Sankar AI
Biographical information

Began service:

after October 28, 2558



Political and military information


United Nations Space Command


"I tumbled backwards and out of the shattered window. My body turned towards the ground as earth rushed up to meet me. And then I… died."
— The AI struggles reconciling her own identity from that of Maya Sankar in her infancy as she recalls Maya's last memories.

This unidentified AI is a "smart" artificial intelligence construct created from the scanning and replication of the neural pathways of Maya Sankar, an Office of Naval Intelligence Section Three agent. On October 28, 2558, agent Sankar, while investigating anomalous occurrences on Laika III, was killed by Bostwick, a member of the New Colonial Alliance. Sankar's brain was recovered and deemed an excellent candidate for AI assimilation. The AI was interviewed about recent events in Maya's life, including her manipulation of Benjamin Giraud, work with Mshak Moradi, and ultimately and of most importance, her knowledge of and encounters with a Guardian and the devastation caused by one.

List of appearances