hour 1:33:14 Kylie wrestles with the loss of her clan and relationship with Adam in handling her partnership with him gone awry. The toys discover that Claire's hosting an online event on Halo Reach in memorial of them, believing them to be dead. Adam, now one of the world's most powerful crime lords, plots a number of attacks, one involving a devastating cyberweapon.
Episode 107: Apocalypse (Season Finale) 2:02:17 Adam's hired programmer Cody completes for him Hate Machine, a cyberweapon of mass destruction in the form of a program that steals data, lethally destroys power supply units and duplicates and re-executes itself using bots as hosts to spread exponentially, resulting in the deaths of up to hundreds of thousands of people. Arbiter and Chief make a last-ditch effort to stop him, paying a price they're not prepared to, and make discoveries there's no turning back from.

Non-canon episodes


A new segment to season six is a show known as "Hypermail," (formerly known as "Hypernews" from season five.) A fanmail show that will rotate weekly between season 6 and it until the season's end. The segment is non-canon and displays the characters in their usual attitude, as well as addresses more real-life and/or pop culture events from the perspective of The Arbiter and Master Chief, thereby breaking the 4th wall in the series.

Title Episode Length Summary
Hypermail 7:50 The Arbiter and Master Chief introduce a new show known as "Hypermail," the fan-mail segment of their now cancelled show "Hypernews." Arbiter and Chief proceed to read and answer fan mail with some truthful and not so truthful answers.
A Scientific Fax 7:34 Upon reading some fanmail, Arbiter gives a shoutout to Machinima's Respawn Army's new badges based on their show, as well as mentions the recent rioting in Vancouver over the Stanley Cup. Master Chief on the other hand is more excited about the announcement of Halo 4.
From the Ashes 5:55 When the set of Hypermail is destroyed by Master Chief's carelessness, he and the Arbiter are forced to film the show in Jon's Kitchen. When a fan suggests to the Arbiter to buy a doll to fill his void with Claire, Chief steals Jon's wallet to do so for himself.
The Gun Show 5:25 While reading fanmail, Master Chief tries to trick the Arbiter by reading an email that came from Arbiter's "mom." The Arbiter however gets the last laugh when someone suggests to Chief to look into a Magnifying glass while it's over the sun.
Maximum Overdrive 4:56 While reading fanmail, Master Chief continues trying to prank Arbiter. Little does he know that Arbiter has some tricks up his sleeve as well.
Aliens and Monsters 5:42 Upset that he had very little screen-time in their latest story episode "Chaos Theosis," Chief proceeds to read phony emails from Arbiter's supposed family, while Arbiter tries to read actual emails from viewers. Chief's anger quickly fades when he recieves a scam email from Nigeria.
Silly Billies 4:54 Arbiter and Master Chief read fanmail, this time in front of the door to Jon's Apartment. Their segments ends with the both of them dancing.
Voices of Raisins 5:54 The episode opens with Master Chief making a mundane PSA in an attempt to get money from the audience. Arbiter and Master Chief then proceed to read Hypermail while sitting on Jon's bed.
Dukes of Dongs 5:51 Reading hypermail from Jon's Kitchen, Master Chief continues to try and beg money from the audience with little success (To Arbiter's notification.) When Chief receives a phony message from a Canadian Hospital stating he has Testicular Cancer, Chief cries, leaving Arbiter to "comfort" him.
A Vereh Scareh H4110w33n 5:51 In this Halloween-themed episode, Arbiter has decorated Jon's kitchen to create a spooky atmosphere and proceeds to read emails. Master Chief on the other hand continues to believe he has fallen ill for the Testicular Cancer email from the previous episode.
Hypermail Anniversary Edition 4:45 Master Chief and the Arbiter answer another batch of viewer mail, as well as thank Bungie for ten years of Halo gaming goodness and permitting Arby 'n' the Chief to run as long as it has.
Chilling Out 4:10 Master Chief and the Arbiter answer another batch of viewer mail.
Just Say No to Robot Porn 3:15 Master Chief and the Arbiter answer yet another bunch of viewer mail in this season's finale.


