Hunt the Truth Season 1/Twitter

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< Hunt the Truth Season 1
Revision as of 18:42, June 14, 2015 by CIA391 (talk | contribs) (Added the ONI takeover of the Sapien Sunrise account.)
Twitter Image 1

An image of an access card for Deon Govender's boxing gym. This image was created and published for the Hunt the Truth audio drama, by one of several ARG Twitter accounts created under the alias of Benjamin Giraud. The account only posted one tweet, containing an imgur link to this image.

Twitter Image 2

An image of Benjamin Giraud's call with Michael Sullivan. This image was created and published for the Hunt the Truth audio drama, by one of several ARG Twitter accounts created under the alias of Benjamin Giraud. The account only posted one tweet, containing an imgur link to this image. The account was later deleted, and no archives are available. However, the account's legitimacy is verifiable as per this post.

Twitter Image 3


Translation: NOTICE

All conversations and public actions are subject to monitoring and recording.

Any recording can be used as evidence for criminal research in accordance with UEG laws.

19.224.124, 19.224.126, 25.12.2

SapianSunrise Twitter Handle

Avatar Images

One of several profile pictures used by the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. This image was later replaced by Office of Naval Intelligence branding, once the account was taken over by ONI authorities in the story. One of several profile pictures used by the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. This image was later replaced by Office of Naval Intelligence branding, once the account was taken over by ONI authorities in the story. One of several profile pictures used by the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. This image was later replaced by Office of Naval Intelligence branding, once the account was taken over by ONI authorities in the story. An official Office of Naval Intelligence notice posted on the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account profile picture, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign.

One of several profile banners used by the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. This image was later replaced by Office of Naval Intelligence branding, once the account was taken over by ONI authorities in the story. One of several profile banners used by the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. This image was later replaced by Office of Naval Intelligence branding, once the account was taken over by ONI authorities in the story.


Profile description: SAPIEN SUNRISE represents a new dawn for humanity, standing up to the weak-willed politics of these sympathizers. DOWN with the Covenant - HUMANITY united.

1st Post: SAPIEN SUNRISE represents a new dawn for humanity, standing up to the weak-willed politics of Covie sympathizers.

2nd Post: STAND UP against the weak-willed politics of Covie sympathizers.

ONI Takeover


An official Office of Naval Intelligence notice posted on the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account profile picture, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign.

An official Office of Naval Intelligence notice posted on the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account profile banner, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign.


An official Office of Naval Intelligence notice posted on the Sapien Sunrise ARG Twitter account, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign.


ONI Post: This account has been seized by the UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence in accordance with protocol and a warrant obtained by the UNSC.

SapianSunrise Posters

An official Sapien Sunrise poster, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. Multiple posters were sent to Halo community figures to upload on their personal Twitter pages, and later retweeted by the official Sapien Sunrise ARG account. HtT-Twitterposter2.png HtT-Twitterposter3.png An official Sapien Sunrise poster, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. Multiple posters were sent to Halo community figures to upload on their personal Twitter pages, and later retweeted by the official Sapien Sunrise ARG account. An official Sapien Sunrise poster, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. Multiple posters were sent to Halo community figures to upload on their personal Twitter pages, and later retweeted by the official Sapien Sunrise ARG account. An official Sapien Sunrise poster, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. Multiple posters were sent to Halo community figures to upload on their personal Twitter pages, and later retweeted by the official Sapien Sunrise ARG account. This one was posted directly by the official ARG account. An official Sapien Sunrise poster, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. Multiple posters were sent to Halo community figures to upload on their personal Twitter pages, and later retweeted by the official Sapien Sunrise ARG account. This one was posted directly by the official ARG account. An official Sapien Sunrise poster, created for the Hunt the Truth ARG campaign. Multiple posters were sent to Halo community figures to upload on their personal Twitter pages, and later retweeted by the official Sapien Sunrise ARG account. This one was posted directly by the official ARG account.

Xbox tumblr1.png Xbox tumblr2.png