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Halo Wars 2 credits


Not on My Watch



Halo Wars 2


Major Vaughan


May 1, 2559


Installation 00


Halopedia doesn't currently have a walkthrough for this level; could you write one?


Template:Article Quote Gatecrashers is the thirteenth campaign level in Halo Wars 2, and the first one of the expansion Operation: SPEARBREAKER.




One month after the destruction of Enduring Conviction and Halo launch

NORTH SPIRE, 0247 Hours

One of the drones spots some cloaking devices around North Spire but the drones suffers signal interference from it.

  • Recon Controller: "O'Sullivan, our drones have found something. Take a look."
  • O'Sullivan: "Some kind of cloak. I can't make out that thing. Switch to vis-feed 24, high angle."

Upon switching to vis-feed 24 with high angle, O'Sullivan spots Banished Engineers on the site.

  • O'Sullivan: "Banished Engineers. Alert the captain. Whatever they're doing, we need to get down there, fast."
  • COMMS Officer: "Vaughan, you and Boomerang Company are good to go."
  • Major Vaughan: "Acknowledged, Spirit of Fire. And how DO we go, Helljumpers?"
  • Warrant Officer Quinn: "We go feet first!"

Five pods of ODST are deployed from Spirit of Fire. A logo of 343 Industries and Creative Assembly appear.

Landing at the site, Vaughan's unit are ready to scout ahead.

  • Quinn: "And THAT makes two-hundred drops!"
  • Vaughan: "I'll bake you a cake when we get back, Quinn. In the meantime, we need a visual on what the Banished are up to."
  • Quinn: "The enemy operation site is dead ahead, but there's some kind of cloaking field in the way."

Quinn raises the binocular and the distance is around 1.8 miles to the destination ahead.

  • Vaughan: "To disable that cloaking field, we're going to need more info about what's going on here. Spirit of Fire says the Banished could be using Forerunner tech to hide their operation down there. Let's go see if they're right."

At distances of 1.2 miles, there is more Banished activity.

  • Vaughan: "Time for a tour, Helljumpers."

Mission Briefing



Mission Summary

Disable the cloaking field to expose the Banished operation site.

Scouting Report

Vaughan's ODST Troops are armed with EMP ordinance to neutralize Sentinels.


  • COMMS OFFICER 1: "Boomerang Company, this is Spirit of Fire. The Captain has authorized India Company to reinforce your team."
  • Major Vaughan: "Roger that, Spirit of Fire. Move out, Helljumpers, we're going to need those extra guns."


ODST start to roll out and shortly after their deployment, they spot a Controller Sentinel. Below the hills, a Banished unit engages it upon contact.

  • Quinn: "Vaughan, head up. We've got a new flavor of Sentinel."
  • Vaughan: "We can expect the same kind of hospitality. Let the Banished handle it for now."

Advancing ahead, two squads of Banished infantry are attempting to flee from India Company Hellbringers that are pursuing them.

  • Vaughan: "We've got hostiles!"

Trapping the Banished forces and defeating them, Hellbringers rejoins Boomerang Company.

  • India Hellbringers: "India Company here, sir! We spread out on the way down, didn't want to give the Banished too big a target."
  • Vaughan: "Good call. Keep those flamers ready, you're with us now, Hellbringers."

Advancing ahead, they encountered a Controller Sentinel pinning down Marines on the Garrison.

  • Vaughan: "Friendlies up ahead, they've pinned down by one of those new Sentinels!"

The unit try to attack it from front but it's shielded while the back are exposed.

  • Vaughan: "It's unshielded in the back, hit it from behind!"

While engaging the Sentinel, two Wolverines join in and attack it from behind, destroying it.

  • India Wolverines: "India Company Wolverines here, ready to lend a hand!"
  • Vaughan: "Sentinel down. Saddle up, Wolverines, you're coming with us."

After regrouping, they start to advance again.

  • Vaughan: "Keep an eye out for anything that could help us figure out what the Banished are up to."

