Talk:Antonio Silva

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Revision as of 06:19, September 19, 2009 by halowikia>Kajex Firedrake (→‎Silva's Marines)
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Silva's Marines

On page 134 of Halo: The Flood, Major Silva said 2 of his ODSTs were killed by John-117. The three trainers on page 71 of Halo: The Fall of Reach mentioned by Dr Halsey were different. You'll notice she said "Our first day back", meaning on Reach, not on the Atlas. Then you'll notice she said "accidentally". Just a note for the dispute. əґыţєґιιб TALK CONTRIBUTIONS AWARDS

It was on the Atlas - Ch. 7 The Fall of Reach, when John-117 went to the gym figuring out what was wrong with it. The ODSTs walked in, then attempted to beat up John-117. A sergeant walked in, ordered them to the ring to fight, which ended by Mendez' appearance. It makes no mention who the sergeant is, nor whom the ODSTs belonged to. However, the sergeant figured out who John-117 actually was. TlhIngan 09:01, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
Wow. This guy sounds like an asshat. I need to read me summa these novels.--Kajex Firedrake 10:19, September 19, 2009 (UTC)