Installation 02
General overview


Oceans with outcroppings of rock for terrain[1]


Within the Milky Way

Operation overview


Halo Installation


Galactic sterilization/Flood containment and research

Date of construction:

Before c. 100,000 BCE


Deactivated from Installation 00 as of December 2552


Installation 02, also known as Epsilon Halo[2], is one of the seven rings that comprise the Halo Array. The environment is water-based with rocky outcroppings and large ice floes.[1]


Installation 02 was one of the six, 10,000-kilometer-wide Halo rings constructed at Installation 00, the second Ark. These Halos were an improvement over a previous array of twelve larger rings built at the greater Ark.[3]


In 2552, during the Battle of Installation 05, a signal was sent to this Installation from Installation 05, putting it on standby mode. A readout from Installation 05's Control Room showed that Installation 02 was fully prepared to fire on demand.[4]


A more comprehensive readout was later observed in the Installation 00, showing the inner ring to be covered in water, or some form of blue rocks. During the Battle of Installation 00 by Thel 'Vadam, John-117 and the Prophet of Truth, it once again displayed that Installation 02 was on standby mode, being prepared to receive the signal to fire.[5] However, John-117 deactivated all the Installations before they could be fired.


The surface of this installation is similar to Ganymede's surface.


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b Halo Encyclopedia, page 174
  2. ^ Halo 3 Texture files: halo_inner_ring
  3. ^ Halo: Cryptum, page 329
  4. ^ Halo 2, campaign level The Great Journey
  5. ^ Halo 3, campaign level The Covenant