Continue advancing, they find a teleporter and a Banished Silo ahead. They destroy the silo while powering up the teleporter.

  • Quinn: "Got eyes on a teleporter."
  • Vaughan: "Looks like the only way forward, start it up."

Reaching the device, the teleporter starts charging up.

  • Quinn: "Teleporter's charging up, Vaughan."

While powering up the teleporter, a Hologram projects Jiralhanae Warlord giving speech to the Banished.

  • Warlord: "...will answer to Atriox! Next, Colony has new orders for us."

On one of the sites, several Controller Sentinels are defending it.

  • Warlord: "Our Engineers have activated the cloaking field over our operation site using the nearby control towers. Our orders are to hold fast and stop the Controller Sentinels from taking back the Control Towers."

One of the control towers controlled by Banished can be seen.

  • Warlord: "The cloaking field must remain activated to keep our operation hidden from the humans. We have reports of possible human activity nearby. They must not breach the cloaking fields."

A Controller Sentinel is approaching to attack the Hologram.

  • Warlord: "Failure will not be tolerated."
  • Vaughan: "Quick, while it's distracted by the hologram. Hit it from behind!"

Destroying it, Sunray 1-1 are waiting for the teleporter to finish powered up.

  • Vaughan: "That's one more Controller Sentinel taken care of."
  • Quinn: "Spirit of Fire's authorized Holo-Decoy packages for us in case we run into more."
  • Vaughan: "You can count on it, Quinn; we've seen how protective the Sentinels are around here. We're going to need to take those control towers to deactivate the cloaking field."

After a while, the teleporter is activated.

  • Vaughan: "Teleporter's active, let's go."

When teleported down, they spot a Banished base and a Controller Sentinel engaging the Banished troops around the base.

  • Quinn: "Controller up ahead."
  • Vaughan: "It must be protecting a control tower nearby. Let's take it down while it's focused on the Banished."

While Controller Sentinel destroys the Banished's base, Vaughan and India Company are destroying it from behind.

  • Vaughan: "Area clear. Let's capture that control tower and call in a base drop. The Banished know we're here now, so we're going to need backup."

While waiting for Condor to deliver the base, Sunray 1-1 recon the area that has two control tower near their base site.

Once the base construction has been completed

  • Quinn: "We've got our base."
  • Vaughan: "Let's start building an army. We're going to need it."

They start capturing one of the Control Towers and once done, one of the section start to power up in blue color.

  • Quinn: "We've got activity. Scanning now. Pretty clear connection. The control towers are providing power for the cloaking field."
  • Vaughan: "Once we take the rest of the control towers we'll be able to shut off the cloaking field and find out what the Banished are hiding from us."

One of the Controller Sentinels start heading towards the captured control tower.

  • Quinn: "You were right, the Controllers don't like us messing with their towers."
  • Vaughan: "Activate a Holo-Decoy to keep it distracted!

Deploying Holo-Decoy, the holograms distract the Controller Sentinel again while Sunray 1-1 and Wolverines destroy it from the rear.

  • Quinn: "Vaughan, I'm receiving a faint friendly comms signal."
  • India Wolverines: "Can anyone receive us? This is India Company, 2nd Wolverines. We're being held by the Banished. I repeat..."
  • Quinn: "Sounds like India Company still has troops out there. More firepower would come in handy."
  • Vaughan: "Keep an eye out for them, but we have to make the nodes our priority."

Jackrabbit goes to scout ahead and finds Skitterers ahead.

  • Quinn: "Vaughan, we've got new Banished units on the field. Some kind of small mech, resembles a Locust."

Assembling an army, Sunray 1-1 start advancing to capture nodes, while Jackrabbits go through Banished units and discover a Banished bases northeast and southeast of their position. A Goliath is seen defending it and the Jackrabbits make a hasty retreat.

  • Quinn: "Whoa, what the heck is that?"
  • Vaughan: "Some kind of Hunter. But bigger than any one I've ever seen. We need some anti-infantry, on the double!"

