Talk:Halo Wars Demo

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Revision as of 07:03, November 8, 2009 by halowikia>PX173
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In Reference to the "Mistakes"

Most of the "mistakes" should not be considered as such as they were most likely put there purpousefully. Everyone who knows anything about the Halo series will realize that some of these "mistakes" were put in there to make the units more balanced and fair. For instance: Yes the Mark IV armor did not have energy shields, however, if the spartans did not have shields and were just tougher they would die a lot easier and it would be harder to use them. And as for the ODST squad fitting into one HEV pod, once again, the tactical view point comes into play. Ensemble isn't going to make single ODST units just so that the HEV will make sense with the game and books. There is no reason to. Some things will not be canon or for that matter, even make any real sense, in this game simply so that the game would make since from a tactical view point. There is a complete and total difference between a "neural implant" and an AI. Considering that a SPARTAN can dent solid metal with a regular punch, I'm pretty sure that with the Mark IV armor they could very easily pick up and use a Machine Gun turret. Those "SMGs" are actually just the cut-down version of the MA5 series rifles, as for the tracking thing, you do know that SPARTANS can actually use their own skill with guns. The "glassing" would be a ridiculous idea. Think about it. Do you have any proof that the RPGs used aren't exactly what it says and aren't the SPANKRs we know and love?

Pretty much they're also in the full game. I'd just like to ask, why is it on the Demo article and not in the full game's article? You make the demo look bad. PX173 12:03, November 8, 2009 (UTC)

How do you call in Spirit dropships?

I've been trying to call ship support but all it does is glass the planet. Anyone know? Template:Signatures/Joem25 19:03, 16 February 2009 (UTC)