Flying Elephant

Revision as of 08:49, June 2, 2008 by Subtank (talk | contribs)

Template:Ratings There are two methods to this glitch, the first being the more painstaking.

Method One

To complete this glitch you need to go to Forge on Sandtrap. once you spawn, go into forge mode and spawn a scorpion tank. take it to one of the elephants and line the front of scorpion with the back of the elephant. go forward and if done correctly, the Scorpion will be inside the Elephant. go up and there you go! a flying elephant. you can take it all across the map. for more fun, flip it upside down and get at least 3 people on it. once everyone is one, flip it. It might kill you and them but it will count as a splatter! Try it out some time.

Method Two

To do this glitch alternatively, first remove all fusion coils from the Sandtrap map via Edit mode on Forge. Then, inside of an Elephant, spawn every single Fusion Coil and Plasma Battery possible, preferably in the back area. Take care in this part, for every explosive must have it's options set to IMMEDIATE RESPAWN, or the glitch will not work.Then spawn a Hornet, jump in, and let loose with every weapon in your arsenal! First, the Elephant will buck from the missiles, but with the fusion coils instantly respawning, the force of the explosion will start to carry it skyward. Once the Elephant clears enough ground to begin orbit, it will NOT come down! The Elephant flies around the entire map, and the debris rains down to all parts of the map.


This glitch is extremely fun, but can cause extreme lag if coupled with other explosions, such as multiple trip mines.

It is also possible to put a closed drop pod inside the control room and use it to carry the Elephant across the map, although you cannot carry it into the minefield.