Near control tower B, the Banished are fighting Aggressor Sentinels and UNSC eliminates both of them.

  • Quinn: "Whatever the Banished are up to, it's got the Sentinels on high alert."
  • Vaughan: "It's got to be something major. The Sentinels aren't going to stop until it is over. Be ready for more skirmishes with them."

Once control tower B is captured, a Controller Sentinel heads towards it.

  • Quinn: "We've got a Sentinel on the way, weapons ready!"

Upon approaching the Banished base that was not scouted by Jackrabbits earlier, another Goliath is seen defending it.

  • Vaughan: "It's another one of those Hunters, take it down!"
  • Quinn: "You know, I like my aliens to be a lot less alien!"

When attacking the base, the UNSC also kills the Goliath defending it.

  • Vaughan: "Whatever that was, it's down."

Upon destroying it, another projector appears and it visuals the Warlord once again.

  • Warlord: "Humans! I know you're out there, and I know you're listening. I have a message from Colony for you! Your meddling is useless. Cease now, and we will make your death quick. Persist, and your suffering will be long and painful."
  • Quinn: "Sounds to me like we're on the right track."

They then hear from an India Company Nightingale and a five minute countdown is started.

  • India Nightingale: "I'm under fire from the enemy, I need backup!"

UNSC quickly regroups and gpes to the isolated Nightingale. They spot a Controller Sentinel on the way and it remains stationary near the compound.

  • Vaughan: "Heads up, we've got a Controller Sentinel in the area."

Upon reaching Nightingale, some Banished infantry are engaging it.

  • India Nightingale: "Is anyone going to help me out here? I'm a sitting duck!"
  • Vaughan: "Take out those hostiles!"

UNSC then defends Nightingale for a minute while a battle breaks out between Banished and Sentinels between Control tower C and D.

Once the timer is up, the India Company Nightingale is moved to the player's command with bonus one rank veterancy.

After rescuing the Nightingale, the UNSC goes to the base that was scouted by Jackrabbit earlier to destroy it before the Banished take control of the Control Tower. Upon engaging, Colony finally makes an appearance.

  • Colony: "Humans. We will end you. We will bring finality."
  • Quinn: "What was that?"
  • Vaughan: "I don't know. And i don't like now knowing. Stay alert."

Capturing another Control Tower after the Banished's base is destroyed, another Controller Sentinel approaches it.

  • Quinn: "We've got a Sentinel on the way, weapons ready!"

The UNSC starts to capture another Control Tower while searching for Banished stragglers. Once captured, another Controller Sentinel approaches it.

  • Quinn: "We've got a Sentinel on the way, weapons ready!"

After destroying the Sentinel, the UNSC discoveres the India Wolverines that are held captive and frees them.

  • India Wolverines: "Thanks for the assist. We're yours and ready for payback."

Advancing further, they spot another Controller Sentinel that was defending the cloaked area.

  • Vaughan: "Watch it, team. We've got a Controller Sentinel nearby."

Once the last Control Tower is captured, the terminals come online and the last Controller Sentinel heads towards the last control tower.

  • Quinn: "The towers are all ours. From the intel we've gathered, it looks like we just need to access one last terminal to shut down the field. I've marked that terminal's location on the map."
  • Vaughan: "Let's move."

Approaching the terminals, they start to talk.

  • Quinn: "Wait, Vaughan. We've seen the Sentinel response to taking the control towers. So, what do you think they'll do when we shut down that field?"
  • Vaughan: "We don't have a choice, we have to get through there. Let's make sure we 've got a large enough force ready to defend when we shut that thing down."

Activating the terminal, the field is decloaked and a Retriever Sentinel is on the lightbridge.

  • Quinn: "Here they come! And they've got a Retriever Sentinel! Think they sent enough of them?"
  • Vaughan: "Buckle up, Helljumpers. Focus on the Retriever, hit it hard!"

Sunray 1-1 starts fighting the Retriever Sentinel. When its health reaches 66% percent, the Sentinel calls in Sentinel Swarms.

