Template:New Content Template:Weapon Infobox The Z-110 Directed Energy Pistol/Exotic,[1] commonly known as the Boltshot, is a Forerunner energy channel weapon.


The Boltshot came into use after the end of the first century of the Forerunner-Flood war and remained a staple weapon for the rest of the war. Functioning as a close-range precision weapon, it can disintegrate organic matter.[1] The weapon is a particle dilator and also has a burst function at close range.[2]

Design details

The weapon possesses an angular design and a metallic casing. It appears to be held together almost entirely by energy fields as indicated by its self-assembly process and reloading mechanics. Orange highlights can be seen while the weapon is self-assembling and throughout the casing once assembly is complete; these highlights grow brighter when the weapon is fired. When the weapon's trigger is held, four flaps extend from the side of the weapon, activating its burst function. The flaps glow brighter as the weapon generates energy for its burst function and retract after the bolt has been released.[3]

Combat Capabilities

The Boltshot has a rather high rate of fire, decent accuracy, and is capable of headshots. However, it does not have enough rounds in one magazine to kill in the hands of an inexperienced user. One would have to empty an entire magazine into a target to drop its shields, reload, and then kill them with a headshot. Also, the primary firing mode can be useful against unshielded foes in campaign, and is very useful against Crawlers due to this and its sheer abundance among their numbers. Headshots are somewhat difficult to land in comparison to the M6H Magnum due to the Boltshots lack of a scope feature, but the fact that it has headshot capabilities makes it effective against Grunts, Crawlers, Jackals, and unshielded Elites, especially on higher difficulties.

Holding the trigger will charge the Boltshot to use its close-range secondary function which is often referred to as Burst-Mode, it unleashes a single burst that releases five of the ten shots simultaneously (which can be fatal when used against shielded enemies at close range). The negative aspect of the secondary fire is that it takes exactly four seconds to charge; rendering the user defenseless. If the player wishes to cancel the charging secondary fire, the trigger can be released after one or two seconds; returning the weapon to its primary function which also prevents the waste of any ammunition. However, if the user releases the trigger after only three seconds, the secondary function will still fire; often catching enemies off guard who believe that they are familiar with the Boltshot's capabilities. Burst-Mode can still be used if the weapon has just under one of the five required bolts; inflicting the same amount of damage as a burst with all five bolts. The secondary function is useful in gametypes such as Regicide in order to deplete the overshields of a king or to clear crowded zones in King of the Hill. A useful tactic for Boltshot users is to have the Dexterity equipped. Decreasing the reloading time of the weapon will make it easier to reload in order to use Burst-Mode more frequently.


List of Appearances
