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Victory Lap

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Template:Level Infobox Template:Article Quote Victory Lap is the fifth chapter of Spartan Ops' seventh episode, Invasion.[1]





  • Miller: “Okay, we’ve got the ship on lockdown, the guns firing, and the Engine Room secure. Time to clean up the stragglers, Crimson.”

Promethean Crawlers and Watchers teleport into Aft Weapons Control.

  • Miller: “Crawlers! Inbound!”
  • Miller: “Clear the areas of bad guys and move on.”

Infinity PA: “Alert: Hull breach on multiple decks. Five percent incursion rate. Secure decks, please indicate status to Infinity Ops immediately.”

Promethean Knights teleport in.

  • Miller: “Knights! Watch out!”

Crimson defeats the Prometheans.

  • Miller: “Let’s get out in the halls and clear them as well.”

Crimson moves out into the hallways and engages Covenant forces, including a Sangheili Zealot.

Infinity PA: “Spartan Fireteam Lancer, please report to transflight nineteen dash seven for reinforcement of Fireteam Crimson.”

  • Roland: “Spartan Miller, there’s another admittedly pitiful attempt to get back into the Server Room.”
  • Miller: “Crimson, let’s go show our friends why that’s a bad idea. Give ‘em hell, Crimson!”

Crimson enters the Server Room, which is occupied by Prometheans.

  • Miller: “Crawlers inbound!”

Knights attack.

  • Miller: “Knights! Watch out!”

Knight Battlewagons appear.

  • Miller: “Oh man! Knights!”

Once all the Prometheans in the Server Room are defeated:

  • Miller: “Back out in the halls, Crimson! Head towards the hangar.”

Crimson exits the Server Room and heads to the hangar.

  • Miller: “Crimson, open those doors to get access to the hangar hallway.”

Crimson enters the hangar hallway and engage the Promethean and Covenant forces present.

Hunters enter the fray:

  • Miller: “Hunters!”

Once the hallway is secure:

  • Miller: “See? Nothing to worry about. Get back to the hangar bay, and confirm lockdown.”

Crimson proceeds through another door and battle more Covenant and Prometheans on the other side.

Infinity PA: “Attention, all crew: After action procedures should not be initiated until Condition Yellow status is confirmed.”

Crimson arrives at the hangar bay. A Promethean Knight Commander is amongst the enemy forces present.

Once the hangar is clear:

  • Miller: “All quiet. Crimson wins the day.”
  • Roland: (starts to speak) “Spartan-”
  • Miller: (not hearing Roland) “Excellent work as ever, Spartans.”
  • Roland: (shouts)Spartan Miller!!!
  • Miller: “What is it, Rol-? Hunters!!”
  • Roland: “Lots of ‘em!!”

Two loading docks rise up from below deck, revealing an assortment of enemies, including no fewer than six Hunters.

  • Miller: “Crimson, I know this looks nuts but you can do this!”
  • Roland: “They can??”

Crimson engages the Hunters. Despite the overwhelming odds, the Spartans defeat the enemy forces:

  • Miller: “That was something else, Crimson!”
  • Roland: “Even for Spartans, the enthusiasm for shooting things was... impressive.”
  • Miller: “That’s that, Crimson. You got that corner of Infinity secured. Great work. We’re gonna win this thing yet.”


Level ends


Victory Lap marks the first time Covenant forces are seen using Promethean Weaponry. This may imply that the Covenant onboard the ship are running out of weapons and ammo.
