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Template:Character Infobox Forthencho, the Lord of Admirals, was a human senior naval officer who served during the Human-Forerunner War circa 109,000 BCE.[1]


Human-Forerunner War

"Once, we were one great race, united in power and concerted in our goals..."
— Forthencho reminiscing humanity's age of flourish.[2]
Forthencho and his guards surrendering to the Didact.

As a high-ranking officer in the prehistoric human empire, Forthencho often found himself at odds with Yprin Yprikushma‎, humanity's Political and Morale Commander. He disputed Yprikushma's conclusion that Earth was humanity's original homeworld, having visited many worlds with ruins of a yet earlier human civilization preceding a technological dark age and believing that humanity's origins would be elsewhere. He also viewed Yprikushma's decision to bring the Primordial to Charum Hakkor as a grave mistake, arguing that the truths revealed by the Primordial in the subsequent interrogations demoralized humanity, contributing to their ultimate defeat against the Forerunners.[3] During humanity's conflict with the Flood and their simultaneous war with the Forerunners, he attempted in vain to convince the human government to draw the Flood back into the galaxy as a weapon against the Forerunners. Ultimately, he was overruled by Yprin Yprikushma and remained bitter about the decision seeing the Flood could have been humanity's best hope of prolonging the war.

As humanity fell back to their capital world Charum Hakkor, Forthencho commanded the forces protecting the planet, gaining an intimate understanding of the Didact's tactics and strategy in the process of countering his constant assaults over the course of the final battle;[4] he ironically stated that "no lover ever felt [his] attentions so fiercely."[5] He later noted that despite his animosity toward Forerunners, he felt a deep respect for his main opponent. He also encountered the Didact personally at some point before humanity's ultimate defeat after his flagship was seized by Forerunner forces.[6] Eventually, he and the other surviving human forces were pushed back to Charum Hakkor's citadel. As the final planetary defenses collapsed and their defeat became certain, the survivors stripped their uniforms in an effort to conceal their ranks from the Forerunners in the face of inevitable capture. This failed, as the Didact was able to locate him immediately from amongst the thousands of the human survivors been rounded up in the citadel.[7]

Meeting his defeated opponent in person, the Didact addressed Forthencho as a fellow warrior, showing respect at his tenacity and reassuring him about the future, explaining that the Librarian would have use for their memories on how they defeated the Flood when the parasite would inevitably reappear in the galaxy. As such, Forthencho and the other humans would have their minds archived, to be imprinted into the genetic code of future generations of humans so that the supposed secret to defeating the Flood may be recovered at some point. Forthencho and the others were then scanned by the Composer, killing their physical selves but storing their memories and consciousnesses.[7]


"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
— Forthencho's consciousness, first awakening within Chakas.[8]

Over nine thousand years after his death, Forthencho's archived personality was implanted in the genetic material of a human known as Chakas via the Librarian's special geas. His memories began to surface in Chakas' mind after the young human witnessed the destruction of Charum Hakkor's Precursor artifacts and learned of the the relocation of the Primordial, and his consciousness fully awakened after Chakas had crash-landed on Installation 07. Slowly becoming aware of his predicament and gaining strength within Chakas' mind, Forthencho would occasionally comment on the events around him, using his knowledge to enlighten Chakas on things beyond his understanding and often showing disappointment at how far humanity had fallen from their former glory. At one point, Chakas allowed Forthencho to take control of his body in order to converse with Yprin Yprikushma, whose consciousness was carried by another human known as Riser.[9]

After being captured by Mendicant Bias, the rampant ancilla in control of the Halo, Forthencho's imprint was removed from Chakas and placed into a monitor shell; the same procedure was done to many other humans who also carried archived human memories. Mendicant Bias promised the ancient humans revenge on the Forerunners, if their former carriers cooperated with it in saving the Halo from an impending collision with a planet. Forthencho expressed enthusiasm about the prospect, giving a rousing speech to his resurrected comrades and planning that after saving the Halo, they could use it and Mendicant's vast resources to strike against the Forerunners. Chakas was hesitant to comply with this, even outright refusing, but Forthencho lied to Mendicant Bias that he had accepted.[10]

The plan ultimately failed as the Didact's fleet retook Installation 07 soon after. Forthencho's imprint, along with many others, was eventually reunited with Chakas as his mind was used to create the monitor known as 343 Guilty Spark. While Chakas was still undergoing the conversion process, Forthencho's consciousness accompanied him and the Didact as the latter interrogated the Primordial. Forthencho continued to exist within 343 Guilty Spark for the next 100,000 years; as one of the fragments of the monitor was being interrogated by a UNSC science team, Forthencho even managed to temporarily subsume the main data stream derived from Chakas' consciousness.[11]

Physical appearance and attire

Forthencho during the early stages of the Human-Forerunner war.
A younger Forthencho during humanity's conflict with the Flood.

Forthencho was dark-skinned[12] and large in stature. He had broad shoulders; muscled, powerful arms and large hands with patches of hair, and a flat, broad head with a large square jaw.[13]

When represented as a hologram after his personality imprint was extracted from Chakas, he appeared wearing the traditional uniform of high-ranking human fleet commanders of his time, including a rounded helmet covering all but the forehead and the ears, a short coat worn over armor plating with a wide belt secured just below the chest. The uniform also included form-fitting pants and a bulky codpiece, which seemed "more than a little exaggerated" to Chakas.[14]


Considering his title, its likely that he was the ancient human equivalent to the modern title of Chief of Naval Operations or the more senior Chairman of the Security Council used by the United Nations Space Command.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 53
  2. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 99
  3. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 237
  4. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 327-328
  5. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 86
  6. ^ Halo 4, Terminals
  7. ^ a b Halo: Primordium, page 234-235
  8. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 52
  9. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 225
  10. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 301-312
  11. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 231-342
  12. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 236
  13. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 301
  14. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 302