  • 'Quinn: "We need to fall back! It's calling in a Sentinel Swarm!"

UNSC quickly retreats outside the Sentinel Swarm's range and the Retriever starts being healed.

  • Vaughan: "Quinn, the Retriever's being repaired by those drones. Any ideas?"
  • Quinn: "They seem to be coordinated by the bigger ones! Target the Aggressor Sentinels!"

Some Aggressor Sentinels approaching UNSC are destroyed immediately upon contact and the Sentinel Swarm disperses.

  • Vaughan: "That's it. Re-engage the Retriever, but watch out for the swarm!"

The battle resumes, and some Protector Sentinels assist the Retriever. When its health reaches 50%, the Retriever calls another swarm.

  • Quinn: "Vaughan, it's calling in another Swarm!"

UNSC retreats once the Sentinel Swarms arrives. The Aggressor Sentinels also engage Sunray 1-1.

  • Quinn: "Okay, here come the Aggressors again!"

If Sunray 1-1 approaches the Retriever with the Swarm active.

  • Vaughan: "The Swarm is coming right at us!"

Sunray 1-1 quickly defeats the Aggressor Sentinels and the Swarm disperses again.

  • Vaughan: "The Retriever's our main target, focus all fire on it!"

The battle resumes and some Protector Sentinels approach Sunray 1-1 but are quickly defeated. When the Retriever's health reaches 25%, the Sentinel calls the final swarm.

  • Quinn: "Swarm incoming!"
  • Vaughan: "We're nearly there, team! One more push!"

Sunray 1-1 retreats from its range once the Swarm arrives once again.

  • Vaughan: "Fall back and watch for those Aggressors!"

Once the Aggressors are destroyed, the Swarm disperses again and Sunray 1-1 continues engaging it.

  • Vaughan: "Weapons free! Disable the Retriever!"

Once the Retriever has been defeated, the Comms Officer shows the view inside.

  • COMMS OFFICER 2: "We're receiving the feed now. Forerunner. Looks like that a ship? The Banished have taken control of a ship!"


Several squads of ODSTs, two Scorpion Tanks and a Warthog regroup on the terminal while Sunray 1-1 head to the lightbridge.

  • Quinn: "That's bad news."
  • Vaughan: "If they can get the ship off the Ark, they'll be able to call in reinforcements. Then we'll be drowning in Brutes."

A Hornet flys by while two Wolverines, a Cyclops and two Marines arrive on the scene.

  • Quinn: "That's a visual I didn't need. Let's get in there and make sure that doesn't happen."

Mission Complete

Level ends

Troops deployment

  • Vaughan's Unit
    • ODSTs (Hero Unit)
    • 2000 Supplies
    • 600 Power
  • India Company
    • 2 Hellbringers
    • 5 Wolverines (3 captured)
    • 2 Marines
    • 1 Nightingale (Isolated)

Leader Power

  • Restoration Drones I, II and III
  • Scatter Bomb I and II
  • Bunker Drop I and II
  • Remote Sensors I
  • ODST Drop I
  • Pelican Transport I and II
  • Mech Overcharge I and II
  • Grizzly Battalion I



  • One Controller Sentinel is always sent to a control tower when the player gains control of it, but it won't happen if you choose to destroy the Controller first before capturing the control tower.
  • The Retriever Sentinel in this mission possess an energy shield, unlike at the level The Halo, where the Retriever Sentinel is unshielded.


  • A rear attack is the best solution for dealing with Controller Sentinels. Have one unit act as distraction and have Anti-Air units attack it from rear.
    • It is recommended to use the holo-decoy to create a horde of your units since Sentinels often focus on the holo-decoys first.
  • The Grizzly Battalion is recommended for this mission due to heavy damage, but beware of population consumption.
  • Nightingales plays critical roles when fighting Retriever Sentinels; always bring at least two Nightingales to keep healing your troops.


Preceded by
Halo Wars 2 credits
Halo Wars 2 campaign levels
Succeeded by
Not on My Watch