Red Dot
If anyone's wondering about the red dot (there's been some talk), see this. - DefeatingLine 10:02, 6 May 2012 (EDT)
List of Apperance
On the main page for Thursday War in the character portion it is marked that Serin Osman is mentioned only in the book but in the preview she is in a number of pages can someone fix that? I would but I don't know how and rather not screw it up trying to. TLLorax 02:15, 4 September 2012 (EDT) Figured it out so that previous post was a waste of time. TLLorax 03:33, 4 September 2012 (EDT)
Reading now/Summary
Just to let everyone know, I bought the book and will be putting together a plot in the upcoming days/weeks just to help get something up faster compared to Glasslands. Hopefully I'll be shorter compared to my last effort. Anyone else got the novel?--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:43, 2 October 2012 (EDT)