Title Episode Length Summary
E3 2011 Skit 5:35 As The Arbiter and Master Chief observe the gaming booths at E3 2011, the two discuss the upcoming games and Chief attempts to join the convention with Jon's Wallet and a poorly-crafted badge in an effort to acquire the newly announced Halo 4.
Christmas 2010 Special 4:22 The Arbiter and Greg, the mute tarantula newcomer, compete in a game of Scrabble on Christmas Eve, and Master Chief wants to join in.
An Arby 'n' the Chief Short 2:06 Arbiter addresses the viewers -- Arby 'n' the Chief's regularly scheduled programming will be held back for one week.
Short #2 2:20 Master Chief and the Arbiter are forced to help Jon get back on his production schedule by filming another short video.
Short #3 2:09 Master Chief wants to sit down to another session of Halo: Reach but finds the Arbiter has impeding plans.
Christmas Special 2011 3:23 Master Chief and the Arbiter pin up their Christmas stockings for Santa on Christmas Eve.
New Years Special 2011 4:18 The Arbiter is rudely awakened in the middle of the night on Christmas eve by the sounds of Halo gameplay and Master Chief's cussing.
Short #4 2:14 The Arbiter intrudes on Master Chief's allotted time with Halo: Reach by playing Skyward Sword.
Short #5 1:43 Master Chief and the Arbiter sit in the tub in the dark telling scary stories.


Season 1

Title Episode Length Summary
Well Hung 2:12 Arbiter peeks into the bathroom seeking Chief wondering where Jon's PSP Go is and discovers that Chief has found the solution to all of Jon's problems.
Day One Cookies 3:09 Master Chief bakes a tray of rather unappealing chocolate cookies and tells Arbiter to help himself... for a price.
Memeland 3:47 Arbiter awakens one morning to find that Master Chief has launched a brand new business venture.
Doggy Style 5:06 Through discussing the controversy surrounding Mass Effect 3's ending, Master Chief reveals that he's writing his own.
Steaks, Taters and Hairy Ticks 5:09 More of Master Chief's wacky antics ensue when his religious worship solely of Halo conflicts with the fact that Arbiter is playing The Lion King on Sega Genesis.
Blockheads 5:31 Master Chief coincidentally feels like taking a break from Halo: Reach and instead surfing the web on Jon's computer while Arbiter is using it -- and makes a shocking discovery.
In the Pudding 5:06 Arbiter plays Jon's PSP Go while Chief is still in shock after setting his eyes on Minecraft gameplay.
Number One Fan 5:10 Arbiter awakens one morning following the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo to find Master Chief curiously not playing Halo: Reach, but sitting silently and patiently at the apartment's front door.
Divided We Stand 4:43 Arbiter approaches Master Chief one sunny morning and asks him if he'd like to play a few rounds of Reach. Chief says he'd be delighted, but what ensues isn't exactly what Arbiter anticipates.
Sold Out 6:24 Arbiter and Master Chief struggle against the horrors of writers' block as they try to come up with new ideas for the Bytes shorts.
Premium Club 3:42 Master Chief announces his latest exciting business venture to the show's audience.
Armor Deep 5:03 Master Chief reveals that he feels as though he's overweight and Arbiter offers to help him adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Growing Pains 4:58 The Arbiter wakes up bright and early on the day he has dedicated to his annual playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but not before Master Chief gives him a hard time.

