Help:Social widgets

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Revision as of 18:36, August 23, 2018 by CIA391 (talk | contribs) (This can be heavily improved upon but it does the job atm.)
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Social media boxes are boxes that hold social media information designed to appear on several pages.



How to add

Discord Widget

To add your Discord to you user page, use the following code:


And make sure to replace DISCORDSERVERID with your Server ID found under "Widget" in the "Server Settings" area on your discord.

Make this the first line of your user page and it won't bump down your text.

For example, here's how to display Halopedia's discord:



If you want your discord floated to the right, use this code on your user page:


If you want your discord widget to be a certain size and use a dark theme you can use the following:

<discord width="350" height="500" theme="dark">258355019781242883</discord>

Changing the "width" and "height" to whatever you want.

Twitter widget

To add your Twitter to you user page, use the following code:


And make sure to replace TWITTERNAME with your Twitter handle.

Make this the first line of your user page and it won't bump down your text.

For example, here's how to display Halopedia's discord:



If you want your twitter floated to the right, use this code on your user page:


If you want your twitter widget to be a certain size and use a dark theme you can use the following:

<twitter width="350" height="500" theme="dark">TWITTERNAME</twitter>

Changing the "width" and "height" to whatever you want.

If you want to link a specific tweet itself, use the following code.


And make sure to replace TWEETID with the twitter post id found in the url of the tweet.

For example, here's how to display Halopedia's first tweet:



See also