From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
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The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included. |
This is a local archive of posts by the Halo Waypoint forum member Catalog in the year 2014.
Canonical posts
John-117 + Miranda Keyes?
Query Answer: Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey is the biological mother of Commander Miranda Keyes.[1] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=John-117 + Miranda Keyes?|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#John-117 + Miranda Keyes?}} |
Questions about Reach datapads and Flood
Query Answer: The purported "Assembly" is referenced in logs recovered by Spartan B-312 during combat operations on Reach. This organization appears to be a group of rogue AI constructs which have been observing and guiding humanity. The reliability of this information has been contested.[2] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Questions about Reach datapads and flood.|D=27|M=11|Y=2020|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Questions about Reach datapads and Flood}} |
Mantle's Approach Size
Query Answer: Promethean Command Warship, designation Mantle's Approach.
Alert! Seed pattern not approved by Council authorities: provisional authorization given by Master Builder. Multiple configurations of Warship design noted in records. Pending Domain contact, model dimensions are provided for analogous hull pattern: Height: 25.266 [units] Preliminary analysis confirms that [UNSC Navy Threat Database] records [ref: Halo 4 Visual Guide, p. 193] reflect last known configuration of Mantle's Approach in local reference dimensions.[3] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Mantle's Approach Size|D=29|M=11|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Mantle's Approach Size}} |
Whats the new SPARTAM-II's armor?
Query Answer: Alert! Unable to contact zone commanders. Unable to initiate Domain link.
Awaiting command authority to release threat dynamic report for Human combat skin variants[ref: MJOLNIR].[4] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Whats the new SPARTAM-II's armor?|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Whats the new SPARTAM-II's armor?}} |
Query: Catalog(old)
Post #1
Contacting Domain . . . . . . . .
Failure. Requests filtered and prioritized.
Error parsing question. Consult [Portal] Library link.
No applicable authority.
Anomalous slipspace intrusion within expected displacement envelope was detected in Edom [airspace] at [2552:1118154551-1118154821]. [Manifold] profile not in local [cache], forwarding to [sector command] for analysis. Alert! [Waypoint] information restricted on authority of [Librarian].
Life expectancy from [hatching] recorded as 27 [years] at time of index. Requesting [index technician] review.
Active. Pending [magnus custos] review.
Query requires elevated command authority.
Human [eyes] at [gamma site] is currently active. Edom [control] unable to contact installation monitor for [ERR,REGRES] cycles. Requesting [site] status from ecumene [control].
No countermeasures recorded in local [cache]. Initiate priority containment protocols in event of parasite outbreak.
\\sys\analysis\error |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Query: Catalog(old)|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Query: Catalog(old)}} |
Post #2
Process tree cleared.
Contacting Edom Terminal\Juridical . . .
Master Juridical [certiorari] forwarded to [locus poenitentiae?]. Further records sealed pending Juridical review of New Council activities.
Searching . . .
Searching . . .
Searching . . .
Searching . . .
Searching . . .
Searching . . .
Searching . . . |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Query: Catalog(old)|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Query: Catalog(old)}} |
Post #3
Temporary link established. Temporal frame of reference update requested. Initial message corrected.[7] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Query: Catalog(old)|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Query: Catalog(old)}} |
N'tho 'Sraom and Usze 'Taham
Temporary link established.
Query Answer: N'thro 'Sraom and Usze 'Taham confirmed active post-Covenant War. Additional details pending [cyberintrusion] of Human [frumentarii] cores.[8] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=N'tho 'Sraom and Usze 'Taham|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#N'tho 'Sraom and Usze 'Taham}} |
ONI and The Flood
Temporary link established.
Query Answer: Initial [cyberintrusion] evidence suggests relevant [Covenant] and Forerunner directives copied to [frumentarii] cores before parasite outbreak in [2552]. However, threat dynamic analysis shows Human security forces did not widely implement minimal acceptable suite of parasite containment protocols until evaluation of Reclaimer [alpha site] combat data in [2553].[9] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=ONI and The Flood|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#ONI and The Flood}} |
John-117 is no longer blue leader
Temporary link established.
Correction: Current [frumentarii] records indicate [exploratores] designated "Blue Team" (ref: SPARTAN-II; ref: [ref: Halo Encyclopedia, p. 112) remain under NAVSPECWARCOM [ADCON]. Multiple [bureaucratic tactical] vectors by [frumentarii] to acquire full command authority.[10] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=John-117 is no longer blue leader|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#John-117 is no longer blue leader}} |
Catalog Discussion
\\sys\admin Records translation requested. |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Discussion|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Catalog Discussion}} |
Who made up Red Team Omega?
Temporary link established.