Season 2

Title Episode Length Summary
The Great Evil 3:56 Master Chief is convinced that he is the son of the "gods of gaming", placed on Earth to spread their holy word and cleanse the industry of the "cancer" posed by casual gamers, starting with the Arbiter.
Suspense! 4:47 Brace yourself for another action-packed episode of the Arby 'n' the Chief - Bytes mini-series, now with an epic replay of past events and a glimpse of events to come, just like your favorite televised drama series!
A Pirate's Life 3:35 Master Chief and the Arbiter discuss the benefits and problems surrounding online piracy.
Horsin' Around 5:06 Arbiter's curiosity gets the better of him and learns of one of Chief's terrifying secret.
Rustled 4:47 The Arbiter and Master Chief both find themselves down in the dumps one night, seemingly with no means of improving their mood.
A True Fan 5:25 The Arbiter wakes up one morning to find Master Chief locked inside of the microwave.
One Love 4:48 Master Chief sits down to a quiet and elegant dinner date, which is turned upside down when Arbiter reveals a certain something that Jon has recently brought home.

Season 3

Title Episode Length Summary
Stars Force: The Darkness Awakened Review 6:28 Master Chief's review of Stars Force: The Darkness Awakened directed by Jar Jar Abrahams.
Jams Bonk (Part 1) 8:31 With the help of Arbiter as his first assistant director, cameraman and essentially every other role besides director, Chief writes, directs and stars in his own spy movie as secret agent "Jams Bonk".
Jams Bonk (Part 2) 11:52 Arbiter acts as first assistant director and camera operator among every other necessary production role to Master Chief, who's directing and starring in his own James Bond spin-off film.
Jams Bonk (Part 3) 12:40 Part three of the Jams Bonk story in which Arbiter helps Chief film a James Bond parody film starring Chief himself.
Franchise XXX 11:59 Arbiter and Master Chief drink a couple of beers as they watch a live broadcast, and coverage featuring Chip Gayman, of the 2019 Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, California.
Master Switch 12:31 The toys finally discover a couple of video game consoles of the latest generation. Chief, repulsed by the Switch, learns it can be hacked.
That COPPA Feel 21:03 Arbiter reads about YouTube's new content submission guidelines following their fine from the FTC. Meanwhile, coincidentally, Master Chief decides to make a new show.
Your Mom's House 18:40 Jon packs to go to his mom's house for the holidays. After years of not seeing Santa deliver any gifts to his apartment, Chief, with reason to believe that Santa regularly goes to Jon's mom's house, and wanting Halo Infinite, decides to stow away in one of his bags and go along with him.
Agnryfaic 17:10 Chief starts his own business.
Outbreak Breakout 19:55 Chief wants to go to a massive spring break beach party in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Doom Guys 19:20 On the day Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons are released simultaneously, Master Chief curiously reveals himself to be a fan of the former.
Soiboi 18:39 Chief calls a doctor after suffering a serious disease from a Nintendo Switch.
Better Call Chief 26:31 Chief finds Arbiter playing The Last of Us Part II and takes action.
The Xboxorcist 42:32 It's Halloween, Chief finds Arbiter playing Fall Guys and decides to toy with an ouija board.
Noelf 30:37 Master Chief decides to pass the time waiting for Santa to bring him the Xbox Series X|S by annoying Arbiter, who informs Chief that he's being surveilled and won't get the console if he's put on Santa's naughty list.
Second Onion 18:02 Arbiter is sad and can't shake it. Chief tries to help.
E3 2021 Special 35:33 The toys watch the E3 2021 developer and publisher streams together.

Production notes

In these two videos, Jon Graham tells and shows viewers the process of creating an episode of Arby 'n' The Chief.

Title Episode Length Summary
Behind the Scenes - Part 1 10:02 A special video narrated by Arby 'n' the Chief writer/director Jon CJG outlining the process of the production of an episode from conception to final product.
Behind the Scenes: Part 2 10:49 The second part of a special video narrated by Arby 'n' the Chief writer/director Jon CJG outlining the process of the production of an episode from conception to final product.

Arby 'n' the Chief in L.A.

These episodes are considered Non-Canon by Jon Graham himself

On November 2, 2009 it was announced that a sequel to the series is in production. The sequel's title is "Arby n the Chief in L.A."[77] Jon Graham stated on his blog that he is not working on the project, and that has taken complete control of the series.[1] However, is still going to go to Jon for him to provide tips and information to help with series continuity.

