Corpse humping, widely known as teabagging, refers to the act of repeatedly crouching while standing over the dead "body" of a killed enemy, intended to mimic a sexual act. Online players teabag most frequently as a victory dance to insult and aggravate the victim. Doing so, however, can distract the performer from their surroundings, leaving them open to death from another player or the victim (after having respawned).
The crouching action was originally created for the purpose of avoiding getting hit or to hide, but online players mostly use the crouching feature for corpse humping. An alternative to corpse humping could be meleeing or shooting (given that one is not using an explosive weapon, or one with limited ammo) the body, just after the victim was killed.
The action of teabagging or corpse humping (albeit without a corpse) is also sometimes performed to egg on opposing players; in these situations, the crouching player is effectively saying "come and get me," with the intent that the opposing player will come closer and be killed.
- In Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST, Bungie included a "dead reflex" so when a player teabags the head of a dead opponent, the opponent's head moves up to the player's crotch. In contrast, Halo 2's reflex was only to move up and down, while in Halo: Combat Evolved, there was no change or head movement whatsoever.
- After the Prophet of Truth is killed in Halo 3, his corpse can be teabagged. Doing this will cause him to fall through the platform he is on. The player can still see him under the platform but cannot reach him. If you kill the two Elite Combat Forms on the platform and teabag them, their corpses will also fall through the platform.
- In Halo 4, projecting a hologram onto a corpse will cause the hologram to hump it.[1] Similarly, the Mantis bipedal walker is capable of crouching, much like an unarmored SPARTAN; while this maneuver's usefulness is somewhat negated by the Mantis' large size, the motion allows the player to corpse-hump dead opponents while still driving the vehicle.
A Bungie-made avatar depicting corpse humping.