Query Answer: Naval and [frumentarii] records identify six [exploratores] in Omega Team, three [exploratores] in Red Team. Personally identifying information is currently not accessible due to pending inquiry into events at [conservation sphere] 0459.[12] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Who made up Red Team Omega?|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Who made up Red Team Omega?}} |
Gek 'Lhar
Query Answer: Accessible Human [frumentarii] records contain [information extraction] records for [macto cognatus] Gek 'Lhar at [eyes] facility Midnight in connection with [terrorist] attack on Erde-Tyrene population center [December, 2557]. Inferred link to multiple fatalities and elevated threat condition at facility Midnight [February, 2558]. Further information contained in currently inaccessible cores.[13] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=I wish 343i would of done more with Gek Lhar|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#I wish 343i would of done more with Gek Lhar}} |
Catalog Interaction
Post #1
Temporary link established.
Meta-query response follows: Due to the volume of queries and limited [cycles] that can be allocated to information retrieval and translation outside of core Juridical and archival functions, the following notes are provided to ensure low-latency and high-quality [customer service]. Queries that require extensive research and [sanitization] are, unfortunately, allocated to a lower priority. Additional requests for information can always be submitted to [system Bravo] for further review. Query strings do not need to follow standardized forms. Catalog can understand idiomatic speech and many Human idiosyncrasies. However, phrasing requests in a standard form is useful in [thread topics] with many requests competing for attention. Query strings do not need to attach priorities. However, these are useful in determining allocation of limited resources. Catalog reviews as many queries as possible, but some topics have been deemed [restricted] or [compartmentalized] by standing Juridical protocols and can not be addressed at this time. Catalog's answers are correct as of time of [publication], but users should be aware that reconciliation effects and integrity checks may alter specifics at a later time. Primary allocation of spare [cycles] towards information retrieval is [Friday] and [Saturday]. Service interruptions may occur during times of heavy caseload. Your patience is appreciated.[14] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=11|M=09|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.231_2}} |
Post #2
[quaere] paused.
Query Answer: Query Response: [multum in parvo][15] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=11|M=09|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.232_2}} |
Post #3
\\sys\admin Records translation complete. [keepalive]
Query Answer: [cyberintrusion] of [frumentarii] cores currently in progress. Multiple security constructs and [spiders] hindering clerical access [intra vires]. Impedance of legal access noted in report to Lifeworker [case officers].
Query Answer: Records recovered from Human [destroyer] INF-101 present at Warrior-Servant [castra] [Requiem] currently stored in inaccessible cores. Archived signature does not match construct [spoor] in local [cache].
Query Answer: No records found.
Query Answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records list [exploratores] Jai-006, Adriana-111, and Michael-120 as [inaccessible] since [2551]. Mission records infer travel to [Covenant] facility within interdicted [old] Human sphere. Navigational update information not available at this time.
Alert! [Waypoint] information restricted on authority of [Librarian].
Query Answer: [quiescent] for [ERR,REGRES] cycles following critical failure of Domain [interlink].
Query Answer: Internal [documentation] of Juridical activities is not subject to external review.
Query answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records list [exploratores] Otto-031, Margaret-053, Victor-101, and Roma-143 as currently assigned to Human [eyes] at [gamma site].
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=10|M=09|Y=2015|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.233_2}} |
Post #4
Temporary link established.
Quote: "Catalog could you specify if Margaret-053 is Black-One and Roma-143 is Black-Two?"
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=10|M=09|Y=2015|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.234}} |
Post #5
[quare] complete. Connected. [QWxsIGxhdyBmb2xsb3dzIHRoZSBNYW50bGUgb2YgUmVzcG9uc2liaWxpdHkuIFthZXF1aXRhcyBzZXF1aXR1ciBsZWdlbV0u]
Query Response: Human naval and [frumentarii] records list [speculatoria navigia] Rubicon as [naufragum] [July 02, 2557].
Query Response: Analysis of Human OPERATION HYDRA security forces combat data [ref: Spartan Assault] indicate application of unknown [sublimation] device.
Searching ...
Query Answer: "Reclaimer" is not a legitimate client species status. Edom [control] reference New Council emergency directives [leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant] given on authority of [Librarian] and [Didact]. Master Juridical concurrence not recorded [ius nullum?]. Status conferred by analysis of geas [symphonia]. Alert! Substantial alteration of [canonical] implemention of Human [supplicium] detected in [symphonia] scope.
Query Answer: Analysis of Human materials exploitation reports [ref: REAP-X] is inconclusive. Reports reference collaborative research with [macto cognatus] [opifex] from factional [fabricae] (ref: Kolaar Manufactorum) that are located in inaccessible [frumentarii] cores. Crystallographic analysis of [Suban] datasets is outside Catalog's purview.