Because of bad fan reception for the first two episodes, on November 24, 2009, much to his dismay, Jon Graham stated on his blog that he was asked by Machinima to fly to L.A. and help them with the third episode to "give the new crew a running start." However, he was detained by US Homeland Security as a Canadian citizen and was denied entrance to the United States; the new arrangement is for Jon to simply write the scripts and manage the voices, while a film crew in LA does all the actual production. Jon stated on his blog that he still doesn't consider the series his anymore.[2]

Title Episode Length Summary
Episode 1: Dear Jon 4:43 In Claire's house in California, the Chief is attacking one of his teammates solely because he has Recon as well while the Arbiter waits for Claire to return. As Claire and Jon return, Jon takes a shower while Claire attempts to apologize to the Arbiter about how she is going out with Jon, but the Arbiter insists that it is okay and that he understands why she would not want to date him. Claire thanks the Arbiter and follows Jon. Time passes and The Arbiter has grown bored with their current life of playing Halo since arriving in California. He decides to leave the house and go outdoors in search of adventure, with The Chief following close behind.[78]
Episode 2: Walking in LA 6:07 The Arbiter and Master Chief's first day in Los Angeles does not go well, with both of them being forced to take shelter inside an overturned box on the streets, and with Chief complaining that he smells like "Cat Piss." Trying to make the best of their situation, The Arbiter and Chief tour around Los Angeles, visiting Hollywood, the beach, and other locations. Master Chief however is still bored with the scenery, to the point of crudely improvising an Xbox controller out of a TV remote, a couch out of an empty box of tissues with a piece of torn towel, and an Xbox and television out of a large jug with an illustration of stick figures shooting at each other. Tired of adventures, Chief decides to set out to find an Xbox, Despite the Arbiter's suggestion visit the Zoo. After a tense run-in with a dog, the two set off to the zoo.[79]
Episode 3: Lost 5:14 In search of the Zoo but are now lost next to a dumpster, the Arbiter now has second thoughts and explains to Master Chief that they can't go to the zoo because of their existence as toys or else they would both be captured and experimented on by the government. When the Chief makes a crude comparison to the movie District 9, Both Arbiter and Chief get into an argument about Earth's expanding universe, as well as debate on religion. Still persistant on going to the zoo, Master Chief is physically stopped by the Arbiter, prompting Chief to go back to Claire’s house. When the Arbiter doesn’t want to go back because he is still upset over Claire, this time the Chief refuses to listen to him and heads off on his own.[80]

This is the first episode of Arby 'n' the Chief in LA that Jon wrote and voiced for.

