Requiem (level)/Walkthrough

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Template:Walkthrough Infobox

This is a walkthrough for the Halo 4 campaign level Requiem. It is written for play at the Legendary difficulty, but contains notes for lower difficulties. Like the previous level, you do not have any allies who accompany you. It is important to note that as this walkthrough at the Legendary difficulty, all strengths of enemies reflected are at the Legendary level.

Requiem (Rally Point Alpha)

Crashing within a Wreckage is my Job

Welcome to Requiem. Reload your assault rifle and your magnum. There are plenty of weapons for you to choose around the wreckage. Right in front of you, there are two dead Grunts, one of them with a Fuel Rod Gun. Inside a cylinder-shaped object, there is another dead Grunt with a Fuel Rod Gun. To your right, there is a weapon box with additional assault rifle and magnum ammo on the ground. The wreckage near that weapon box contains a dead Elite and a single SAW. If you followed the path on the left, there is a dying Grunt. Further on, right before you enter the crevice, there are two Covenant carbines next to a Covenant terminal. Take what you need, and move on. Head through the cave, stare at the Forerunner spires in awe, and move on to the Warthogs. In far side of the wreckage, there is a weapon box with Battle rifles, Assault rifles, and Magnum. On Legendary, take the aforementioned SAW and a Battle Rifle. Get in a Warthog and start driving. If you are playing this level near midnight, feel free to get the Midnight Launch achievement.

After some driving, you will reach an open valley with three Phantoms. Park the Warthog near the canyon entrance's left wall, and take out your Battle Rifle. Aim for the two Grunts in the outpost closest to you, because as soon as they spot you, one of the Grunts will immediately head for the Ghost parked under the Sniper tower. Second priority should be the Elite, who will also head for the Ghost if it's close to the vehicle. Watch out for the Phantoms' fire as they fly over you. If one of the Covenant troops successfully got on the Ghost, get on the Warthog's turret and destroy it. Take out the Jackals last.

Head for the small encampment to the right, and kill the Sniper in the tower. Mop up the rest of the Grunts, but watch out for one of them, who is wielding a Fuel Rod Gun. There are three or so Grunts underneath the hill you are on, so take them out too. The last encampment consists of a single Elite with a Concussion rifle, a Jackal Sniper on the tower, several Grunts (one of them on a Plasma cannon), and a few Jackals. Slowly take them out with your Battle Rifle, since all of their weapons, except for the Plasma cannon, cannot reach you. If your Battle rifle runs out of ammo, there is Covenant supply case under the second encampment's sniper tower that contains Covenant Carbine for you to use. If you use them up too, to your left, under the hill, there is two supply cases, one of them with another four Carbines. Once you take all of them out from long range, move on. Since you haven't use any of your SAW's ammo, take it out, because there is a Zealot coming up. Since the Zealot is wielding a Concussion rifle, it wouldn't dare to use it in close range. Fortunately, the SAW is highly effective in close range. Stay close so you can hurt him, but far enough that he couldn't melee you. Move on into the cave, where there are three Grunts patrolling you. One of them wields a Fuel Rod Gun, so take it if your SAW ran out of ammo. If your SAW still has an extra magazine, keep the SAW.

No Beach Landing, No Desert, Just the Cartographer

After the going through the cave, you have reached the Gate.

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