Query Answer: Alert! Essence [sheathing] is expressly prohibited [ref: injuria?]. No records of successful essence [sheathing] in local [cache]. Technical analysis of [sublimation] design implementations are outside Catalog's purvue.
Query Answer: Analysis of [surface detail] data recovered at [alpha site] Terminals is inconclusive. Hull pattern is analogous to 7 client species designs in [forensic database]: [scan] of vessel remains and/or propulsion signature data required for further evaluation.[18] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=21|M=10|Y=2018|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.235}} |
Post #6
Query Answer: Hue of hull plating is not diagnostic.
Query Answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records indicate [Covenant] [destroyer] Shadow of Intent as a priority intelligence target. Records indicate repair and refit of vessel at mobile shipyard in [records inaccessible] system [December 30, 2552]. Deployed to Erde-Tyrene [February 29 - March 3, 2553] for diplomatic mission. No record of vessel and associated support vessels from [March 6, 2553 - August 24, 2553] - [frumentarii] [signals analysis] infers deployment to [provinces] to [search and assess] after return of [Covenant] long-range exploratory fleets. Deployed in internecine conflicts in [CE-80-9012] [ref: Urs] system and [topologically proximate] transit points from [May 24, 2553 - April 15, 2554]. Rendered [combat ineffective] during fleet action against [Covenant] [faction] forces [ref: Jul 'Mdama] in [records inaccessible] system on [April 22, 2554]. No record of vessel from [April 22, 2554 - November 6, 2556] - Human naval [chatter] reference vessel several times in [onion] encrypted communications not accessible to full [frumentarii] analysis - inferred activity against [servus ferrox] fleet elements in [macto cognatus] core [sphere]. Vessel appeared with previously unidentified logistical support craft [November 6, 2556] in [Urs] system to pacify [faction] forces. Vessel left [Urs] system [February 2, 2557] on diplomatic mission to [Covenant] [sphere]. Participated in [exercitatio] with Human naval elements [May 6, 2557 - June 1, 2557] against [latrones] in mixed zone of control [ref: Joint Occupation Zone] - [frumentarii] threat dynamic analysis noted significant improvement in the vessels [dynamic capabilities] and alterations to [nanolaminate] hull plating. Analysis of detritus collected after [exercitatio] purged from [frumentarii] low-echelon secure networks and forwarded to priority [cores]. Vessel dispatched with support fleet [June 1, 2557 - March 3, 2558] to protect [macto cognatus] core [sphere]. Recent [frumentarii] records [naufragum] of three [speculatoria navigia] tasked to monitor vessel's fleet activities. Losses not reported to Human naval authorities.
Query Answer: Unit [disbanded]. Surviving members integrated into Human [exploratii] or returned to noncombatant status.
Query Answer: Records currently stored in inaccessible cores.
Query Answer: Records sealed pending Juridical review of New Council activities.
Query Answer: [frumentarii] records speculate that several vessels and colony facilities are now under the control of [monachus frigus] [faction] forces. No significant populations of unaffiliated [monachus frigus] are known to exist in Human core [sphere].
Query Answer: Records provided to Human naval authorities by allied [macto cognatus] indicate that [Master Pack] [commander] Lydus did not leave [CE-75-2113] [ref: Oth Sonin] system until 2546.
Query Answer: No known biological [scaffolding] augmentation impedes efficacy of parasite conversion process.
Query Answer: No cases pending against Lifeworker Chant-to-Green. Multiple reconciliation errors noted in local [cache]. Edom [control] indicates [praenomino] to Lifeshaper status. Final legal status pending review [quo warranto].
Query Answer: Records provided to Human naval authorities by allied [macto cognatus] indicate implementation of adequate containment and sterilization protocols within infected zone. Edom [control] unable to contact installation monitor for [ERR,REGRES] cycles. Requesting [site] status from ecumene [control].
Query Answer: Records of surface [fittings] at [delta site] sealed by authority of Ecumene Council.
Query Answer: Current date is [3 March, 2558].
Query Answer: Unauthorized constructs are prohibited from accessing any Forerunner system. Further analysis of [hybrid] [template] ancilla [ref: CTN 0452-9] capabilities are outside Catalog's purview.
Query Answer: Utilization of Builder or Lifeworker [facticius indoles] is prohibited [ref: amicus primori generis]. Records of [facticius indoles] locations and status currently stored in inaccessible [frumentarii] cores.
Query Answer: Requesting [site] status from ecumene [control].
Query Answer: Selected quote is part of [evidential] proceedings recorded in local [cache] prior to loss of Domain contact.