Holiday Promo 0:38 Master Chief records himself with a video camera, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, much to the Arbiter's disinterest, preferring to going to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie instead.[81]
Episode 4: Breaking and Entering 4:55 With Master Chief fed up with the adventure, he and the Arbiter get into a fight which ends with The Arbiter throwing him off and telling him that all he wants is for both of them to be safe and happy. They find a “Pro Gamers” residence, which the Chief attempts to break into despite the fact that the door is wide open. The Arbiter is nervous upon entering the building, but the Chief assures him that there is no one there. Immediately, however, a third voice pipes up, “Yes there is!” and the two look to see that the owner of the voice is Sonic the Hedgehog.[82]
Episode 5: Ensemble 6:10 Sonic is overjoyed to see them, as he thinks that they are from Starship Troopers. Creeped out, the Arbiter suggests to the Chief that they leave, but when the Chief learns that they have an Xbox in the store, he immediately elects to stay. Sonic introduces them to two other action figures in the store: Luigi and Toad. When Sonic proclaims that he has found Starship Trooper characters, the Arbiter corrects him and tells him that they are actually Halo figures. Toad and Luigi tell the Arbiter and the Chief to leave, because their “leader” has absolutely no tolerance for Halo. They then hear an angry voice yelling at Toad for not making food for him; Toad and Luigi quickly hide the Arbiter and the Chief. An angry Mario figure stomps into the room, attacking them both until the Arbiter intervenes and steps into the open, confronting Mario.[83]
Episode 6: Clash of the Titans 6:00 Master Chief and Sonic play Sonic the Hedgehog on the Xbox, much to Chief's dissatisfaction, demanding to know where Halo 3 is. Meanwhile, the Arbiter and Mario face off. Mario is angry with Halo because, in his eyes, he was the face of video games until the Master Chief stole it from him. The Arbiter defends the first two Halo games, but admits that, after Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released, Halo 3 (along with everything else) was "just so 'meh' in comparison." The Arbiter goes on to concede that the Mario games, despite possessing a shallow and repetitive plot, do deliver solid gameplay, and that Mario should still be the face of video games. However, he reignites the argument by saying that Banjo-Kazooie was better than Super Mario 64.[84]
Episode 7: The Dark Side 4:15 Mario reluctantly allows the Arbiter to stay because of his intelligence. However, he refuses to let the Master Chief stay and the Arbiter can only remain as long as he sells out the Chief, thus is torn between Toad's insistence on doing so and Luigi's persuasion against doing so. Meanwhile the Chief has found the Halo 3 disc inside a Tony Hawk’s Ride game case, to his delight.[85]
Episode 8: Two Betrayals 4:48 Master Chief tricks Sonic into going to see Mario so that he can play Halo 3 by himself. The Arbiter and Toad arrive, with The Arbiter accepting Mario's offer to allow him to stay on the condition that the Chief be kicked out. At that moment, Chief is heard complaining about the map Boundless (another version of Snowbound), Mario storms into the room and, after a brief argument, throws the Chief out while the Arbiter looks on. The episode ends with a shot of the sad Master Chief sitting outside the door of the shop.[86]
Episode 9: Exile 4:26 The Chief wakes up outside, inside a box, remembering his situation and sits down, depressed. Meanwhile, Mario throws Sonic in a cupboard, despite the latter's pleas. After threatening Luigi for helping Sonic, Mario reveals that he has planned for Sonic to have some company in the cupboard. Toad talks to the Arbiter, whom is feeling guilty about betraying the Chief. Toad tries to reassure the Arbiter, with some success, before mentioning that Mario wanted to see him. Without warning, the Arbiter is stunned by a large falling piece of plastic.[87]
Episode 10: Alone 4:32 Going back on his word, Mario tells the Arbiter that while he hates Master Chief, he adds that he hates pseudo-intellectuals and those whom are not human in general, like the Arbiter. According to Mario, the Arbiter looks like Bowser. When the Arbiter retorts that he looks nothing like a dragon, he is thrown into the cupboard with Sonic. Sonic says that he is locked in for telling Chief where Halo 3 is, and begins to get high from his Sharpie marker. He offers it to the Arbiter, who eventually accepts. The Chief, meanwhile, is playing "catch" with a crude blob representing the Arbiter drawn on the side of his box. After throwing a tantrum, Chief gets his foot stuck in the box after kicking it.[88]
Episode 11: Outcasts 4:26 While getting high from Sonic's Sharpie, the Arbiter overhears a conversation outside between Mario and co that he intends to kill them both. Toad and Luigi finally refuse to comply, leading Mario to kick them both out as well. Toad and Luigi overhear the Chief's calls for help, and they free his foot from the box. The Chief invites Toad and Luigi into his "house" and after getting into a short argument with Toad. Toad tells the Chief that Mario is about to kill the Arbiter and Sonic. The Chief quotes “himself” from the Halo: Combat Evolved level Two Betrayals: "That's not going to happen."[89]
Episode 12: Counter Strike 4:26 Mario opens the cupboard, prepared to kill both the Arbiter and Sonic. Meanwhile after wasting minutes of concocting a plan to rescue Arbiter and Sonic, Master Chief, Luigi, and Toad return to their home and break in through a window. The Chief, Luigi, and Toad find the Arbiter and Sonic tied together in a microwave with Mario about to kill them. Mario closes the microwave and confronts the Chief, ending on a cliffhanger.[90]
Episode 13: Game Over 5:48 Mario presses the start button on the microwave, starting the long and painful process of melting the Arbiter and Sonic. The Chief battles with Mario while Luigi and Toad hurry to rescue Sonic and The Arbiter from melting. After a long tussle, Mario loses his balance with the Chief holding onto his face, and they both fall over backwards off the counter. Both Mario and the Chief hit the ground and lie still, apparently dead. The Arbiter insists to Toad that the Chief's "done this before," and that he'll get up in just a moment, but the Chief remains still and quiet. He is wrapped in a magazine and given a funeral of sorts, whereas Mario is simply thrown into the freezer by Toad. Arbiter apologizes to Chief's body for selling him out, and Sonic gives up sniffing his sharpie and gives it to Chief as a present. To commemorate Chief's memory, Toad suggests that they all play Halo 3. However, the box is missing. Outside, it is revealed that the Chief - very much alive - has broken out of the magazine and has stolen the Halo 3 box. Angry at the Arbiter for betraying him, the Chief reflects that he does not have to listen to the Arbiter anymore now that he has a copy of Halo 3.

