Covenant Bomb

Revision as of 15:30, February 15, 2007 by (talk)


Master Chief is seen arming the bomb

The Covenant use an Anti-Matter Bomb (similiar to the tactical nukes in the UNSC) to take down large structures or targets. The bomb is about 2 meters long 1 meter high and is covered in large spikes that keep the bomb in place. These bombs are equipped with timers on their detonators and contain anti-matter. Anti-matter is extremely unstable, any contact between unstablized anti-matter and normal matter causes an instant, massive explosion of energy.

It is a larger version of the Anti-Matter Charge. The Covenant carry these on their ships, likely for use by the ship Rangers. They are capable of destrotying entire ships, if planted correctly, or stations, such as the MAC stations above Earth. If placed near a reactor, the bomb is even capable of destroying an Assault Carrier, though an assault carrier would be easier due to the fact that it is hollow.