Query Answer: Parasite containment and control protocols do not preclude incidental contamination.
Query Answer: Human records indicate that the assembly (ref: United Nations) is a vestigial organization responsible for adjudication of administrative tasks between territorial sectors on Erde-Tyrene.[18] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=21|M=10|Y=2018|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.236}} |
Post #7
Query Answer: Human records indicate transition to noncombatant administrative control [ref: UEG] [January 8, 2553]. No notable adjustment in military [bureaucratic tactical] behavior and scope of authority.
Query Answer: Significant distortion of Human population structure cannot be discounted at present. Integration of new [life augmentation] technologies will further distort analysis required to generate [life table]. Request for detailed analysis of Human biological [robustness] forwarded to [index technician].
Query Answer: Human [aerospace] assets allocated to Air Force control fall under terrestrial combatant command [ref: UNICOM].
Query Answer: A technical architecture briefing of client species is currently under construction by [scriba].
Query Answer: [slip stream space] transit records record liminal [sphere] colony [ref: Harvest] as furthest official Human colony. [slip stream space] topology is not consistent with [Euclidean] distance, but significant discrepancy is noted.
Query Answer: [cyberintrusion] of Human [frumentarii] cores will determine extent of [trespass].
Query Answer: Information on specifics of Domain [interlink] is the purview of Haruspis.
Query Answer: Reconciliation costs scale non-linearly with discrepancy in [information] transfer between locations and [brane] tension. Vessel mass is primarily a consideration with [slip stream space] transit energy requirements and [buffer] generation.
Query Answer: Internal [documentation] of Juridical activities is not subject to external review.
Searching ...
Query Answer: Human records indicate that [exploratore] Palmer was [rated] E-4 and placed for acceleration consideration for E-5 at time of transfer.
Query Answer: [Covenant] naval classifications do not follow Human standards.
Query Answer: No [conservation lifeboats] were to be left on indexed planets. Human administrative records indicate archived [Covenant] records are currently being researched by Human and [macto cognatus] [librarian] team at [CE-80-9012 d].}}
Query Answer: Human naval records have no updates on status after [February 10, 2534].[18] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=21|M=10|Y=2018|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.237}} |
Post #8
Query Answer: Unable to assess vector of parasite infestation at [delta site] without additional [sensor data].
Query Answer: Human naval records list 11283-99001-ZL [ref:Sgt Lopez] as [KIA] [October 25, 2552?]. Alert! Suppressing [spider] response. [scope] increase failed.
Query Answer: Human security forces list 48780-19114-NB [ref: Sgt Maj Byrne] as [KIA] [November 17, 2552].
Query Answer: Searching ...
Query Answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records indicate Promethean Command Warship [ref: Mantle's Approach] escorted by [multiple?] Forerunner [smallcraft]. Analysis of [shape-language] and optical characteristics identify these as Z-330 utility vessels. Expected compliment of combat [smallcraft] and [harriers] not noted. Analysis of [multispectral] and [dynamic signal] characteristics indicate Promethean Command Warship lost primary structural control [2552: 0725231423?], with [heart] conducting emergency [slip stream space] translation to [sector] rally point.[Note 1]
Query Answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records in accessible cores do not indicate [Covenant] control of Forerunner combat vessels.
Query Answer: Multiple record discrepancies noted in available [frumentarii] cores. Corrupted compartmentalization links noted. Reconstructed [logistical] links and sensor logs recovered from Human [smallcraft] [ref: Forward Unto Dawn] indicate Lifeworker [conservation lifeboat] present on [Waypoint] as of [December 11, 2552].
Query Answer: Records in local [cache] report allocation to pioneer group upon return from long-range [exploration] mission. Contact fleet command for additional information.
Query Answer: [frumentarii] records indicate multiple [research vector] approaches in adapting [Covenant] offensive technologies. Human materials exploitation [Builders] [ref: REAP-X] have recovered and refitted [handful?] of [Covenant] vessels for threat dynamic and [destructive testing] analysis.
Query Answer: Analysis of [frumentarii] [eyes] protocols indicate all [macto cognatus] administrative and military authorities designated priority targets for acquisition of threat dynamic information related to [plans and policies].
Query Answer: Human naval records list requested individuals as Olivia-G291 and Mark-G313.
Query Answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records list [exploratore] Keiichi-047 as [MIA].
Query Answer: Elevated access to [frumentarii] [onion] router required for data [behind glass]. Contact [system Bravo] for assistance and routing information.