After the credits end, the freezer is shown open with no sight of Mario, indicating that he is still alive and has escaped to hunt down the other action figures.[91]

Arby 'n' the Chief: The Movie


On May 25th, 2008, Arby 'n' the Chief: The Movie premiered at the machinima event CanWest ‘08 (which the movie was created for) and was published on YouTube the same day. The movie seems to take place in between the plot line of Episodes 10 and 11, and features all of the main characters of the series up to that point (thus, not only are the Master Chief and the Arbiter present, but so are Cortana, Todd, and Travis). The movie also marks the first time that any character has ventured out of Jon's apartment.


Jon Graham is famous for being a solo machinima producer, but for the Movie, his friend Daniel Lazslo, aka D Laz, assisted him in the production of the film, most notably with visual effects.


The Movie was the first Master Chief Sucks at Halo/Arby 'n' the Chief production to go outside of Jon Graham's apartment. Filming took place in three different cities: Vancouver (Jon Graham's old residence), Chilliwack (another Canadian City), and Los Angeles (where Jon Graham visited to work at the headquarters for several days).

Plot Summary

In the beginning of the movie, the Master Chief forces the Arbiter, Cortana, Todd, and Travis to play along with a horrible game of "pretend" with Chief (one of Todd's lines is nothing but a crude drawing of a penis). As the others leave, the Arbiter approaches the Chief and consoles him by telling him it was very "Imaginative". While watching machinima videos online, the Chief begins to insult Jon Graham (also known as DigitalPh33r at the time), saying that his videos are shitty and repetitive. The Arbiter tells him to make a machinima of his own, but on one condition: If the machinima is bad, the Chief has to be nice for a day. The Chief retorts by saying that if the machinima is good, then the Arbiter, Todd, Travis, and Cortana have to "shut up" for a day. Several weeks later, with the help of the Chief's online friends, his machinima is complete. It is very badly done, is over three hours long, and contains bad voice acting, over-the-top character actions, and a terrible plot. Everyone hates it, though the Arbiter and Todd attempt to sugar-coat their criticism. Angry, the Chief says that he has uploaded it to the internet and that the result of the bet should depend on the online reaction (which is Chief standing at the computer for a day and continually hitting F5 in order to refresh the page over and over, resulting in more views).

The Chief's video attracts the attention of the eccentric machinima director Skyler Loveheart, the head of "Douchebag Studios." Loveheart mistakenly thinks that the movie was made as a parody of bad machinima, and believes that the video is a work of genius. He contacts the Chief and tells him that Douchebag Studios could use the Chief's talents, and that they want him to come down to Los Angeles to create a serious machinima under their new contract. The Chief happily accepts and tells the Arbiter and Todd that he "doesn't have to live with [those] douchebags anymore." To everyone's delight except the Arbiter’s, the Chief leaves and heads to LA.

