Anders,Halsey/Timeline Fanon

After crunching the numbers it looks like Anders would have worked under/for Halsey around 2528 at 25 yrs old, finishing her Masters in Theoretical Xenobiology or similar doctrine till 2530 a 2yr stunt. I'm guessing Halsey had her pulled from school, and asked to join ONI for her expertise. She could have helped Halsey with major chunks of the Covenant research. In Halseys journal November 3 2525 she writes about Harvest and first contact and the Cov't. This would have been the only way i can see time wise and realistically Anders could have built such a strong understanding of Cov't knowledge tech social symbols. It slides into the timeline from Genesis and her falling out with Halsey and her later abduction in 2531 under Halsey's recommendation. the only think that throws a wrench in this is the one freaking text bubble from Genesis where the officer says "We've known about them for some time." it implies that Anders has no previous knowledge about them, thought she could be playing dumb or the officer doesn't know of Anders stunt under Halsey because of the secrecy of Halsey's work. I guess i am wondering if that works or not because i am trying to connect the dots of cannon but their are huge gaps in halo wars to the Halo series. —This unsigned comment was made by RussellofSwinhart (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~