Talk:Gravity cannon

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Revision as of 14:52, April 7, 2010 by Vegerot (talk | contribs)


Fixed the horrible spelling and grammar on this. Mostly non-canon, or speculative.


Can't be sure but I'm 90% postive that on all difficulty levels both cannons can be fired, this line contradicts this - "Only one can fire at a time." Any thoughts?


The part where it says that the covenant never saw a monitor is false. In halo contact harvest, they find a monitor, and start the entire war over what it said.


It's noted in this that the weapons probably didn't come for research on the Dreadnought, because the Dreadnought was to quote "De-weaponized". This doesn't mean they got rid of the weapons mearly that they aren't in the Dreadnought any more perhaps making them even easier to study?

That Geek 10:05, 18 February 2009 (UTC)

A way to learn more about this weapon

We might be able to learn a lot more about this weapons if someone who owns the PC version can do 1 thing. Can someone Mod the game so they can ride in the chair and mess around with it to see what it does.Thank you taking time to listen to my post! 18:52, April 7, 2010 (UTC)!!