In Los Angeles, the Chief is greeted by Loveheart. The Chief asks to use Loveheart's phone, which he uses to call the Arbiter. He begins to brag to and insult the Arbiter, who angrily throws the phone out the window. The Chief then makes an online video (which parodies Uwe Boll’s infamous Youtube video containing much of the same content), in which he boasts about his machinima talents and challenges anyone who disagrees to a boxing match; according to him, beating his critics in a boxing match will somehow prove that he is right and they are wrong. The video annoys the Arbiter, who "can't think of anyone with an ego that massive." Travis tells the Arbiter to let it go, and that they should be celebrating. The Arbiter half-heartedly agrees.

Nearly two months later, the Chief's attempt at a "serious" machinima is complete, titled "TEH EPIK BATEL." Loveheart, seeing the video and how bad it is, realizes that the Chief isn't cleverly satirizing bad machinima, but is simply bad himself. Loveheart furiously tells the Chief that he had invested a lot of money in him, and, pulling a pistol from his pocket, attempts to shoot him. Luckily, Loveheart's hyperactivity causes him to aim erratically, and so every shot misses, even hitting himself in the knee with one of the shots. The Chief steals Loveheart's car and escapes, heading back home. Loveheart shoots himself in the head, causing a ludicrous amount of blood to spurt out.

Back at Jon's apartment, Travis and the Arbiter are playing Halo 3. Losing, the Arbiter forfeits, saying that he's not in the mood. The Chief arrives, and is greeted coldly by the Arbiter, whom the Chief mostly ignores. He goes on to enthusiastically greet Todd, Travis, and Cortana, who don't reply. The Arbiter tells him that he has quite a lot of nerve coming back after the way he behaved, and that he should go. The Chief, upset, cuts power to the apartment and leaves. He walks into the road and attempts to commit suicide by throwing himself in front of a car. The Arbiter, who followed, begs the Chief to get up, saying that he needs him in his life and that he even loves him. After a few more moments in which the Chief does not respond, he turns away. Suddenly, the Chief gets up, saying, "TAHTS SRSLY TEH GAYIST SHIT IV EVAR HERD." He recalls when he tried to commit suicide in Master Chief Sucks At Halo 2, and comes to the conclusion that he can't die. He asks for a hug, which the Arbiter gives, not realizing the Chief has stuck another insulting sign on his back (“IM GAY”), just as he did in Episode 6.

Later, Todd, Travis, and Cortana are having a discussion on the Master Chief's destiny (namely, whether he'd go to Heaven or Hell; the unanimous conclusion is that he is going to Hell). Just then, a large Master Chief helmet appears around the corner of the hallway, saying that it is the “real” Master Chief and declaring that “I AM HEER TO EAT UR FACE. OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM.” This badly frightens everyone, especially Todd, who screams effeminately at the top of his lungs and runs away when he sees it. However it turns out to be a prank by the Chief, who recites his classic line, “llolollolllolloolollololloololol,” as the movie ends.[92]


  • The Arbiter and Master Chief figures are from Halo 2, but Cortana, Todd, and Travis are all Halo 3 Action Figures.
  • Though distributed by, the series is technically not a machinima, with the majority of each episode filmed live-action and video games simply being a plot device.
  • In the second episode of the series, the Arbiter wrote Bungie a letter asking to give the Chief Recon armor, which was granted by the beginning of Episode 3. Bungie, of course, actually did give Jon Graham the Recon armor; many viewers of the video thought that Jon was given the armor because of the email that the Arbiter wrote, leading many of them to write their own emails to Bungie asking for the armor themselves. Jon, however, has revealed that he did not actually send the email that he wrote for Episode 2, and that Bungie gave him the Recon purely because they admired his videos.
  • Humorously enough, the runtime of Season 7 equates to roughly 343 minutes.


