
Unggoy Bouncer

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An Unggoy Bouncer in Halo Infinite.


Armored bodyguard






Unggoy clans


Unggoy Bouncers are a special class of Unggoy that serve the Banished.


Roles and responsibilities

Unggoy bouncers are a role available only by special appointment. Captains, enforcers, and warlords can make use of Unggoy to essentially function as an armored bodyguard, protecting the clan's leaders and assets. They have no equal among the other Unggoy of the Banished, but are always at the mercy of their commander and typically never given other authority aside from what they have been assigned. The position of bouncer is both the greatest risk and holds the greatest prestige of any Unggoy role within the Banished, requiring only those willing to lay down their lives and guaranteeing sacrifices with ample remunerations for those in the bouncer's family. Because of this bouncers are held in high esteem by those on Balaho, both for the peril they embrace and their wealth.[2]


Bouncers wear the same ultra-class combat harnesses as standard Unggoy ultras, and are also equipped with energy shields and Disruptors. Like other Unggoy, they carry plasma grenades.[1]


Halo Infinite

Bouncers always wield Disruptors and have shields, half as strong as an Elite Mercenary's. They should not be underestimated, especially when encountered in groups, as mass Disruptor fire can easily trigger its shock effect. Bouncers are not affected by the grappleshot's voltaic upgrade. They will keep their shields deactivated while not engaged, and quickly turn them on when they sense danger.



List of appearances