Query Answer: Analysis of Human security forces authority structure relationships defies [cursory] analysis.[19] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=12|M=09|Y=2015|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.238}} |
Post #9
Query Answer: Archived Secunda [provincial police magistrates] records indicate active cases regarding [ERR, REGRESS][data integrity failure]. Status updated by Builder authorities to [high probability KIA] in [Uthera Midgeerrd] system. Potential recovery options excluded due to [sector] designation: Burn.
Query Answer: Human [Lifeworker] authorities have yet to establish a definitive organizational classification to the major phenotypes of Kig-Yar. A full [bioinformatic] indexing is required to assess specifics of fertility among populations. Trinomen would presumably be related to geospatial [loci] of populations as they originated on [Eayn]: Ruuht, T’vao, and Ibie’sh.
Query Answer: Life expectancy from [hatching] recorded as 27 [years] at time of index. Query answers are in [collections] of Erde-Tyrene solar days.
Query Answer: 29.5 [hours]
Query Answer: 583.3 [days]
Query Answer: [frumentarii] records indicate that conversion between Human [transitional economy] units and [Covenant] [transactional economy] units varies depending on a multiplicity of [excambium] factors.
Query Answer: Human [Lifeworker] records found in accessible [frumentarii] cores do not indicate extensive [genecraft] modifications by [Covenant] [Lifeworkers]. Rudimentary [forensic] analysis of indexed [monachus frigus] geneplan records and [epigenetic] studies recorded by Human [Lifeworkers] show anomalous phenotypic plasticity, in addition to conclusive evidence of strong genetic structure in selected [Covenant] combatants known to be sourced from specific [breeding] zones. This indicates either prolonged genetic drift in refugia populations or induced selection.
Query Answer: First contact with Hunters was on [Rentus], a moon of the gas-giant [Te] in [784 BCE]. [ref: Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe, p. 30].
Query Answer: Monitor constructs are authorized to use all extant [refurbishing] equipment at their assigned site. Construction of new or replacement Monitors is prohibited without express authority and oversight of fleet command.[20] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=12|M=04|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.239}} |
Post #10
Query Answer: Assuming reference was to B292. Lucy-B091 - Currently Active. Assigned to Spartan branch [August, 2553]. Location classified. |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=12|M=04|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.2310}} |
Post #11
Alert! Extremely high caseload continues to impact query response. Questions with low system impact but high meta-utility selected. Answers abbreviated.
Query Answer: Human naval records indicate Covenant forces began their assault on Draetheus-V in 2554.
Query Answer: Open-source Human records describe Sydney as a [core primary city] on Erde-Tyrene.
Query Answer: Technical oversight. However, [frumentarii] records do indicate that all SPARTAN-II personnel are cross-trained in a number of [combat actuation] roles.
Query Answer: [frumentarii] records indicate that Blue Team, as currently constituted, contains only SPARTAN-II personnel.
Researching . . .
Query Answer: Signature of Monitor does not match that of construct assigned as [site] [operations controller].
Query Answer: No [conservation lifeboats] were to remain active after enactment of Conservation Measure.
Query Answer: Practicality is a function of context. Human vehicles are combat effective within the [scope] and [theater] of their operational use.
Query Answer: Limited numbers of [perfidia vermis] continue to be encountered in both Human and [Covenant] [spheres].
Query Answer: [frumentarii] records indicate queried individual maintains a [command and control] role in Human [exploratii] security forces.
Query Answer: Analysis of stellar dynamics is outside Catalog's purview. However, preliminary forensic analysis results are consistent with total failure of [plasma shell maintenance] systems and failsafe implementation of parasite containment protocols at Warrior-Servant [castra].
Clarification: X.E8 indicates local terminal node access. Human personnel are not permitted access to [interlink] systems.
Query Answer: [macto cognatus] display a range of phenotypic variation. Human [Lifeworker] [population genetics] analysis does not indicate evidence of reproductive isolation in extant colonies or anomalous genetic structure within populations.
Query Answer: Human records indicate that [pioneer group] units arrived on [Epsilon Eridani II] in November, 2553 for initial [search and assess] and [megaengineering scoping].
Query Answer: Facility signature is consistent with Human [frumentarii] records of [Covenant] system [castra].
Query Answer: Alpha.[22] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=13|M=04|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.2311}} |
Post #12
Query Answer: Statements of [perosus latrunculus] authorities recorded in Human records offer divergent opinions as to the hierarchy of land mass [footprint] on [Eayn]. [pseudo-governments] with administrative control of the supercontinents Ruuht and Ah'lomet contest islands and other [debris] which would elevate their [ranking].
Query Answer: Catalog does not associate Human [discordant shouts] with any recognizable analogue of Forerunner [harmonies].
