AIE-486H machine gun

Revision as of 18:24, May 15, 2007 by Grizzlei (talk | contribs)


The AIE-486H Heavy Machinegun is a support class weapon used by the United Nations Space Command.


The AIE-486H or more commonly the Machine Gun Turret is a portable or stationary gun. When carried, the player uses two hands. Template:WepList


The turret is capable of automatic fire. It has an infinite ammo capacity while stationary and has 200 rounds when it is mobilized. It is set up in certain areas at the beginning of the game in its stationary mode.

Once on it, you can press "B" to detach turret and use it as a chaingun. Once detached, the player will appear in a third-person view which will make the player using the weapon less accurate and slower.

It has been shown to only spawn on Valhalla and above the gate on High Ground.

File:Halo3 High-Ground-1stperson-01med.jpg
HUD Screenshot of a Spartan wielding the AIE-468H HMGin Halo 3.


  • This is one of two current third-person view weapons. The other is the Missile Pod.
  • This weapon belongs to a new class known as "Support Weapons."