Xalanyn = Endless?

Xalanyn is a another name of endless.

Came here to say this as well. It certainly seems like this is their species' name, as told in a Banished audio log: Archaeological Findings #3, Xalanyn; Despondant Pyre: "How could this have happened? How could we not known of this till now? Xalanyn. A species previously uncatalogued. Xalanyn. A problem that must be solved. Did my makers know of them? How could they have kept this from me? I have requested council. Soon, I will know how to proceed." --The Ragin Pagan (talk) 09:51, December 12, 2021 (EST)
    • You're probably right. However, it still hasn't been outright confirmed, so personally, I'd be cautious. For all we know, the Xalanyn and the Endless could be separate species that both survived Halos' firing. The purpose of the Xalanyn being mentioned in the audio logs might have been foreshadowing to establish what the Forerunner remnants did to species that survived the Halo rings. -- MisterRandom2 (talk) 15:30, December 13, 2021 (EST)
      • I'm very much on the side of MisterRandom2 here. Xalanyn and Endless were never mentioned in the same line. In fact, if you take the time to revisit all of Harbinger's dialogues, you notice a pattern. She sometimes talks about "we" and sometimes about "they". It is my understanding that "we" always refers to the Xalanyn. Every time she talks about the Endless, she uses "they". But there is just no line where she says "WE are the Endless". So, as for now, it seems to me that they are not the same. Probably more like the Xalanyn are the new Prophets and the Endless something like the new "great journey"/Flood. Anyways, until we got absolute confirmation, the article should be written in a way that leaves the option of 2 different fractions open. -- 02:59, January 3, 2022 (EST)

When were they imprisoned?

Doesn't the legendary ending suggest that the Xalanyn were imprisoned before/as Offensive Bias was being deployed, i.e. before the war ended? or am I misunderstanding something? --Marenello1159 (talk) 04:46, December 13, 2021 (EST)

  • They were imprisoned after the Halo rings were fired. The legendary ending gives the exact year, which takes place after the Halos were fired. Also Offensive Bias is known to have survived the Flood War, so there's no reason he couldn't be deployed again. --MisterRandom2 (talk) 15:26, December 13, 2021 (EST)