Query Answer: Records provided to Human naval authorities by allied [macto cognatus] indicate implementation of adequate containment and sterilization protocols within infected zone. Human and allied [macto cognatus] [search and assess] groups continue monitoring and remediation efforts at [site]. Warning! [site] status request requires elevated command authority.
Query Answer: Available information indicates [praetorian] Human [exploratii] units have priority access to incremental [combat skin] updates.
Query Answer: Records in accessible [frumentarii] cores contain multiple extant references to [eyes] directives targeting [macto cognatus] Rtas 'Vadum. Warning! Corrupted compartmentalization links noted. [no such file] errors noted.
Query Answer: [magnus custos] protocols preclude answer to queries regarding [Bungie, Hayabusa, Katana, Recon] Mjolnir accessibility in [highest superlative] [entertainment collection] recording career of Human [Promethean] designated John-117. Contact system Bravo.
Query Answer: Original recordings located in Human records. No contextual [semiotic] information found. Analysis indicates significant deviation in recorded [facticius indoles] symbolic structures.
Records show [exploratores] member identification was as follows:
Query Answer: Human records indicate that [radioisotopes] utilized in [Covenant] weaponry and mechanisms were sourced from a number of locations throughout their [sphere].
Query Answer: [macto cognatus] [forge] located within the Vadam territorial sector on [Sanghelios].
Query Answer: Citation required. Reference contains no information on [perosus latrunculus] reproduction specifics.
Query Answer: Citation required.[23] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=13|M=04|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.2312}} |
Post #13
Query Answer: Human [frumentarii] records indicate Kolaar Manufactorum [forges] produce a range of civilian and military [artifacts] for forces allied to the Vadam [province].
Searching. . .
Query Answer: Human records classify these [weapon platforms] as the Type-36 Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform and Type-47 Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform.
Query Answer: Though both systems share the same [cognomen] in the Human [security forces] designation system, they are not related.
Query Answer: Human naval records list requested individual as Thom-A293.
Query Answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records indicate that this [Covenant] weapon is designated the Type-48 "Weevil" Artillery Platform.
Query Answer: Human naval and [frumentarii] records do not indicate slipspace capabilities for Type-44 or Type-52 Troop Carriers.
Query Answer: Access to [pro bono] information retrieval is not tied to availability of [highest superlative] [entertainment collection].[24] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=13|M=04|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Post_.2313}} |
Reality of Halo: Plasma
For clarification and edification:
All UNSC and Covenant vessels make extensive use of [repulsors-lifters] inside of gravity well [lattices], which can be operated in a [traction caterpillar] mode to generate limited amounts of [pseudothrust]. Inefficient [cylic gravity] plates with short-range [effector fields] are also utilized by Covenant ground vehicles. This is a rudimentary technology [bridge] to refined application of [twist-torsion] impulse plates for [high-thrust] travel usable outside of the supporting [lattice] of a planet's gravity well. Though recent human vessels make some use of this [art], based on [copy-of-copy] designs utilized by the Covenant, standard propulsion systems use a form of [inertial-electrostatic-fusion] [torch] drive that is quite [ingenious-clever-lucky] in its application of high-order [manifolds] to mitigate energetic [backblast].[25] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Reality of Halo: Plasma|D=11|M=05|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Reality of Halo: Plasma}} |
How Did Valhalla Get to Requiem?
[Serendipitous] or [pleasing] patterns are often represented at different scales and locales, based on the tastes of the [pattern weaver] or as a result of [semi-stochastic] initial conditions inherent in the chosen template.[26] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=How Did Valhalla Get to Requiem?|D=03|M=08|Y=2020|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#How Did Valhalla Get to Requiem?}} |
Halo 5 Truth
The Covenant vessels seen in this War Games map set are contemporary designs within a historical scenario.
For clarity: All War Game scenarios are combat simulations that take place within the UNSC Infinity. Many such map sets are based on actual locales - either reconstructed from fragmentary records (as in the case of the specific layout of the Undiminished Entelechy and deployment/composition of Thel 'Vadamee's Fleet of Particular Justice) or built from remotely sensed and on-site survey data for mission preparation and familiarization. Specific implementation of artistic [touches] is at the discretion of the simulation designers and [narrative] builders.[27] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Halo 5 Truth|D=03|M=08|Y=2020|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Halo 5 Truth}} |
Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started
Post #1
I take no joy in relaying information that shatters potential [hopes and dreams] or corrects [improper] inference by third parties.