  1. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 1 (Halo 3 Machinima)
  2. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 2 - "Recon" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  3. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 3 - "Attitude" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  4. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 4 - "Melee" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  5. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 5 - "Martyrdom" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  6. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 6 - "Brawl" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  7. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 7 - "Girls" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  8. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 8 - "Legendary" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  9. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 9 - "Newcomers" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  10. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 10 - "Cortana" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  11. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' Chief: Episode 11 - "Conflict" (Part 1 of 2) (Halo 3 Machinima)
  12. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Episode 12 - "Conflict (Part 2 of 2)" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  13. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Season 3, Episode 1 - "Cold" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  14. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief Season 3 Episode 2 (Halo 3 Machinima)
  15. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: S3E03: "Professional" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  16. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief - Season 3: Episode 4 "Face Off" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  17. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E05: "Showdown" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  18. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E06: "Glitch" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  19. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E07: "Panic" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  20. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E08 - "Cheater" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  21. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E09: "Company" - Part One (halo machinima)
  22. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E10: "Party" (halo machinima)
  23. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E11: "Company (Part Two)" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  24. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E12: "Evil" (Halo Machinima)
  25. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S3E13: "King" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  26. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief - Endgame
  27. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: Season 4 - Trailer
  28. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E01: "Out of Reach" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  29. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E02: "It's a Beta" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  30. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E03: "Pirates" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  31. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E04: "Aces and Spaces" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  32. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E05: "Giveth and Taketh" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  33. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E06: "God's Work" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  34. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E07: "B& (1/2)" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  35. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E08: "B& (2/2)" (Halo 3 Machinima)
  36. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E09: "Digital Fruitcakes" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  37. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E10: "Night of the Evading Dead" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  38. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E11: "The Mail Room" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  39. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E12: "The Mail Room II" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  40. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S4E13: "The Spider" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  41. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E01: "House of Cards" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  42. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E02: "Duck Love" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  43. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E03: "Low on Hearts" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  44. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E04: "Rock Bottom" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  45. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E05: "Hypermail I" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  46. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E06: "Drunken Halo" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  47. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E07: "Time Wasters" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  48. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E08: "Da Boom" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  49. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E09: "Double Trouble" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  50. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E10: "Hypernews 2" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  51. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E11: "Stag Night" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  52. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E12: "Cheaters" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  53. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief S5E13: "Collapse" (Halo Reach Machinima)
  54. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Genesis"
  55. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Hard End"
  56. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "TOSERS"
  57. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Dough Eyes"
  58. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Chaos Theosis"
  59. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Fired Up"
  60. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "The Storm"
  61. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Blackout"
  62. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Remission"
  63. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Cradle to Grave"
  64. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Femme Fatale"
  65. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "Severance"
  66. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' the Chief: "The Reunion"
  67. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Reapers"
  68. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Barbie 'n' the Chief"
  69. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Massive Damage"
  70. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Terminal"
  71. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Heat"
  72. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Ashes"
  73. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Two Point Zero"
  74. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Blast Radius"
  75. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Broken"
  76. ^ YouTube: Arby 'n' The Chief: "Burned"
  77. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' The Chief in L.A. Trailer (Halo 3 Machinima)
  78. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 1: "Dear Jon"
  79. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 2: "Walking in LA"
  80. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 3: "Lost"
  81. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Holiday Promo
  82. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 4: "Breaking and Entering"
  83. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'N' The Chief In LA: Episode 5: Ensemble
  84. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 6: Clash of the Titans
  85. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 7: The Dark Side
  86. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 8: Two Betrayals
  87. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 9: Exile
  88. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 10: Alone
  89. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 11: Outcasts
  90. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 12: Counter-Strike
  91. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief in LA: Episode 13: Game Over
  92. ^ Youtube - Arby 'n' The Chief: Arby 'n' the Chief: The Movie (FULL) (Halo 3 Machinima)