The company logo of Optican.

"Need immediate medical assistance? Choose Optican! Fast, accurate diagnosis, or your money back."

Optican is a human company that produces health supplies.[1]


Optican produces a wide variety of medical equipment, including test instruments such as eye charts.[2]


MediGel is a topical healing agent produced by Optican. It is advanced enough to heal various kinds of wounds, from blunt trauma to plasma burns.[1][3] Every pack of MediGel has a five-step instruction sheet on how to apply the gel:

  1. Clean area around the wound before applying gel.
  2. Dispense gel by pressing button below.
  3. Rub gel into wounded area for 30 seconds.
  4. Gel will heal most wounds within 5 minutes of application.
  5. If wound is not healed within specified time seek medical help.

MediGel is similar to UNSC biofoam. They both have healing properties and are used in cases where medics are not available. Unlike biofoam, however MediGel does not pack or put pressure on the wound. Also, being a civilian product, it is likely that MediGel does not cause the initial pain that biofoam does. Biofoam is injected or sprayed into wounds, whilst Medigel is rubbed onto a wound, bruise or burn.

Health packs

Optican health packs are portable MediGel containers, and can be used to replenish the health of the user in an emergency situation.

First aid stations

First aid stations are fixed terminals with two sockets for health packs. There were many of these stations in the city of New Mombasa during 2552. They promise to give an accurate diagnosis, or refund the customer. UNSC military personnel were able to access the first aid stations without paying any sort of fee. This could be because the Superintendent, New Mombasa's custodial AI, had unlocked all the stations so the soldiers could access them, or perhaps because the stations were designed to automatically dispense for free in case of a state of emergency.


Statenizol is a recently developed, mood-settling drug produced by Optican.[4]


Optican also produces wheelchairs, which are used at medical centers and hospitals such as the New Alexandria Hospital[5]


  • Optican was first featured in the I Love Bees alternate reality game, and later much, much more prominently in Halo 3: ODST.
  • According to the traits given to describe Optican MediGel, it appears as though it serves as an advanced version of the modern-day Bactine.
  • According to an ad of theirs, Optican had more outlets in Africa on Earth than any other healthcare provider. This is likely a joke referring to the oddly large number of Optican first aid stations scattered throughout New Mombasa in Halo 3: ODST.
  • The following note was sent to the UNSC personnel stationed in Mombasa during the Battle of Mombasa: ATTENTION ALL UNSC PERSONNEL: Due to the ongoing evacuation efforts all health care personnel have been relocated to the Mombasa Quays area until which time they can be disembarked on outbound sea craft. In the unlikely event that you become separated from your unit or cannot contact a medic look for one of the many Optican™ MediGel™ First Aid stations around the city.
  • The product Statenizol appears to have been named after Bungie employee Joseph Staten.


List of appearances