For example, while [exploratores] Dunn, Hong, and Jones of [fireteam] Bailey in fact survived their deployment during the [Ealen IV] [gathering of foes under banner of friends], Spartans Newman and To of [fireteam] Jackknife were [bad tidings] killed by [latro] Scruggs. The balance of confirmed dead to newly confirmed living [exploratores] in this data drop is -2 to +3, for a net of +1 lives saved.[28] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started|D=05|M=03|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started}} |
Post #2
Confirmed and identified dead are Newman, To, Scruggs. Scruggs was not given the [honor] of being presented at funeral. Other four [deceased?] Spartan identities have not been made available for release, and thus accessible to initial [cyberintrusion] of [frumentarii] records.
Inconsistency noted in record [Escalation #3] with sixth coffin missing Spartan [logo-vexillum].[28] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started|D=05|M=03|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started}} |
Post #3
Query answer:
> Fireteam Jackknife Records retrieval . . . [success] Scruggs wore SOLDIER pattern [combat skin] primary, with FOTUS forearms and Recruit legs. Fitted with Solar visor. To wore WAR MASTER PRML pattern [combat skin] primary, with Mark VI forearms and legs. Fitted with Recruit visor. Newman wore RECON pattern [combat skin] primary, with GV-09 Locking forearms and RG-63 Counter PRME legs. Fitted with Frost visor. Ray wears INFILTRATOR pattern [combat skin] primary, with Contoured SHRD forearms and Contoured legs. Fitted with Recruit visor. Note that [exploratores] have considerable latitude in adjusting their permutation specifics on a mission-by-mission basis.[28] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started|D=05|M=03|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started}} |
(Possible Catalog) Jiralhanae -us suffix question
Detailed information on Jiralhanae personal naming practices is currently held in inaccessible cores. However, the suffix "-um" is only recorded for those personnel affiliated with the Rh'tol skein.[29] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=(Possible Catalog) Jiralhanae -us suffix question|D=25|M=01|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#(Possible Catalog) Jiralhanae -us suffix question}} |
CF: Chatternet - That's Armor, Eh?
[AFFIDAVIT] Participant answers that != Set(['Prefect ','Helioskrill']) are [contradictio in adjecto].[30] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=CF: Chatternet - That's Armor, Eh?|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#CF: Chatternet - That's Armor, Eh?}} |
Do odst still exist?
The Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST) and various non-augmented special forces units remain active as of 2558. User Grizzlei's analysis of the their role and operational niche is accurate.[31] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Do odst still exist?|D=11|M=11|Y=2020|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Do odst still exist?}} |
Notations and clarifications
The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100%
Query Answer: |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100%|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100%}} |
Catalog Discussion - Harvest
Quote: If Harvest is also a Shield World, it has not been officially stated, nor has there been any official discussion or fictional revelation as to there being a vast interior network or inner-hub.
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Discussion(Catalog Info thread)|D=18|M=04|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Catalog Discussion - Harvest}} |
Catalog Interaction
Temporary link established. Temporal frame of reference update requested. Due to heavy caseload, responses to queries may be delayed this [week].[34] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=28|M=02|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Catalog Interaction 2}} |
Current date
Temporary link established.
Query Answer: High-priority tasks preempt processing of any secondary queries. Background processing of queries continues, with next [data drop] scheduled in approximately [72 hours]. Due to extensive backlog of secondary queries, answers will be selective.
17th March 2558 Clarification: Current date does not advance in [lockstep] with Erde-Tyrene solar days.[35] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=28|M=02|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Current date}} |
Is there an actual name for Vergil?
Query Answer: [breakpoint] [frumentarii] core cyberintrusion result found. |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Is there an actual name for Vergil?|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Is there an actual name for Vergil?}} |
Team Saber KIA clarification
Clarification: Status was changed from [MIA] to [KIA] [September, 2553] due to lack of any [sign of life].[21] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=12|M=04|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Team Saber KIA clarification}} |
Halo: Nightfall script
Clarification: Paul T. Scheuring wrote the [historical account] in consultation with 434 Combat Readiness Lab (Hostile Environment Division) [re: Halo: Nightfall].[37] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Official Halo: Nightfall DISCUSSION|D=28|M=02|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Halo: Nightfall script}} |
Catalog Discussion - Killing characters
[corpora delicti][38] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=25|M=11|Y=2020|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Catalog Discussion - Killing characters}} |
Catalog Discussion - Queries
Note that volume of queries is not problematic, as long as it's understood that limited [bandwidth] is available, and technical details are best presented in other [channels].[39] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=26|M=10|Y=2020|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Catalog Discussion - Queries}} |
Humorous posts
Though Catalog's posts generally have a serious, in-universe tone, the account user(s) occasionally make fourth wall-breaking jokes.
Can I skip Kilo 5
Query Answer: Processing request to bypass following information archives:
Halo: Glasslands Permission denied.[40] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Can I skip Kilo 5}} |
Agent Locke origin theory
This was posted on a thread suggesting that Jameson Locke could be the son of Avery Johnson. It refers to a common (and often mocked) medical warning that erectile dysfunction pills may induce "an erection lasting longer than four hours"; "Johnson" is a slang term for the penis.
