Lighter Than Some

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Template:Covenant Character Infobox Lighter Than Some was a Huragok onboard the missionary ship Minor Transgression in the Epsilon Indi System, near Harvest, during the 23rd Age of Doubt. Unlike other Huragok, who normally keep to themselves, Lighter Than Some approached Dadab and made a "Hello!" gesture to him repeatedly until he understood, creating the beginning of their friendship. After he and the Unggoy Deacon, Dadab were rescued by the Brute Leader Maccabeus' ship, Rapid Conversion, Maccabeus put Lighter Than Some in charge of his ships repairs, the job previously held by the Drones. His pacifistic nature eventually led to his death when he was discovered helping the UNSC forces evacuate Harvest.

After he and the Unggoy Deacon, Dadab were rescued by the Brute Leader Maccabeus' ship, Rapid Conversion, Maccabeus put Lighter Than Some in charge of his ships repairs, the job previously held by the Drones. During his time on Rapid Conversion he designed and built the Chopper out of spare parts from a broken Spirit dropship and Rapid Conversion. He did so with the intention of presenting it to the humans as an offering, as penance for the death of Henry Gibson, only to have his creation of peace perverted into a machine of war.


It was in the aftermath of the failed meeting in the gardens that Maccabeus pressed the Drones into combat service. In order to return to their former duties aboard Rapid Conversion the Drones came to the conclusion that their usurper, Lighter Than Some, must die. It was after the extent of his betrayal came to light their wish was granted. So it was in the Tiara that several Drones tore him to ribbons. It was in his sorrow that Dadab gunned them down to avenge Lighter Than Some.


  • According to Huragok designation schemes, Lighter Than Some's name literally means that upon inital completion he was more bouyant than other Huragok. [1]
