On Coagulation (Level), set the game type to just rockets. Then, have some people ride in a Warthog to the hill that is completely covered in shadows. Have one person stay in the warthog and the other people home rockets onto the hog, but instead of firing the at the vehicle, fire off to the side a little bit so that you don't hit the warthog. The rocket will keep going in a ring around the warthog. You can fire as many rockets as you want to make a bunche of them circle the vehicle. Eventually, the rockets will disappear. If the person in the warthog is in the passenger seat, he cannot get out until the rockets dissapear or someone else gets in. When you look at the flying rockets you will notice someting peculiar. The rocket is aimed directly at the hog but it goes around in circles. Also, if you get into the path of the rocket, it will pass right through you. If the person in the hogs drives away, the rockets will follow him, but they will probably disappear and not hit him. If the person in the hog gets out while he is still parked on him, the rockets may come after him.

Why this Works

This phenomenon takes place because a rocket that is homed on somthing can only take turns that aren't very tight. This causes the rockets to circle the hog if they are shot at the right place. This trick can be preformed with any other vehicle in any other level, as long is it is in a high point so that the rockets do not hit the ground.