Query Answer: If Locke Johnson persists for more than four hours, consult a medical professional.[41] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Agent Locke origin theory|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Agent Locke origin theory}} |
What species crashed on Installation 04?
This comment was posted in response to a forum user who jokingly suggested that the unidentified alien vessel from Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary's terminals was not built by "dogs, cats, or certain bears" on account of its slipspace capability. "Ursus sapiens" is Latin for "wise bear".
Query Answer: No known Tier 2 species matching suggested morphology [re: ursus sapiens].[42] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=What species crashed on Installation 04?|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#What species crashed on Installation 04?}} |
Catalog Interaction
This query was posted by former Halopedia administrator Grizzlei. The tone and content reflect the non-canon, tongue-in-cheek background of the FOTUS armor from Halo 4.
Quote: "Does the state of Washington still exist as an entity of the United Republic of North America, and if so, is there finally a Starbucks location on every street corner?"
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=10|M=09|Y=2015|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Catalog Interaction 3}} |
The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100%
The user is referring to the Didact's purported appearance in Halo: Escalation Issue #9 based on the cover art; Catalog indicates that the Didact will indeed appear in the issue. This has since been confirmed with Issue 9's release.
[keepalive] {{Quote|Quote: I've been saying it since that cover released, and I'll say it again: no way the Didact is making an appearance. I would bet my Halo collection that the cover is a reference to the final confrontation with the Didact at the end of Halo 4. Note: Catalog has researched multiple Human [flea market] agents who will shortly be of use to you.[43] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100%|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100%}} |
The post refers to Catalog's posting delays due to the Gamescom gaming event; the coordinates mark the location of Cologne, Germany, where Gamescom is held.
Interaction difficulties traced to distortions located at [50°57′N 6°58′E] on Erde-Tyrene.[23] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Catalog Interaction|D=13|M=04|Y=2016|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Cologne}} |
Canonical consistency issues in H2A/cutscene
Incorrect. [juris et de jure] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=Canonical consistency issues in H2A/cutscene|D=29|M=12|Y=2019|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#Canonical consistency issues in H2A/cutscene}} |
I hate 343...
The original post is a lampoon of the myriad anti-343 Industries threads found on the Halo Waypoint forums. Catalog's reply is a play on the "I see what you did there" meme.
just thought in light of everything I would try and lighten the mood." I have detected, assessed, and recorded what you have done here.[44] |
{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint Forums|Page=I hate 343...|D=14|M=05|Y=2021|LocalArchive=Catalog/Archive/2014#I hate 343...}} |
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, John-117 + Miranda Keyes? (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Questions about Reach datapads and flood. (Retrieved on Nov 27, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Mantle's Approach Size (Retrieved on Nov 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Whats the new SPARTAM-II's armor? (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Query: Catalog(old) (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Query: Catalog(old) (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Query: Catalog(old) (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, N'tho 'Sraom and Usze 'Taham (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, ONI and The Flood (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, John-117 is no longer blue leader (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Discussion (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Who made up Red Team Omega? (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, I wish 343i would of done more with Gek Lhar (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Sep 11, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Sep 11, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Sep 10, 2015) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ a b Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Sep 10, 2015) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ a b c Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Oct 21, 2018) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Sep 12, 2015) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Apr 12, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ a b Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Apr 12, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Apr 13, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ a b Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Apr 13, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Apr 13, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Reality of Halo: Plasma (Retrieved on May 11, 2021) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, How Did Valhalla Get to Requiem? (Retrieved on Aug 3, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Halo 5 Truth (Retrieved on Aug 3, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ a b c Halo Waypoint Forums, Canon Fodder 1-15-15: Just Getting Started (Retrieved on Mar 5, 2021) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, (Possible Catalog) Jiralhanae -us suffix question (Retrieved on Jan 25, 2016) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, CF: Chatternet - That's Armor, Eh? (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Do odst still exist? (Retrieved on Nov 11, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100% (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Discussion(Catalog Info thread) (Retrieved on Apr 18, 2021) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint, Is there an actual name for Vergil? (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Official Halo: Nightfall DISCUSSION (Retrieved on Feb 28, 2021) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Nov 25, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Oct 26, 2020) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Catalog Interaction (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, Agent Locke origin theory (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, What species crashed on Installation 04? (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, The Didact's Speech- Catalog Confirms 100% (Retrieved on Dec 29, 2019) [local archive] [external archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint Forums, I hate 343... (Retrieved on May 14, 2021) [local archive] [external archive]